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Staring at the bare ceiling, it felt as if my whole world had crumbled before me. My eyes grew heavier, and ached for sleep. But every time I would close my eyes, all I would see is her face. "My baby's right here." My throat closed up, as what felt like glass clawed up my insides. The sun creeped up up window, slowly rising into a new day. I leaned to face the darker side of my room, sheltering myself from the sunrise. I never knew my birth mother, so why is this vision of her holding on to me refusing to let go. I bundled a fistful of my comforter in my hands as I tried to fight back the tears. My ears perked up at the sound of my door opening, "Hey, um. Are you awake?" My back still facing the door, I lay there motionless, ignoring Scott whispering to me. As soon as I heard the door close, I let out a shaky breath. I pulled out my hand which hid beneath the covers. My eyes trailed every detail of my hand, remembering her touch. "Take it all." I whispered into the stillness of my room. I focused on my fingertips, a familiar tingly sensation crawling through my skin. A light gasp escaped me as I admired the dim glow radiating from my fingers. An ember glow danced between my fingers, delicately casting it's light on my face.

I sat upright in my bed as a door shut from downstairs, it's vibration shaking the house ever so slightly. Mum's at work and Scott's at school. I stealthily crept out of my bed, diminishing the radiance from my hands. Opening my door, I peered down the hallway, I studied a faint shadow disappearing into the room down the hall. I turned around reaching for the pocket knife, in the pocket of the jacket that hung on the door handle. Flicking it open, I stalked down the hallway pressing my body up to the wall, waiting for the intruder to emerge from the room. Their heartbeat grew closer and closer, and just as they were in the doorframe, I leapt out from the side pinning them to the closest wall knife at their throat. "Hey! It's just me." Isaac exclaimed in defence holding up both his hands. I pulled away as the adrenaline washed off me. I closed the pocketknife, tucking it back into my back pocket. Isaac's eye's scanned over me, "You haven't changed since last night." I looked at him blankly, before turning away and heading off towards my room. His hand reached out grabbing mine, pulling me back to him. "No we are not doing this again." He added sternly, looking down at me. His grip loosened as his hands reached up cupping my face. "Talk to me." He whispered gently, his thumb caressing my cheeks. My lips quivered as I reached up holding his hands for support. I opened my mouth to say something, but it couldn't come out. Words couldn't come out. I fell into Isaac's arms, wrapping my arms around his neck. His hands held me towards him, if it weren't for him, I would've fallen to the floors by now. Tears soaked his shirt, as I lifted my head up from the crook of his neck. "I saw her." I managed to say. Isaac began to study me, trying to piece together the meaning of what I'm saying.
"I saw her Isaac. I saw my mother." I explained my hand covering my mouth holding back the sobs begging to break free. He rested his head on top of mine, stroking my back.

I sat on the couch, downstairs as Isaac was busy in the kitchen. I had told him everything, from meeting Deucalion, Valerie, everything in San Fransisco, up until now. I looked down at my bare arm, feeling a phantom burn of where the brand used to be. Isaac brought a plate of breakfast setting it on the coffee table before me. I stared at the steaming meal, no appetite left in me. "I should've died." I said aloud. I didn't take my eyes off the plate in front of me.
"Col, don't say that." Isaac began.
"No, I should've died that night. With my mother. I even had a second chance, of just letting go. Leaving this cursed world, but I was too stubborn." I confessed.
"Colette, you were given a second chance to live. Live for a purpose." Isaac leaned in kissing me ever so gently. Purpose. What a funny thing that is.

I managed to finally convince Isaac to leave, and now I sat on the edge of my bed. "Purpose." I thought. I got up abruptly, walking towards my mirror. What stared back was a girl, with sunken eyes, pale skin, and a heart full of vengeance. In fury I launched my fist at the mirror, the shards falling onto my floorboards. Stripping from the old clothes that stuck to my body, I pulled over a long sleeve top and new jeans. Tying up my shoes I walked out of my room, the soles of my shoes crunching over the broken mirror. I sped down the stairs, reaching for the door handle, I opened it but stopped in my tracks. Hayley spun around, facing me with a worrisome look on her face. She instantly threw herself at me, hugging me tightly. "I thought I lost you." She gasped. I hugged her back before pulling away. I looked into her glossy eyes, unable to say a word without crying my lungs out.
"Who are we hunting?" Was all she said as she held my hands. I gave a sly smile, as we walked down from the porch and into her car.

