Advice #7 ~ Friend Confusion

Q: i need help i feel like i have changed as a person and not physically but more like my personality my friends all expect that i am a person that im really not. they get afraid when i hold scissors they flinch away from me what put my hand up to ich my nose they dont tell me things because they are afraid that i will hurt them and i really wont i dont know how they got the image in their heads that i am a terrible person because i try to be the best person i can be under the circumstances.     - Vivian

A: The real question is, why do they think this? Sometimes friends are scared of people for no reason, and others are scared for many reasons. If you have told your friends you are being a better person, then a person should recognize that. Also, why be friends with people who are scared of you? I believe you are a wonderful person, but your friends have a image of you that says to them that you are not. If you want to be yourself and express your personality more, I would encourage you to go on, but you may lose and gain friends along the way. This is normal, but just be aware it might happen. Be friends with people who enjoy you and are not afraid of you. I hope you find this advice suitable..

Over & Out,

- simk83 -
