Chapter 044

After we was doing eating Mari . Cleaned up the living room throwing out the food .

Jayce and jleah , cleaned up the glass . Trouble and dee'Leah and jada went upstairs to clean up .

I stayed downstairs in the guest room hiding from everybody.

I wanted to clear my mind . So I grabbed my phone . Logging into my instagram .

I found Kash instagram handle texting her . She immediately responded back .

Kasha ?

Oh what up lol ?

I need to get away what you doing ?

Damn last night you didn't want me around what yo lil minion pissed You off or something?

You know what forget it

Relax I'll come by the crib inna about 15 .

I didn't respond back , I left kash on read .

I put my phone in my pocket , standing up fixing the bed . When I was about to walk out the room .

Trouble opened the door walking in closing the door , she walked to the bed plopping down looking at me .

{ trouble }
You really want me to leave you alone ?

{ tink }
You going to La is a decision that you made. I'm just making it easy for you that's all .

I said , sitting on the couch in the Corner trying to be nonchalant towards trouble .

{ trouble }
I mean yeah it's a decision I made tink , but I was hoping you'd give me a reason to stay . I'm not trying to be where I'm not wanted that's all I'm saying right now .

{ tink }
Mmcht what reason do I need to give you to stay ? You just wanna escape yo problems I'm not finna make nothing easy for you on me I'm not miss me with all that .

{ trouble }
Escape what tink ? If you was paying attention to me , you'd would know I've fixed my problems .

{ tink }
Trouble take a look around . I mean does it look like I have time to give a FUCK . About you and yo problems.

{ trouble }
Yo tink you acting like a real BITCH right now , shit ain't coo for real .

Trouble stood up pulling her pants up rasing her voice at me .

{ jleah }
What's going on in here yoo , y'all good in here .

Which cause jleah to open the door . I looked a trouble waving her off standing up .

{ dee'Leah }
Woah tink that's not coo .

{ tink }
No that's what you is .. let me make it real clean and clear for you trouble . man it's FUCK YOU I don't care about you going to La , I don't care about your feelings I don't care about you

I said about to walk off trouble snatched me pushing me into the bed getting in my face grabbing my jaw hard .

Leaning over me Mari walked in about to grab trouble , when jleah pushed her back .

{ jleah }
No let them talk that shit out they been bumpheads lately .

Dee'Leah looked concerned , they walked out closing the door behind them .

{ trouble }
Say yon mean that shit right now or I swear I'll leave this bitch never come back .

{ tink }
Man fuck you leave you been wanna leave the day you came back .

{ trouble }
Tink man don't say that shit for real !

I screamed trying to get up , trouble stayed on me as tears falling down her face . I grabbed her hand as he held my jaw .

{ tink }
I do mean that shit trouble . You been nothing but hell since the moment I started fucking with you .

{ trouble }
Mama please .

{ tink }
Nawl you need to hear this shit . Trouble you think the world evolves around you , you think people su-

She let me go crying wiping her face about to walk out the room . I got up grabbed her basketball shorts pushing her into the wall my phone went off in my pocket.

I got in her face rasing my voice at her , she bite her lip standing there looking at me as tears flew down her face wetting her white t-shirt .

{ tink }
No you finna fucking stay and hear me out trouble . Now I've put up -

She tried to move again I pushed her into the wall again she started to speak but her voice was mad shaky breaking up .

{ trouble}
B-bro let me leaveee

She semi screamed again there was a knock on the door . I held onto trouble stomach keeping her on the wall as .

I turned facing the door .

{ tink }
Get away from the door . We are good in here .

I heard footsteps departing from the door . I turned around looking at trouble . She grabbed my waist looking down.

{ tink }
Now look I'm sorry I Hurt your feelings trouble . But truth is I'm not about to keep doing this with you anymore.

{ tink }
It's either you stay until after my sister and mom's funeral... or you leave now and don't never fucking come back ! Cause if you do I'm beat you the fuck up ! You fucked up my life .

I said aggressively pushing her back , she stood there crying . I wiped my face , i scoffed shaking my head .

I pulled my hair out my face . I headed towards the room door opening the door closing it behind me .

I headed towards the front door. Everybody looked at me , I looked back at them heading out the front door closing the door behind me .

I saw kash standing by her friends car , she was lighting up a blunt . When she seen me , she started smiling.

{ kash }
Damn about time , how you gone tell me to pull up you ain't even outside.

{ tink }
My bad , I had to handle something.

{ kash }
All good you outside now . Hurry up .

I said walking down the driveway rubbing my jaw . Kash walked to the drivers side getting in , i headed towards the car getting in the front seat closing the car door Kash pulled off immediately .

When I got in kash car , she looked over at me grabbing my face . While she looked at me then back at the road putting out the blunt .

{ kash }
Yo you good ?

{ tink }
Yeah I just needed to get out fresh scenery .

{ kash }
Oh yeah I feel you , I definitely had to get away from home . But it's the party out town . I wasn't finna go to but we can chill at tempers place nobody there it'll be just us though .

{ tink }
Party of for real ? Nawl we can go I kinda wanna get out of my element .

Honestly I just didn't wanna be alone with kash . Especially at somebody house that wasn't even there ain't no telling . If temper would be coo with that or just would never know .
