Advice #5 ~ Self Goals

Q: How do I wake up early without feeling too tired or forgetting things? - AsterEverlee

A: Waking uo the morning can be hard. Just plain hard. Some ways you can feel less tired is by stretching in the morning, which can stretch your muscles, thus making you less tired for the day. Another way is by using soap and water to wash your face. This can be refreshing, but for those that don't like water, you can wake up in the morning, and shake your head for 5-10 seconds, and that will reduce some fatique that you may be feeling. These are only suggestions, but it also depends of the type of person you are. If your not a morning person, then your not a morning person. There are ways to change that, but sometimes you just have to face the real side of things. If you feel like you constantly keep forgetting things in the morning, you can write down important things you need to do for the day on a sticky note, the night before, and you can wake up the morning (hopefully) feeling less tired and ready to start a new day. Honestly, I think this is a great question for people who just don't like starting the next day witha good morning.

"I'm walking on sunshine YAYYYY! I'm walking on sunshine YAYYYY!"

Sorry, just a little diva singing moment ;)

Hope this advice works for you!

Over & Out, 

- simk83 - 
