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scott's pov:

I looked back at the reflection in the fogged mirror. She wasn't suppose to know that way, now she won't even talk to me. "Mum. We're going to have to talk about this eventually." I dazed out as I remembered her returning home and heading straight into her room, not saying a single thing to me. She's scared of me...what I've become. The front door slammed shut, causing me to come out of my memories. I couldn't hear the footsteps that were supposed to follow even with my enhanced sense of hearing. With my body still damp, I slowly turned around opening the bathroom door. I froze in shock to the sight in front of me. Jackson was there plastered on my ceiling as the kanima, his tail coiled tightly around my sister's neck. My sister?

colette pov:

This creature's tailed continued to tighten around my neck, and I could feel my lungs burn by the second. Scott stood in horror not knowing what to do. I can't imagine what's going through his head right now. Being pulled into this supernatural chaos which hid right beneath our noses. "Scott-" I tried to speak up, an attempt to reassure him, but I couldn't. No words could escape through the grasp this reptilian monster had on me. "As you can see Scott, there has been some interesting developments lately." The old man in the corner announced amused at the scene before him. I could feel my mind going fuzzy by the minute but I had to hold on...just a little longer. I glanced back at Scott, he seemed different now. He was angry, but not angry ragingly pissed. I think I caught a faint gold glimmer in his eye but what I know for sure was that he had sprung out claws. My breath tightened not from the scaly tail around my neck but from the realization that Scott already knows about this supernatural chaos.

"Let her go." Scott demanded.

"Can't do that. Let her live? That's up to you." The old man contended. A pit sunk in my stomach... an ultimatum. I began to accept my fate of death knowing that Scott might actually let me die. I don't blame him, I left and never called or texted and I rarely visited. I chose to leave with the man that hurt Scott and I. A tear slipped from the corner of my eye, and Scott for sure didn't see it.

"Scott I'll let her live, but on one condition. You give me what I want." The old man stood up from his seat and made his way to me. He looked me in my eyes, a dark lace of vengeance circling him.

"What do want?" Scott questioned, I bet he was debating his options in his head.

"I want Derek." The old man ordered, now turning back to Scott.

Shit. I am a dead girl walking. I winced at the man's demands.

"Derek or the girl dies Scott." And with that the creature released me, and I fell to the floor. The old man left quickly and I was still on the floor gasping for air. "Are you okay?" That once familiar voice asked. I looked up finding my brother also on the ground beside me with a worrisome look on his face. In this moment I had to decide between two things. The truth and the lie, and which one would cause the most pain.

"Scott what the hell was that?" I coughed, my chest still in pain.
"Colette look there's a lot you don't know alright. I will explain everything to you soon." My heart ached with sadness as I knew what my decision was.

"Scott...That THING is not human...and so are you. Explain what the hell happened in Beacon Hills while I was gone." I demanded.

We were now in the kitchen, Scott handed me a mug, of coffee. I held the mug in my hand the warmth enclosed in my palms. I stared at the liquid not wanting to take a sip. Scott took a sip of his and noticed I haven't. "What's wrong?" Scott questioned. My lips trembled, as a genuine feeling overcame me. That awkward feeling you get when meeting someone you met a long time ago in the present time. The feeling of a faint, tainted memory resurfacing. "I hate coffee." I scoffed as my eyes glossed over. I set down the mug folding my arms over, I held my breath, attempting to collect myself. This town, this house. It was once just a figment of my memory, a daydream that I'd someday come back. But not like this.
His sister who left when she was little, came back years later. "Scott I'm sorry okay. I'm so so sorry. I never wanted to leave you or mum. I loved Beacon Hills." I said soft spoken, my voice breaking with each word. I reached for his hand, and he held mine. I saw that his eyes had glossed over too.

"It's okay you're here now, and new beginnings aren't always bad." He comforted, it's nice knowing his smile hasn't changed.

After we both settled down, Scott unfolded...some of Beacon Hills recent discoveries. "I was turned a couple months ago, by a werewolf...who's uh dead now." He began.