The elevator whirred, as Hayley and I watched the floors go up. The ding signalled the doors to open revealing the penthouse living room. I stepped out, Hayley stood by the elevator on guard. "Valerieee." I called out in a sing-song voice. I stepped down the small steps, venturing into the different rooms. My claws were exposed, slowly scratching against the walls of the penthouse, leaving a trail of claw marks. I closed my eyes, focusing on the ever so quiet sounds. I let out a deep breath as I followed the sound of breathing coming from a closed door. I stopped in front of the locked door, "Come out, come out where ever you are!" I held out my arm towards the door the sudden pulse sending it flying backwards off it's hinges. Plastered to the floor of the room was Valerie. Her eyes widened at my presence, her body reeking of fear. I tilted my head as I advanced towards her. She crawled backwards, until she pressed herself up against the wall. I kneeled before her. "You killed me." I said laughing lightly. She pursed her lips not even trying to explain herself. My smile faded as I stood up, dragging her from the floor. Her throat in my hands. "I saw her Valerie. The dreams, the visions they all were her." I asserted, my claws beginning to dig into her flesh. She reached for my hands, but was too weak to do anything.
"The worst part was that you knew." I muttered through clenched teeth, as I threw her across the room. Her body flew across the floor crashing into the wall. She held her hands to her throat as the crimson blood leaked through her fingers. Then began to croak a healing incantation, one I recognised from the countless times she healed me from assignments she sent me on. I tightly clenched my fists, holding it out to the side of me. Her own arm mirrored my movements, as it pulled away from her throat. She looked at me bewildered, a look of fear I did not know was possible. "P-please Lettie. This isn't you." She begged, her voice breaking. I watched her throat bob as I scowled at her words.
"I am what I am BECAUSE of you!" I scolded pointing an accusatory finger at her. Her lips trembled as I took a step towards her, the minimal furniture left in the bare room beginning to shake. Her eyes shot to the cupboard that had fallen over behind me.
"What's done. Is done Valerie." I sighed, slowly lifting my hand upwards angling it at her.
"Lettie. You know better than to leave a human at my doors." I spun around at Deucalion's words, finding him holding onto Hayley. I pierced my eyes in his direction, "I've learned a couple new things since I came back. You sure you wanna know what that is?" I threatened. Deucalion's breath hitched as I noticed his heartbeat quicken. To that I gave a small grin, from behind me Valerie crawled towards Deucalion the blood from her throat still running. Holding out both my hands in Valerie's and Deucalion's direction, I turned my wrists ever so slightly. Valerie fell to the floor, grasping her head letting out a shrill scream. Deucalion struggled to stay upright, but soon fell to his knees, burying his head into his arms. Hayley stepped away from them running towards the elevator. As I continued to turn my hands, they're screams increased alongside the pulsing pain. Pulling back my hands quickly, the two of them collapsed as I sprinted to the elevator.

"You okay?" Hayley questioned, as she hurriedly put on her seatbelt. I closed the car door, settling in the passenger seat. "Yeah, I feel be-better." I mumbled, as a headache began to form. I rubbed my temples, my body growing warmer and warmer. "Col?" Hayley's voice sounded distant, echo-like. I closed my eyes, feeling my head collapse onto the dashboard.

