XVI. What? The Demon King attacked someone at night?

"I'm exhausted, I'm tired, and I burned a bunch of blue, and my salary is still gone ......" Back at the rental house, the little devil king threw her sister in her arms towards the sofa

once, and then leaned down beside the other party and sat down.  "Ooo ......" It seems that the yào medicine still has the effect of numbing the tongue, the limp Eiya

    still couldn't say anything, and could only babble in protest against her sister's rough bào dong work.  Although it was said that Erolu helped

Although Erolu helped break down the residual yào in Eeya's body with her magic, there was no way to fix the effects that had been produced ...... It was estimated that she was unlikely to return to normal until tomorrow morning

    It is unlikely that she will return to normal.  One might ask, how come a certain demon king, who obviously dotes on her sister so much, didn't transfer these problems to herself this time?

The reason for this is because Erolu is angry.  and he has to teach her a lesson for disobeying her brother. Anyway, it's already been established that

there were no side effects, so letting her go soft for one night

    It would be a lesson.  The actual fact that Eiya is so well behaved and soft, the little devil would like to bully her more.

    The other woman ...... would otherwise be the same bratty Pimpiro again when she recovered.  "Thirsty, said this drink is Xiao Ya you bought, right? I'll have some ......" said Erolu, picking up the open but untouched bottle of drink on the table and tonned down most of it.

    Eiya panicked a little, widened her own eyes and kept babbling. The bottle of drink was bought by Lei Wu and brought back by Yuhi Jiaqi as his own.

    It was brought back as a piece of his own ...... "It tastes a little weird ...... hmm? You want to drink it too? Then I'll give you some." Misunderstanding her sister's

Her sister's meaning, Erolu also fed her sister a few sips by the way.  Eiya wanted to struggle, but she was completely defenseless and could only

I'll take Xiao Ya to take a bath .......

    I don't know if you're staying here tonight. But there doesn't seem to be much room ......" After taking a break, His Highness picked Eeya up again in a princess hug and said to

    The two boys who were whispering to one side asked.  "No no, I'll die if I sleep with you ...... I'll be back to school later

    School." The two of them had spent a lot of time together when they were kids, and some of their habits were a bit uninspiring.  Although

    I'd like to sleep with my little loli, but as I've said before, Eru has a habit of sleeping with things beside her.

    He had a habit of holding things around him when he slept.  As a child, when she spent the night with her, more than once she had her head in her arms while she was sleeping.

    The way Erolu hugged him was so fierce that it almost killed him.

    To be honest, Jia Qi's comment about sleeping with Erolu for the night was at best a spur of the moment and a bit of a buzz ...... After all, this girl did leave a psychological shadow on him.

"Then remember to take a taxi, don't walk back ......," said yuhi, and then The Devil King didn't say anything. After a glance at Yuhi, she then

carried a certain silver-haired loli who was still babbling there towards the bathroom ...... Then again, how to teach Xiao Ya a good lesson? While thinking about how to teach her sister

a certain dirty loli suddenly remembered the day when Yuhi had taught herself a lesson in the bathroom.

    The day Yuhi taught himself a lesson in the bathroom.  

    The little devil king shook his head hard to get rid of the messy thoughts out of his mind.  "Say why didn't the road brat ask you?"

Looking at the two sisters' backs, Jia Qi elbowed You Xi with some curiosity.  "It couldn't be that she has me in mind, could it?" Speaking of this

    There was a bit of provocative feeling in Jia Qi's tone.  "Fuck you, don't make trouble ......," You Xi slapped his partner hard on the

    back, "She knows I'm definitely staying, so there's no point in asking."  "Tsk ......," sniffed Jia Qi, letting out a defeated dog-like un

    resigned sound of smacking his lips.  "But even if you have your heart set on the Lu brats, Xiao Ya you'll have to pocket it ...... if you dare to have all the sisters...

    ." while saying, Jia Qi than a wipe the neck gesture.  "Don't worry, I'm single-minded about Lu-chan, little Eeya is cute, but

    not my cup of tea ......" Yuuhi immediately raised his hand in a swearing manner to express his dedication.  "But then again, could it be that

    you have a thing for little Eeya?"  "No ...... not at least not right now. I just think of her as a sister ......," Kaiki tapped his head, "

After all, Lu cub is my childhood friend and Xiao Ya is kind of my childhood friend, so it's normal to care, right?"  "And they're both silver-haired lollies now.

I don't know if you'll suddenly make a move on Xiao Ya, you silver-haired lolicon ......" -Split line - By the time Erolu came out of the bathroom with Eiya in her arms

By the time she came out of the bathroom, Jia Qi had already left and only Yuuhi was on the flattened couch tending to the preparations for the sleepover.  "Lu-chan...

    . can you, like, be a little more reserved like a girl?" After seeing the outfit Erolu was wearing, Yuhi consciously looked away, one hand

    covering her face to show that she was speechless.  So you knew enough to put a nightgown on your sister before coming out, but why are you wearing a towel yourself?

    Ah! Do you still think you're a boy!  "Shy hell, it's not like you haven't seen ......" the little devil gave the other man a blank look of contempt

    The other day, he said, "You've already seen everything, why are you still pretending?"  He left Yuhi with a few words that made a well number appear in his head, and Eru carried his sister back to his room.

    He left the silver-haired boy alone in the living room, messing up.  "Don't move.

I'll use my magic to dry your body and hair. ......" After gently tidying her sister's hair, out of personal preference, Eru looked at her sister.

    After that, Erolu looked at the white tulle nightgown on the other woman, and by the way, put a pair of white knee socks and silk over-elbow gloves on Eeya.

    Eiya, who was unable to resist, had no choice but to let her sister manipulate her body. After changing into a black outfit of the same colour

    After changing into the same black outfit, Her Highness went out to do her business with the clothes she had prepared for Yuhi.  By the time she returned to her room again, it was almost

    time to go to bed. With the passage of time, Eiya was finally able to perform some simple actions.  "Sis ...... me ...... I'm having a hard time." Having easily regained her ability to speak, Eiya was feeling all hot and bothered at the moment, snuggling up to her sister and grinding restlessly against each other's body.  "What? What?" The little devil was immediately shocked and felt to check up the other's body with her forehead close to the other ...... then the result of the check

    The result made her whole person dumbfounded.  Wait? Why did she have another kind of yào in her body?Where did it come from? With the bloodline of a chimera in her body, Erolu

    Naturally, she was able to quickly distinguish the state of her sister and the type of yào in her body.  "Sister ......" with a hint of crying, Eeya heart

    The demon king had no choice but to use 'transfer' once more.  "Don't worry

    ~I'm a fierce demon lord, I can endure this problem~" facing Eeya's worried eyes, Erolu said not to worry - as an older brother

    I can't be underestimated by my sister.  furthermore she is a demon, broken bones themselves can not cry out in pain, but only a mere yào effect

    ...... moreover this aspect of things obviously the chimera is the big boss, with the chimera blood how could he be so easily defeated?  The

The time came to the second half of the night, is sleeping in the living room, You Xi suddenly felt a cold body, the quilt seems to be lifted by something.  Before he could

    Before he could react, he felt that something had gotten into his arms ...... and when he looked down, a little silver-haired loli was looking at him with pitiful

    baba eyes looking at him.  "Stupid Xi ...... help me ...... I can't ......" the words were tinged with sobs as a certain disgraced demon king restlessly

    grinding against the other's body ...... So it ...... comes with a price for bravado and big words.