"I'm the only werewolf in Beacon Hills, everyone else is pretty normal." He bluntly stated. Lies. I looked him up and down, "That reptile is considered normal?" I questioned raising an eyebrow. He tensed up quickly, "That's Jackson, he became a kanima and he is controlled by Gerad Argent." The old man.

"The Argent's are hunters, they hunt werewolves." Great. Another obstacle.
"Who's Derek?" I asked curiously. Scott quickly looked up at me, I could hear his heart speed up.

"He's uh...He's no one important." My eyes discreetly glanced down at his heart. Looking back up I pursed my lips. Another lie.

"He seemed important to Gerad?" I argued raising my eyebrows. Scott furrowed his brows staring at me, trying to figure me out. "I pushed it." I thought, I picked at my fingers in my lap. Despite my whole body laced in panic. I controlled it, held it in only for myself to know. Just like she'd taught me.

"Derek Hale and the Argents has history, that's all." Scott doesn't trust me. New beginnings my ass.

The was a sudden silence. What do I say? What will he say? Will he say something? With each questioning thought, the silence in the room built up, a straining tension clamming around my muscles. "How's Hayley?" I bluntly stated.
"Fine." He replied in a hurry, his eyes trailing around the whole kitchen.
I squinted my eyes in his direction, "And Stiles?"

"His usual sarcastic self, he's still my best friend...and like a brother to me." Scott's body eased up, as he answered my question smiling. I could see how much Stiles meant to Scott in that moment, but what bugged me was that Hayley wasn't in the picture. There was an ongoing silence between us, for two people who hasn't seen each other for more than ten years we should be talking our asses off.

"I have to get ready for a game, Mum's going to meet us there." Scott said while standing up and heading back to his room.

"Does she know?" I asked. He stopped, looking back at me.

"Yes...but didn't take the news all that well." I nodded as I watched his head up the stairs, disappearing around the corner.

When I thought he was gone, he popped his head back, "Your room is still where it was, just empty." He reconciled shrugging. I smiled in return.

I stood in the bare room, he was right it was empty. A bed sat in the corner, and a desk filled with closed boxes. I pulled out my phone, finding the several missed calls..."delete". Just as I was about to set the phone down, another number called. "Hello? Yeah I'm here. Don't worry about it I'll let you know how it goes...bye." I slammed my phone on my desk, and sat down on the bare bed. I buried my head into my hands, running my fingers through my hair. "How the hell did I end up in this mess?" I wondered.

I wandered through the school parking lot, watching the parents walking beside their children, smiles beaming, laughing at each others joke. Trailing behind them, I watched at how happy they were, wondering what it would've been like if everything had happened...differently. "Colette?" A shocked voice called out from behind me. I spun around to the call of my name, my mouth hung open. Even in the dim moonlight, she gleamed, her ebony curls, bouncing as she ran up to me. I met her half way running towards her, tossing my arms around her, "Mum." I sighed.

I went back to that day so many years ago, standing at the door. Our faces wet, Scott standing at the bottom of the stairs, arms crossed, eyebrows furrowed. I tightly clutched onto mum who was kneeled down before me, her tears soaking my shirt. I looked over her shoulders at Scott, he refused to look at us, his face turned away, his shoulders softly shaking as he too cried. "Oh my darling girl." She whispered, stroking my hair. As she held onto my small hands, a force pried me away from her, pulling me into the car, driving away. I watched outside the window, at Mum and Scott who stayed on the pavement. I watched until they disappeared away, shrinking slowly to the size of ants.

"Oh my darling girl." she whispered into my ear, as she stroked the back of my head. I nuzzled into the crook of her neck, my hands shaking hoping no one would pull me away from her again. "Hi mum." I mumbled, my voice quavering. Her hands trailed down my arms, holding my hands. We stayed there, in front of the school. Her eyes taking in every detail of me, her hands reached up, cupping my cheeks. "You've grown into such a beautiful woman." She said proudly. I chuckled at her response, as we walked to the bleachers. Walking arms linked in one another, she turned to me, "Does your dad know you're here?" She questioned. I pursed my lips, recalling the previous week.
"He has some idea?" I replied my voice growing higher, as I stretched the truth.