I opened my eyes, as a chilling wind nipped my skin. "No...no." I complained facing the open door of that house. The rain continued to pour drenching me, I turned around walking away, and breaking into a sprint. A desperate attempt to get away from this vision, but it had failed me. I came to a sudden stop as I appeared in the living room. But it was different, everything was still in tack. "The enchantments doesn't belong to you. It should be mine!" A voice screamed from behind me. I spun to face the furious individual, instead I was faced with the back of someone. Someone who was shrinking back in fear, putting their hands up shielding themselves from the assailant. "V please, this isn't you!" The victim's voice was soft and sharp, her vibrant copper hair flew over her shoulders, as she flew backwards, a neon light blasting in her direction. "I am what I am BECAUSE of you!" The enraged voice spoke. I knelt down beside the fallen woman. "Mother?" I whispered shakily. I reached out towards her, but my hands fell through what felt like sand. I pulled back my hands in shock, as she let her head fall to the side. "I love you, my darling." She mouthed silently, I watched as she gave a final smile, slowly closing her eyes, a single tear sliding down her face. "AHHH!" A turbulent scream broke through the loud storm. Another bright green light flashed before me, shocking my mother's body. Once the light vanished into a mist, her body laid still, her eyes closed, a final breath drew from her lips before everything melted into silence. The rain, the angry voice, my silent screams. I kneeled there rocking back and forth witnessing her death, a hole gnawing at my heart. A cry faded into the background, slowly spinning my head I faced the sound. The fallen basinet, a woman walked past me kneeling down in front of the basinet, her back towards me. Her calloused fingers, lifted the edge of the sheer cloth, revealing the crying babe. Her hand flew to her mouth as she let out an astonished grasp. "No...What have I done?" She cursed herself. Her hands reached out towards the baby, as her hands glided over the baby's arms she pulled back hesitant. A soft sob escaped her, as she reached out again picking up the baby. Lifting up the baby, she stood up, rocking the baby, trying to soothe it. The faceless figure turned around revealing her identity. My lungs collapsed in that moment, oxygen unable to get in or out, My eyes widened in realisation, glued to the red-head before me. "Oh Colette. What have I done?" Valerie said under her breath, thunder clapping in the background.

A hand clasped around mine, a comforting warmth. My eyes fluttered open from the dream. I could hear my own heartbeat in my ears, my thoughts racing and connecting parts of my life together. I looked up at the person sitting beside the bed I was in, "Derek?" I croaked. He looked up at me, his disturbed expression falling.
"Hey how do you feel? Hayley brought you here. Said you fainted and you wouldn't wake up. You were out for around 12 hours." His voiced hushed and soft. I studied Derek carefully, taking in each wrinkle and crease. Looking for words hidden beneath this face, explaining why he was still here beside me. After everything I had done, after every single betrayal he stuck. Refusing to leave. "Why are you here?" I asked impulsively. His smile faltered taken back by my words.
"I mean why are you still here, with me? After everything I've done. I-I've deceived you, betrayed you, gotten you almost killed TWICE!" I ranted, noticing the hospital equipment around me.
"Because, I care about you. Because no matter what you do I will stick beside you. Because you're more than my friend, you're family." My eyes flickered tears collecting as I bit my lip. He leaned over me, pressing a kiss to my head, caressing my cheek.
"Rest, I'll go get some take-out." I gave a thankful smile, watching him disappear through the hospital door.

I turned towards my phone silently vibrating on the side table. I reached over picking it up. The bright screen causing me to squint my eyes, inhaling through my teeth, skimmed over the many messages left for me. A bolded name stood out, 'Scott'. I clicked the notification, scrolling up to the first message.
"7:50- I could've lost you last night, you would've been taken away from me again. Everything I told you I want to take it back but doing it over text is stupid." You're right Scott it is stupid.
"8:20- Haven't seen you at school, don't blame you. You kinda died last night. I've been horrible to you Col. Deep inside I know you would never hurt me, but I couldn't help but be selfish."
"11:04- Col are you mad at me? You deserve to be. But please can we talk, I need to apologise for everything."
"2:31- Colette McCall. You better not be dead. Hayley told me you passed out and that she took you to the hospital."
"7:51- You probably didn't know but I went and visited you. Left a copy of Dorian Gray on the table, your favourite." I looked over at the table, a book sat in the shadows, I smiled at Scott's gesture. He remembered. "Am I interrupting something?" An old voice mused from the doorway. Turning to face the other end of the hospital room, Peter walked in, gently closing the door behind him. I beamed at his entrance, "Peter." I sighed. He made his way over to where I was, pulling up a chair, and sitting beside me. He folded his arms onto the cotton blanket, resting his chin on the back of his hands. I tilted my head, smiling at his presence, what happened next took me by surprise. Peter Hale sniffled. My lips parted, as I watched his lips tremble, his eyes glistening. He was careful to not let any tears fall, but I knew that he was hurt. "Colette McCall, you are an extraordinary being. You are so strong, after everything this world has put you through." Peter whispered, my throat bobbed, as I felt a wave of sadness wash over me.
"I lost someone very dear to me, a while ago. I would like to think that she would grow up to be just like you." Peter admitted, his hands reaching out to hold mine. After everything I think I can say that I'm finally happy. No more lonesome nights in San Fransisco, no more killing, no more heartbreak.
