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"And that's how I messed up," I concluded, looking up at Hayley. My head rested on her lap, as she leaned against a tree. I heard her let out a deep sigh before she erupted into laughter. I sat up, facing her with a stern face. "I'm sorry...I'm sorry 'I am the weapon'?" I gently punched her arm, pouting in her direction.
"It was an in-the-moment thing alright?" I rolled my eyes standing up as my pocket began to buzz. I looked down at the illuminated screen, 'Allison'. Weird.
"Hey, Allison." I greeted, taken aback by her call.
"Hi, I'm with Lydia at the school and was planning to take a couple of pictures for the meet that's happening today. Do you maybe wanna tag along?" I turned to Hayley, her eyes lit up, knowing what Allison's and my conversation was about. She held her hands together pleading me, "Yeah sure Allison, I'm bringing the other Stilinski though." Once Allison agreed I hung up the call, as a very excited Hayley leaped up and down with joy.
"You don't even know where we are going." I stated walking in the direction of the school.
"Wherever you go, there's bound to be some supernatural mission." Hayley retorted.
"If that includes taking school photos, then yes. Supernatural mission." I countered.

We sat in the backseat, while Allison drove and Lydia was in charge of the music. Which frankly was a mistake. "Why are we driving instead of going on the bus with the others?" Hayley questioned leaning into the front. Lydia directed her gaze at Allison, raising her eyebrows. Allison looked in the rearview mirror, before opening her mouth to say something. "We're not taking school photos are we?" Allison's shoulder dropped at my words, Hayley leaning back into her seat.
"Alright no, we are not taking school photos, but am I too close?" Allison admitted, Hayley tilted her head to get a better view of the front.
"That depends. Are you following the bus or are you planning on MOUNTING it?" Hayley sarcastically responded. I realised Scott and Stiles were on the bus, along with Isaac. A sudden thought came to mind, I leaned in with Hayley into the front.
"Allison. Why are we following the bus?" Allison looked over her shoulders briefly.
"Scott didn't tell you?" I shook my head,
"He never tells me anything." I sighed.
"Isaac?" I looked back at her, taken aback. What did she know, that I didn't. Leaning back into my seat, I began to pick at my fingers.

"The two of them plus, Peter, Cora, Derek and Boyd ambushed Deucalion. It ended badly and Scott got hurt. So I'm just keeping an eye on him." A feeling of betrayal overwhelmed me, not only did Scott not trust me, Isaac and the Hale's too. I turned my gaze to the passing views, careful to let any emotion slip. I could begin to feel the stinging of my fingers as I continued to pick at them. I instantly stopped, she was keeping an eye on him but what about-
"You're keeping an eye on me too, that's why you invited me on this little road-trip." I accused my voice growing louder. Her grip on the steering wheel tightened, proving my accusation right. I glanced at her fuel tank, "Well unfortunately for you, this road-trip is coming to an end." I harshly shot back, falling back into my seat. Allison looked down, and let out an aggravated sigh.

I rested my head against the window, insanely bored and frustrated. Not only was I stuck in this car with Allison, but the car itself was stuck in traffic, which I assumed would take hours. The tension in this car continued to pile up, until a phone call shattered it. "Hey Stiles," Lydia announced, signalling to us all to be dead silent.
"Yeah, we were just about to walk into a movie." Lydia lied, I raised my brows at her depressing attempt of an excuse. Letting out a sigh Lydia held the phone up in the middle, as Stiles voice spoke through the speakers. Hayley and I shifted forward listening into Stiles, "Scott's still hurt." Allison furrowed her eyebrows, "What do you mean still? He's not healing?" She questioned with a tone of concern.
"No he's getting worse, his blood is turning black." Stiles reported.
"What's wrong with him?" Lydia asked, and to that was the classic sarcasm of Stiles.
"I don't- Do I have a PhD in lycanthropy?"
"Stiles, you have to get him to the rest stop a mile up. Tell coach to pull over." A wave of silence washed over the call.
"Colette? What are you doing here?" Stiles questioned.
"Good question, ask Allison." I retorted, glaring at the back of Allison's head. Stiles agreed that he would try and reason with coach, but in the meantime, we were stuck here. The tension returned as we all went back to our allocated seats. I caught a glimpse of Allison peering in the rearview mirror.
"Look I'm sorry that I'm making you feel like shit. But to be fair you can't blame me. You come into Beacon Hills, claiming you want a normal life while working for Deucalion the whole time." I shot her a look, as Hayley and Lydia turned to face me. My mouth hung open, my thoughts went back to when Isaac had told me that Allison helped send me home, and how everything was just between us three. As if realising her fault, she quickly turned around facing me,
"I-I didn't mean." I could feel my eyes tear up. I ignored her sudden apology, continuing to look out at the desert highway.

