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A/N: brief mention of sh

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Over the summer break, I grew closer with Isaac and the Hales. Lydia was frequently with Allison, and Hayley I still haven't seen. Maybe it's because I'm scared to see her after all these years. "You have been lying there for god knows how long," Isaac whined from his desk. I turned on my side glaring at him sarcastically. Isaac has been staying with Derek for a while now, and I crash here a couple of times. Scott and I still haven't talked as much, and are still distant despite us being under the same roof. "Isaac, I am just exhausted." Isaac pulled his wheely chair towards the bed, resting his elbow on one of the pillows. My eyes glanced over his features, my cheeks warming into a light rose shade.

"Uh huh, exhausted." He replied with sarcasm. I glared at him, his blue eyes glinting with amusement. I turned on my back hoping he hadn't seen my stained cheeks, facing the ceiling again letting out an aggravated sigh. "Colette look, school's starting tomorrow, it will be your first day back. Do you want to see Hayley on good terms or awkwardly in the hallway?" I shot Isaac a stern look, as he spoke what I was thinking. I sat up from the bed, swinging my legs over the edge. I had landed in between Isaac, his knees on the side of my legs. He rested his hands on the edge of the bed beside me. A breath got caught in my throat, as Isaac's eyes glistened ever so slightly. Looking down I took a deep breath, taking control of my racing heartbeat.

"It was my fault, what I said-" I started, fiddling with my fingers in my hands.

"What you said how many years ago?" Isaac countered a small smirk appearing across his lips, lowering his head into my view. I accepted defeat, as I stood up, Isaac's chair wheeled backwards reaching for my bag. "Can you drive me?" I asked, debating whether or not this was a wise idea. Isaac beamed as he led me out of the house, my bag still in his hands.

"Do you want me to wait or..." Isaac questioned from the driver's seat. Fiddling with my thumbs I looked out at Hayley's front door. "It's fine, I'm gonna head home after this." I replied, anxiety curling up in me. I stepped out Isaac's car, walking up the pathway. I stood before the door, hesitating to knock on it. "Fuck." I cursed beneath my breath, I reached back up to knock on the door but a sound from beside the house startled me. I skipped down the porch steps, running over to the noise. There was a brunette, with long wavy hair, wearing a jumper and jeans. She had hopped over the fence from the Stilinski's backyard. "Hayl's?" I questioned. In response to her name she looked over at me. One look up and down gritting her teeth. She tried to walk past me but I pushed her back. "Hayley please." I reasoned.

"What brought you back to Beacon Hills Colette?" Hayley questioned irritably.

"Hayley, I'm sorry I left. I'm sorry about what I said!" I apologised sincerely. Emotions were releasing by the minute, sadness, guilt, regret.

"God Colette! We were kids, you leaving means nothing to me." Hayley began to walk towards me, shouting every word. I swallowed a lump that stuck in my throat, I couldn't face her. I looked down at my feet my breathing growing heavier by the second.

"I'm pissed because even though I reached out to you, when we were older, you still shut me out." Hayley whispered, her voice breaking towards the end. I couldn't describe to her how sorry I was, and so I stood there looking at her in silence. She took another look at me up and down, before storming off. Shoving me in the shoulders as she passed by.

"Yesterday didn't go so well, so I'm sticking it out alone today. Since I can't find you anywhere on school grounds." I left the third voicemail for Isaac today. A gut feeling churned within me, wondering whether or not the alpha pack had gotten to Isaac already. The starting bell interrupted my worrisome thoughts and I decided to just head to class. "Colette there you are." I turned facing Lydia Martin. Beside her was Allison, she gave me a small smile in which I returned. "What class do you have first up?"

"Uh, Biology I think." I answered, Lydia and Allison both had English together. Before we could make our way to class something caught Lydia's eyes. I followed the direction of her eye and I felt my breath hitch in my throat. Everything around me turned into a high pitched buzz as I felt my vision multiply everything. I blinked unsteadily trying to regain back a straight vision. They caught me looking in their direction, one of them smirked and the other looked right past me. "Twins." Says Lydia, I turn to face her.

"Do you want to head to class now, my room's the same way?" I frantically asked, ushering Lydia towards the opposite hallway, occasionally looking back to see where the twins were. The timing was horrible, I had no energy to deal with this.

"Chill out McCall, class hasn't started yet anyways." Lydia replied charismatically, eyes still fixated on the twins behind me. I grew agitated the longer we were there, a voice called out from behind me. I knew who's voice it was, and when I slowly turned around my assumption was right. "Ethan..." I greeted bluntly.

