Cal's POV #7

I couldn't believe it. It was all supposed to be a cover! Of course, picking Ivy's friend was bound to be a disaster, but I had no one else to choose! I mean, Alvia is pretty and all, but she's just not my vibe. This was going to end badly, I could feel it.

"Are you being for real? That's amazing!" I fake it. I mean, what, I'm supposed to tell her? That I don't like her friend and that it was a cover so she doesn't think we are going against the promise we made when we were kids?

"I could totally set you guys up! OMG Imma text her right now!" Ivy quickly whipped out her imparter and began furiously texting. I look at Lexie. She smiles at me, but not like a romantic-y smile, more like a friendly smile. That was all we were, every day. Friends.

"It's only awkward if you make it awkward, Calculator." She punches me and I smile at her. "Now, take me to Moo-Moo, soldier! 
