Advice #24 ~ Apologizing & Wrong Assumptions

Q: Hey I have another problem. So I asked my sudanese friend "is sudanese even a language" and she found it really offensive even though my intention was not to be offensive. So she told me that we she was really offended and thought that I hated her country. However I really respect her country. I explained myself to her and i apologised soo much but she still seems angry with me and I feel really guilty. I feel so bad but I had enough of apologising to her and she still doesnt understand that it was a misunderstanding. What shall I do?! ~ Anonymous

A: I would give your friend some time. There are some things in life where we tend to hold a grudge at, but then apologize our soul for. Your friend must be very fond of her country, language, and culture. I would stick by her "rules" and respect her (I'm not saying you weren't) and I would be very sincere and say "Hey, I know what I said was wrong,  and I completely understand my mistake. If it isn't too late, I would love to be friends with you again and settle this matter"

If your friend still doesn't have the urge to understand the misunderstanding, I would probably stop being friends with her. Friends should see our mistakes, but they also shouldn't be distracted by our mistakes that we make. We all should embrace our mistakes that we take. 

Anyways, I hope this helps...

Over & Out, 

- simk83 -