"Colette." He greeted raising both his eyebrows. Just on time the second bell rung and everyone began rushing to class. I grabbed Lydia's forearm, as well as Allison's. "You know them?" Lydia hissed.

"We briefly met a while ago." Was all I said as we entered our separate classes.

I made my seat in the back, alone. Isaac was supposed to be here but there was no sign of him anywhere. "Anyone sitting here?" I sighed, as I refrained from looking up. I clenched my teeth as his shadow loomed above me. I looked up at him, glaring at his unwanted presence. "Yeah, it's taken." I lied, knowing that Isaac might actually not show. As if he saw through my lie, he piled his books on the bench beside me, welcoming himself to the un-offered seat. I rolled my eyes, facing outside so that I wouldn't have to see him. "Has he spoken with you yet?" I shot him a look instantly.

"Aiden. It's my first day of school. My first normal day. Unlike you I want to be here for a purpose not for some errand they sent us on." I spoke through clenched teeth. We both sat there staring at one another before the teacher spoke up. '"Colette McCall?" I looked up, everyone in front of me turned my way.

"Your mum called said it was an emergency?" I gave Aiden a side-look before hurriedly getting up and out of the classroom. I reached into my back pocket pulling out my phone. I turned it on and saw the five missed calls from Mum. I called her back, waiting for her to pick up.
"Yeah it's me what happened?"

"It's Isaac he was rushed into the hospital this morning. Him and this other girl, they were both in pretty bad shape." An abundance of fear and worry rattled within me, my breath stuck on the edge of my throat.

"I-I'm on my way." I whispered killing the phone line.

"Mum, why didn't you tell me before?" I called out. We both came to a stop in the hospital hall. "Sweetheart, I just got you back. I didn't want to loose you again." She comforted stroking the side of my cheek. I reached up and held her hand. "You're not going to loose me. No matter what I am or what I do. I will always come back to you." I eased. She smiled at my response holding my hands in hers. "Okay, your boyfriend's in room 215 if he isn't already in surgery." She teased holding her smile. I headed down towards that room but began walking backwards. "Mum he's not my boyfriend." I whined. I heard her chuckle as she walked away.

I stood in the elevator, waiting for the door to close. I pushed the second floor button, looking down at my phone's time. The metal doors began to close but a stick blocked the way, forcing it to open again. As the metal doors parted the individual came into view. I held my breath as my heart began skipping beats. The elder man wore black glasses and had his dirty blonde hair neatly combed back. "Would you hit the button for the second floor, please?" I side-eyed the man beside me, not speaking. I aggressively pushed the second floor button again, making sure he could hear it. The elevator chimed as we reached the second floor, as soon as the gap was wide enough for me to pass through, I squeezed through racing down the hall.

I knocked on the door desperately. "Isaac? Isaac it's me." I waited for a response but then decided to just barge in. "Isaac are you okay-" I pushed forward, walking into a room with a messy vacant hospital bed. I ran out, looking down both sides of the hall. I sprinted through the different halls, turning left and right. I turned a sharp corner facing a hospital staff pushing a wheelchair into the elevator. As he turned the wheelchair around, I noticed that it was Isaac, and the person with him wasn't a hospital staff. I extended my claws, baring my fangs. The hospital staff did the same, but his eyes were a devilish red. The elevator doors began to close and so I leaped forward fitting through one of the gaps. I roared at the alpha before me, I clawed at his face, leaving three gashes. He picked me up and threw me against the wall of the elevator. I groaned in pain, but immediately stood back up. I went and aimed to claw at his chest but he tossed me against the other wall with his arm. I slowly began transforming back out of pain, but Ennis picked me up by the throat clenching it tightly. "Oh I've been waiting for this moment child." I struggled to breathe as I returned back to my human self. "Don't you realise what you're dealing with? I'm an Alpha!" He yelled, the elevator door chimed open, and a familiar figure stepped in impaling his own claws into Ennis. Derek. Ennis howled in pain, dropping me instantly. I fell to the floor grasping my throat. I noticed in the corner of my eye Ennis getting thrown out of the elevator. I slowly looked up from the floor at my 'savior'. "Aren't you supposed to be in school." I dropped my shoulders as I pouted at Derek, rolling my eyes.

Derek and I rushed into his house, Isaac in his arms. Stiles was on the other end of the call, since Scott was still not talking to me as much. "Tell Scott Stiles, I don't know why I should be involved." I whispered, so Derek wouldn't hear.

"Colette, you're family. You've been my friend since we were little. You deserve to know everything in my life!" I smiled at Stiles response.

