Alexandria's POV #5

Monday After School 

"So we're actually doing this, huh?" It's Monday, 10:22 pm. I'm wearing the Pack Valiant outfit Ivy made for me, and so are Cal and Scarlett. Currently, we were in Cal's house, but in just a few minutes, we would be in Foxfire's administration building, or more specifically, the principal's office.

"Well, there's no going back now. I'm already in this snazzy outfit. Scar, how do I look?" Cal says. But Scarlett ignores him – she's the most agitated of us all. Instead, she pulls out a map of Foxfire and lays it out on Cal's dining table. It's fully marked in red pen with our break-in strategy.

"Let's review the plan," Scarlett says. "First, we leap to the entrance of the Floristics classroom. We use the trees as cover as we sneak to the side wall. From there, I take out the security cameras while you two scale the building."

"Wait - how are we going to do that again?" Cal asks.

She pulls out four shamknivs and holds them out for us.

"How did you...?" Shamknivs are ogre weapons. They are used by ogre royalty to severely punish other ogres. It's not just something we practice with in Defense...

"Alvia lost a bet, so she had to steal something for me." She then lays out ten goblin throwing stars on the table.

"And then the...?" Cal trails off as he points to the goblin throwing stars.

"Oh," Scar smirks, and then waves a casual hand in the air. "Don't worry about those. Now, once we've gotten to the window to the principal's office, Cal stands guard while Lexie and I look through the files-"

"What exactly are we trying to find again?" Cal asks. This GUY, man!

"Whatever we can find on Vienna. There has to be something in the Foxfire files that makes her look suspicious. Once we find something, we steal the keys and exit through the main door–"

"WHAT! ARE YOU CRAZY! SCAR I am NOT getting caught right before MIDTERMS!" I exclaim, and Cal nods in agreement.

"Need I remind you that you are a Beguiler? And Cal is a Mesmer? We'll be perfectly fine!" Cal and I look at each other with fear in our eyes. Using our abilities for unauthorized purposes are restricted for both of our abilities, and there was a high chance we could be arrested.

"Okay, and a quick review of the code name. I'm Arson, Cal is Taurus, and Lexie is Charade. Great, are we ready to do this, gang?!" Scarlett asks with a determined tone. Cal gulps, and slips the two shamknivs and a few goblin throwing stars in his pockets.

"Yeah, for sure," I say, not doubting my decisions. Getting caught before midterms isn't an option for me, and I know it's not for Cal either. I don't care if we don't come out of this alive, but we better not be caught by the Council and put on trial. 
