One hundred and two. Departure! To the spa! (Does that title sound familiar?)

The next afternoon, the little devil got up from his nap, unpacked his clothes and prepared to go out to meet up with his friends.

"Strange, Ya actually went out ......" as soon as he woke up, he found his old sister missing ...... His Highness the Demon King wondered while putting the other

After stuffing the swimsuit he bought for himself into his fanny pack, he took out the two hot spring tickets.

Although that silly girl had left a message saying that she had gone to River's house, and this side of the city is not the East Side, he or she was still quite worried - through the tele

After confirming over the phone that the other girl had indeed arrived at her destination, Eroku picked up his backpack and prepared to leave.

When he arrived at the door, the little devil put his ticket on the top of the shoe cabinet and picked out a pair of beautiful round toe shoes from the shoe cabinet ...... as long as the excuse was that he was going out since

The shoes can also be placed in the shoe cupboard in an open and fair manner.

But then again, Erolu noticed that she and Eiya were really similar in size - both in terms of clothes and shoes.

The girls are free to wear them interchangeably, without having to worry about size.

Her Royal Highness is wearing a very cute little black sleeveless dress today, the workmanship and fabric is quite exquisite and you can tell at a glance that it is not something

The dress is not cheap ...... of course she can't afford to buy this kind of dress, this one is actually her dear sister borrowed her to wear.

The hemline of this little black dress is just below the knee, with a

knee-length white stockings ...... Now Erolu is more like a pretty, sweet little princess than a demon king.

A certain Lori still seems to have some of the 'very right' ideas from her boyhood about the length of her skirt - the shorter the skirt, of course

The shorter the better.

"I will never wear a skirt that is above the knee!" That's what His Highness declared to his sister at the time ......

Although on the one hand because I think the short skirt looks good, but the main reason has been mentioned before ...... elu xingzi is more active and active, long skirts

It's too difficult for her to move around.

As for Eiya's question about safety trousers, here's how the little devil responded - "Safety trousers are the worst invention of mankind! I am the absolute

I would never wear them!"

Eiya didn't show any particular reaction to this - after all, her own sister used to be a boy ...... Anyway, when she wears more later on, the

She'll get it herself.

But Eiya seems to have forgotten that her dear stupid sister doesn't care about being naked at all ...... although being looked at directly

or pointing it out can be shy, but for the most part she still doesn't much care.

Putting on her shoes, the little devil looked into the mirror at the door and straightened her clothes and hair - today she hadn't tied any hair, a soft

She had no hair tied up today, her soft silver hair just cascading down her back ......

After fixing her appearance, Eru reached for her fanny pack and happily opened the door and walked out ......

At the bus stop not far from Eroku's house, Yuhi sat on a bench on the platform waiting for a certain loli to appear while looking at her hand

He was waiting for a certain loli to appear, while looking at a message on his mobile phone from his best friend.

Sorry, I'm not going to be there today because I've got something to do. I've given her my phone too, so take care of her - here's what it says on the phone

This was the message on the phone, and the content was exactly what Yuhi had expected.

"So it's true that little Lulo still failed ...... too, Lu-chan is such an argumentative person sometimes." Yuuki sighed, having typed so many

He could see perfectly well that this was just someone's way of saying excuses.

As is Road Boy's habit, whether to keep himself from worrying or to make a convincing statement - if indeed there

something going on, even if he can't go into detail, he'll make sure to give a general explanation of why ......

Yuhi's routine for his own nemesis was not so much like someone else's belly though

He has a good idea of what this otaku can do ...... like this 'I have something'

The actual fact is that you don't want to come, but you're too embarrassed to say anything.

"Stupid ~ Hee ~ how long have you been waiting?" The familiar cute voice sounded, and Yuhi felt his neck being grabbed from behind.

"Not long, you're pretty punctual ...... thought you'd oversleep." Putting away the phone, Yuhi smiled and turned around, smoothly

squeezing up the other girl's cute little face with both hands.

"I'm not that good at sleeping either, okay?" Taking two steps forward, the little devil sat naturally on his nemesis' lap - after all

This could even be described as her 'special seat'.

"How's that? I asked Sayaka to borrow this dress," Erolu tilted the back of his head back and rubbed his chest twice.

She asked her partner how she felt about her outfit.

"It's super cute... my little Luro is the best." Reaching her hands under her armpits, Yuuki tickled her like a prankster.


"No...... don't do that......," the ticklish Demon King giggled as she was teased by her opponent. Although squirming and struggling

struggled, but had absolutely no intention of leaving Yuushi's body.

"Well no more teasing, I just checked, the public jiāo we are waiting for will be coming soon ......" Yuushi took it in stride and didn't continue

The other side of the room was in the middle of the room.

"One more stop to go, I'm in luck~" looking at the message displayed on the other's phone, the little devil thought he was going to

to wait here for half an hour.

Because he was afraid that the girl would be bored waiting for the bus alone and he was not sure, Yuushi did not go directly to the destination, but deliberately spared a

He came to wait for the bus with her.

"Actually waiting is okay, we still have to sit for quite a long time, just afraid of getting on the bus without a seat to sit ......" shaking her head, Her Highness the Demon King said she

The actual fact is that you don't really like to take this kind of public jiāo.

After all, she is the type of person who is afraid to communicate with people, if not for being poor, she would rather take a taxi every time she travels, right?

And Yuhi could have paid for the fare and taken the two of them there by taxi. But Eroku was unwilling to do so, and refused to let her best friend break

The cost, again

She also couldn't afford to pay the fare herself, so the two of them ended up taking the bus together.

"Don't shake, I'm fixing your hair ......" Yu Xi smiled and knocked the girl's little head, continuing to help her fix her hair because of the tickling in front of her

The girl's hair was a bit messy because of the tickling in front of her.

"It's brother and sister, isn't it?"

"Both with white hair, I think?"

"But why do I feel like they look like a little couple?"

"Don't be silly, that girl is pretty, but look how old she is? Don't treat a good brother and sister like a couple, okay?"

The silver-haired duo, who were quite good looking, attracted the attention of many people at the station, and some of those waiting for the train also whispered

The discussion was most heated among a small group of high school students at .......

"Can't brother and sister be lovers? Have you never seen that ......"

"Shut up and ban orthopedics!" Several boys have grouped up to beat up the unlucky guy who just made a bad statement ......

The sound of the group's discussion was not loud, but it was loud enough to reach the two - Yuhi's face was full of embarrassment, while snuggled up to

The little devil in his arms had a slight blush tinting his face ......