"Okay, but tell me later I'm at Derek's house right now." I replied, peering over to the neighbouring room, which Derek was busily pacing in.

"Stiles, I've got to go. Bye." I ended the call before Stiles could respond.

"I thought you stayed at the loft? Why did we come here?" I asked, curious. My eyes wandered over the decaying walls and overgrown branches that intruded through the broken windows. "I don't live here, but there's something I need. Something that will heal an alpha's wound." I walked over to Isaac who was still sedated. I looked down at where Mum said Isaac was injured, "But it's healed?" I retorted.

(mention of self harm line towards end of paragraph)

"Not on the inside." Derek said, looking up tilting his head. Derek lifted a piece of wood, revealing a small nook. He began to collect a bunch of purple flowers. Derek must've sensed me watching him in silence. "Look Colette. Thank you for your help, but I don't want you getting involved. They're a rival pack and my problem. I just couldn't face your family if you got hurt and it being my fault." My throat closed up, as I eyed Derek's sincerity. I tightly clenched my fists, excusing myself from the room. I lifted my sleeve, etching the branded outline. I let out a deep sigh, clawing through the skin barrier. The navy blue blood, bled through but as it healed so did the scar.

"Scott needs my help with something, I'm taking Isaac back to the loft. Can you watch over him?" I pulled down my sleeve as I spun around facing Derek who was right behind me. "Uh yeah of course." I assured, my voice ,changing tones. Derek studied me, slowly looking down at my arm. I swallowed the lump that resided in my throat, as he still stared at my arm. "Why do you do that to yourself?" He questioned, with a hint of sadness.

"Because the bite isn't always a gift." I looked up at Derek, before walking past him and out the door.

Isaac was upstairs, still unconscious. I was downstairs and in the presence of Peter Hale. I began pacing back and fourth. It was only a matter of time before they found out. What is to become of me? It's all her fault. EVERYTHING IS HER FAULT! "Colette!" Peter raised his voice, from the chair he sat on, the daily newspaper in his hands. I stopped moving, turning my head towards him sharply. "What did you do?" He pleaded, wondering why I was so wounded up.

"I- had no choice." My breathing grew heavier, as my chest tightened. The bridge of my nose began to throb with pain. "Ahh!" I winced, grabbing my temples. The pain was excruciating, Peter got up from his seat hurrying towards me. He steadied me, grabbing onto my shoulders. "Look at me. Colette, look at me." I tried to do what he said. But my vision grew blurrier and blurrier.

"Colette breathe, what were you made to do?" I slowly began to breathe, and soon I returned back to normal. My eyes glossed over with tears, I shook my head. "Peter, I can't tell you." I begged, he refused to let go. His grip tightened around my forearm.

"Ow! Peter you're hurting me." I sobbed. Peter instantly let go, as he stared at my arm in fear. He staggered backwards a little, looking up at me. I refused to look him in the eye, I turned away and he stepped forward pulling up my sleeve. I grimaced with regret, as Peter stared at my arm in plain shock. The scarred symbol out in the open, guiltily on display. "Peter you can't-" I began.
"I won't. It's a secret for you to tell not me. But I promise you, you are not alone. I was the bad guy once upon a time alright? You have me, Derek, Isaac. We're your pack." I pulled down my sleeve, nodding. No matter how bad I wanted to be apart of their pack, I knew my pack was with others. They had raised me, made me strong. Without them I would be nothing, no one. Peter pulled me in for a hug, and I cried into his shoulders. I haven't felt a hug like this in a long time, and I think I needed it. He ran his hands down my back soothing me, as I trembled in his arms. The open space was quiet, as my sobs echoed through the atmosphere.

I walked up the stairs, wiping away the remaining tears. I gently pushed open Isaac's door. Derek said he should be waking up soon. I sat beside him, looking down guiltily. "I'm sorry Isaac. It's my fault, I should've never come to Beacon Hills in the first place." I planted my head into my hands. Wondering how it all got so complicated in the matter of months. My heart began to ache at the sight of him. I cringed at this odd feeling, I haven't felt this for a long time. Not since her.

"Colette?" I heard Isaac whisper from beside me. I sat upright, turning and facing him. He sat up to, and I instantly hugged him out of relief. "You're okay!" I sighed happily, caressing the back of his head. I pulled away, seeing him beam. His smile dropped as he looked around his room. I pushed that familiar feeling to the back of my mind, relieved that my friend was ok. "Where's the girl?" He questioned. I tilted my head on an angle furrowing my brows. "What girl Isaac?" I queried.
