Advice #27 ~ Eating Disorders

Q: So I play volleyball and my coach is really nice, but I'm worried that he might think I have an eating disorder and that I'm depressed, which is kind of true but nobody knows and I also never really wanted anybody to find out... My coach often brings in snacks for us and I always never take any. Then once my grade went on an all day field trip and he seen that I didn't eat anything for lunch or dinner. When we go to far away games we stop for dinner on the way back and I always never get anything. When he sees that I'm not eating he always offers to give me money for food, but I always say that I'm not hungry. Then when we have parties with the team I never eat. Every time that he sees me not eating he always looks at me really concerned, which makes me feel bad. Just today I had to go to his classroom during lunch to finish something and for the first 5-10 minutes that I was there he noticed that I wasn't eating anything, and he asked me if I ever eat lunch and I told him that I do. Then he told me that I need to eat something today for lunch and that he wanted to make sure that I ate, I ended up not eating once again and he knew. Tomorrow I have to go to his class again during lunch to finish this project and I'm worried that he's going to talk to me or something about how I don't eat much and seem kind of sad. If I do should I tell him the truth about everything or just keep it all to myself. I trust him and look up to him like he's my dad, but everything is so stressful and difficult. I'm just not sure what to do anymore... thanks for reading

~ Anonymous

A: I have eating problems sometimes and some of my friends so too, so you're not the only one, don't worry. 

You said you were depressed and I look into what's making you depressed. It might be something related to your eating disorders. Your coach is very supportive and looks out for you, which is good. 

What I would is I would talk to your coach if you are comfortable with that, and I would tell him what is going on with me and seek help. 

Eating disorders are serious and require seeking help from others, so others can know what is happening. 

If you aren't comfortable with your parents knowing you aren't eating, then I would talk about it with a doctor or a trusted teacher, such as your coach. Although, I still think it's important that your parents should know. Parents shouldn't get mad at children for having a problem with them. They should try to get them help and make them feel comfortable with talking about it.

Below I linked some links, so you can get more information on eating disorders:

Anyways, I hope your eating disorder and depression go away <3

Over & Out, 

- simk83 -