I assumed Stiles plan had worked, as the bus ended up at the rest stop, students pouring out of the bus in a herd. Allison had parked her car and we all rushed out, hurrying towards Scott and Stiles. Hayley and I hung back for a bit, giving the others space. "Whatever Allison said, I want you to know that I don't care. You would never intentionally hurt us, I know you. And when you're ready we'll talk." Hayley comforted, before walking off to her brother's side. All I could do was stay back, thinking to myself.
"That's where you're wrong, you don't know me."

The buzzing sound returned, a pressure squeezing my temples. I took a deep breath, hoping that would make it go away. The noises around me began to drown out, until I was left with the sound of my heartbeat. I could feel my body heat up, making me uncomfortable in my own skin. I rolled up my sleeves as I grew unnerved by the increasing heat. My breathing grew unsteady, as the pressure turned into a migraine. "Breathe, Colette just breathe." I tried telling myself but it was no use. A tug on my arm, pulled me out of whatever mental prison I was in. My heartbeat slowed down, and my breathing paced evenly. I looked up at the stranger, holding onto my arm.
"You okay?" Isaac asked, he's eyes brimmed with concern. I pursed my lips, the anger I carried before resurfacing. I pulled away my arm, looking away from him. To my surprise he just stood there. Not moving an inch. I gave a quick glance, eyeing him up and down. I turned away, wanting him to leave me alone. In defeat, I let my crossed arms fall. "I'm mad at you, let me be mad." I confessed, now just staring at the ground. Stiles began to approach us, and that was my cue to walk away.

I peaked into the bathroom, knowing that's where Scott and Allison were. "I'm trying!" Allison muttered through tears, still talking to whatever voice was in her head. I knelt down beside her, holding her hands steady. "Allison breathe, thread it through the needle." Her glassed eyes, looked at me in dismay, her lips quivering. I gave a small comforting smile, taking a deep breath. She copied my breathing and successfully threaded the needle through. I watched, as she began to stitch Scott's wound. By the end of it, she let out a relived sigh, "Scott?" She called out to my brother, I could hear her heartbeat quicken as worry painted over her expression. "Scott!" She tried again, this time demanding him to wake up. Her worry passed on to me, as I stared at my brother's motionless body. I leaned in trying to listen for his breathing, but it was no use. He was dead silent. Now my heartbeat quickened, with panic. As much as Scott hated me or didn't trust me, at the end of the day he was my brother. "Scott, please don't do this to me." I whispered. Allison continued to call out to him but it was no use. My fingertips buzzed with electricity, as my hands grew clammy. The thought of him dying clouded my thinking, I instantly grabbed his forearm, a current passing through me, "SCOTT!" my voice echoed. My brother jerked forward, gasping for air. He first saw Allison, then he turned and saw me. "Col?" His croaked, his body still weak. I fell forward hugging Scott, as I steadied my breathing.

I stepped out of the bathrooms, giving both Allison and my brother space. I walked into the clamouring of students as they all huddled around each other. I approached Hayley, who was running to my side. "It's Isaac." She started, I furrowed my brows as my mouth hung open, lost for words.
"My idiot of a brother told him about Scott and he went after Ethan." We both pushed and shoved through the crowd, making our way to the front. There on the ground was Ethan, his mouth covered in blood. Isaac had a fist full of Ethan's shirt and was continuing to repeatedly punch him in the jaw. From behind me Scott appeared, Coach tried to pull Isaac away from Ethan but it was no help. "ISAAC!" Scott screamed, everything and everyone went silent. Isaac slowly stood up and shamefully faced me and Scott. I looked at Scott, a faint glimmer shadowed over his eyes...And it was red. My heart fell to my stomach, as I pieced together the puzzle. "Two to go." They didn't mean Isaac and Boyd, they meant Derek and Scott.