I reunited with Noah right before the game. Telling them all the "exciting" things about San Francisco but how my heart "belonged" in Beacon Hills. "Where's Hayley?" I asked Noah. His smile faded and he grew agitated. "Hayley's not like how she once was, I don't know where she is or even who she is anymore." I exchanged glances between Noah and mum as I came to an understanding that the Hayley I know is gone...and it might be because of me. I shattered a little bit inside as I remembered the last time I spoke with Hayley. "Hayley maybe if you had more friends you wouldn't be so lonely!"

"I um, I'm going to go take a little walk before the game." I gave a fake smile before abruptly leaving.

I didn't know where I was going, it was dark, and the only light was the moon from up above. I weaved between the trees in the reserve, my boots crunching along the dead leaves and sticks. I stood amongst the trees not too far away from the game, I could hear the screams and cheers from the audience in the bleachers, the running of players on the field, the sound of the ball as it gets caught in the lacrosse stick. I took in a deep breath, slowly breathing out, letting go of the emotions that piled up inside of me.

After a while I returned to the bleachers, to the sight of a very enthusiastic crowd. I came a little too late and the game had already started a while ago. I couldn't see Scott anywhere on the field which was odd, however Stiles was there. I climbed onto the bleachers, making my way to Noah and mum. A girl was there too, a red head who was incredibly pretty. Her skin was a milky white, and lips rose red. She screamed and cheered along with mum. "Hi, I'm Colette. Scott's sister." I introduced myself, taking a seat beside her. She turned to me with an incredibly shocked expression. Scanning me up and down, she resulted with a smile, "I'm Lydia, Scott never mentioned having a sister." She replied, I pursed my lips, nodding.

The game went on, and still no Scott, I decided to take matters into my own hands. I quietly sneaked out of the bleachers, and headed into the high school. "Scott?" I called out. I continued down the hall, but then I heard something. Voices, footsteps, clashing. I ran towards the noise in panic. Scott. I turned at every corner I found, the noises growing louder. The boys locker room of course. I slammed against the door, forcing my way into the room. There I faced, Gerad and some of his men as well as Scott and a blonde boy in the corner. They were surrounded. I acted recklessly, launching myself onto the men. My claws flashing out slashing against their flesh. I caught a glimpse of my reflection, the ice blue eyes which looked back. Anger fuelled my veins at the sight of the beast I had become, I roared as I continued destroying those in my path. When the noises fell into silence, I retracted my claws leavings my fingertips covered in blood. I felt two pairs of eyes glued to my back but I couldn't bare to face Scott. "You're a werewolf too?" I looked over my shoulder.

"A lot has changed Scott."

"Colette you lied to me!" Scott raised his voice at me charging in my direction. I turned around and shoved him back with force. This caused the blonde boy to step forward. "I didn't lie Scott, you did. I just didn't tell you. There's a difference." Scott hesitated to say something and so changed the topic. "Look that's not important right now. Jackson is going to kill someone when the board goes down to 30 seconds alright, and we have to stop him." I froze and tensed up.
"What?" The blondie asked me.
"I left when 7 minutes was on the board." With this, we all raced out heading back to the game. Mum was there, Noah and Stiles too. I just got them back and I refuse to loose them too. Scott rushed through the crowd of players and I climbed to the top of the bleachers to get an overview of the field. The clock was quickly going down..."3,2,1".

I waited for the worse, but "nothing happened." I breathed knowing Scott could hear me. Just as the words escaped my lips the field lights began to cut out one by one. Screams filled the atmosphere and it wasn't the same from before they were all from fear. I rushed down, shoving through bodies. "SCOTT! MUM!" I called out, a hand grabbed my arm. "Colette, someone's down in the middle of the field. Your brother went over." I ran to my brothers side, asking what happened.

"Jackson. He hurt himself instead of someone else." I looked down at the still body, hearing sirens and medics coming to the sight. I scanned the field as the lights came back on abruptly. "Scott, where's Stiles?" I asked frantically not seeing him anywhere.
