Chapter 028.

About 3mins in

About to closed my eyes , my ma came busting in my room closing my room door softly behind her .

I already knew , that she was finna be on some bull shit .

Or at-least finna tell me to stop letting people in unannounced.

I groaned turning my head turning my whole body . She slapped my arm hard causing me too immediately look up rubbing my arm .

{ mom }
Are you serious have you lost your mind !

{ tink }
Ma'am ?

{ mom }
Oh you don't think I know how long tink ?

{ tink }
Tuh ma-

{ mom }
Little girl , if I have to ask again it's gone take an whole army to get me up off you cause - Ty โ€”- Tink

I start to cry standing up out of frustration . She pushes me back down on the bed .

{ Mom }
How long tink ?

{ tink }
Ma I don't know.. it just kinda happened I wasn't expecting or pl-

{ mom }
In this house under this roof ? The same roof me your sister stay under . Tink I want you to pack your thing get out of my house . I'll give you money s-

I chuckled as she was talking I grabbed my iPad opening my room door . When I opened the door my sister was walking up standing infront of me .

I looked at her than my mom as I walked pass my baby sister .

She started to cry , I kept walking cause , if I would have stopped.

I would have picked her up taking her with me. I headed downstairs grabbing my car keys .

Opening the front door , I walked into kash . I closed the door behind me.

Kash looked like she had been crying . I shook my head walking around her .

I wasn't finna deal with another trouble 2.0 .

I headed straight to my car getting in as the passenger side door open .

Kash jumps in closing the door . I ignored her looking for a hotel to stay at for the night or place .

Kash grabbed my iPad out my hand . I sighed , starting my car up before pulling out the driveway.

When I pulled out the driveway kash was putting her seat belt on .

Little did she know I was finna park right infront of her place .

When I stopped about 3ft at her house . She looked at me locking her door .

{ kash }
Look tink I wanna apologize for what happened I was just being a jerk . Let me plus the crew make it up to you come to my party.

{ tink }
You think a party gone make up for that lame ass excuse?

{ kash }
No but atleast I can show you a good time . Besides them bums you hang with splitting up words travel around here .

{ Tink }
Yeah it's been a lot of that going around . I'll see just give me my iPad get out I gotta find a p-

Before I could finish my sentence , she was laughing I just snatched my iPad undoing her seat belt.

{ kash }
Man chile getcho boxers out your ass , I'm only joking ma dukes put you out huh ? Come stay with me.

{ tink }
Haha very fucking funny yo I'm really sick of all yal in this neighborhood .Get out my car kash !

She looked at me like she wanted to say something . I unlocked her car door soon as she got out closing the door.

I speed off onto the empty road . Kash think she damn slick .

I pulled over on the side of the road checking my iPad making sure . She ain't share my location with herself.

When I was clear that she didn't just at the right time . I get a notification from a hotel that my mom booked for me.

I leaned back in my seat looking up . I haven't even been here that long . Already messing up first it was my mom .

But she quickly got her shit together . Then trouble come into my life changing me completely.

At first I didn't realize that I was inlove with that girl . I just thought it was because of how beautiful she was and her smile.

The way we connected regardless of what was going on . I should've stayed away for her for real .

I pulled off the side of the road .

{ Tink }
Hay Siri , what's the fast route to hotel Sunny bright

{ Siri }
I'm sorry please repeat

When the road was clear , I looked down at my iPad .

{ tink }
What's the fastest route to hotel su-

It only took about 2second when I looked up I screamed I tried to stop my car but it was to late

My car was already flipped over repeatedly.

_______________________To be continued
