Chapter 024.

I looked around as kasha leaned on her car looking straight ahead .

I cleared my throat not saying anything . Out the side of my eye .

I noticed she was moving now standing infront of me .

We made eye contact for a few minutes until I looked away she chuckled.

{ kasha }
Here get my number . Just in case you wanna vent just say " Don't say shit " then I'll know to delete the thread after reading don't nobody gotta know but you and i .

She grabbed my phone out my pocket . Placing her number in my phone under " Daddy kash ๐Ÿคค๐Ÿ’ฆ"

I looked at my phone laughing placing my phone back in my pocket.

{ Tink }
Daddy kash is crazy . I'm changing it later kasha .

{ kasha }
I am daddy *she said laughing looking back at the restaurant *you ready to go back inside so we can enjoy ourselves.

{ tink }
Listen just cause you fine don't mean shit . But on some real I'll consider it let's go .

We continue talking as we headed back towards the restaurant.

She opens the door for me allowing me to walk in first . When I walked in she walked in behind me as we headed to our table .

{ Alex }
Welcome back Kash and big T .

{ Tink }
Nickname already ? How you figure imma stick around ?

Kasha sat down in the booth next to temper . She looked at me while I was talking then started eating laughing *

{ Kasha }
Let's just call it a leap of faith .

I looked at her sitting down as we all laughed.

Everybody decided to get crossed faded including me after leaving the restaurant.

When everybody made it home . Me and kasha decided to walk home . Since we wasn't far from , where everybody else lives .

We made it to her house first . She stumbled making it up her stairs.

She unlocked her door looking at me . Point inside her house I nodded my head no . She smiled , shutting her door .

Next thing you , I heard yelling .

{ Unknown voice }

{ Kasha }

I shook my head laughing . I could nearly make it home . When I made it into the driveway.

I immediately throw up wiping my mouth. I took my shoes off like them hoes was high heels .

{ Tink }
Eww what the fuck .


I made it upstairs into the bathroom to shower . After showering I brushed my teeth heading back downstairs.

When I made it downstairs . I grabbed , hot chips , Oreo cookies , pickles , plain chips and water . I went up stairs carefully not dropping anything.

I pushed the door open with my feet walking in sittings down on my bed .

Laying the snacks down , I got up again almost falling shutting locking my door .

I turned my tv on eating snacks leaning back on my wall looking at tv side ways .

Trouble walked out the bathroom looking at me . I looked at her as I started opening a bag of chips .

{ trouble}
You that pissed off at me you can't answer your phone tink ?

{ Tink }
Mmcht ka- trouble this ain't got shit to do with you damn ain't you supposed to be sleeping?

{ trouble}
Who you been with ?*She said stepping closer to my bed leaning on the bed grabbing my face *

{ Trouble}
Aye yoo you cross as fuck . Where was you at this late at night tink ?

{ Tink }
Can can you move I'm tryna eat .

She mean mugged me getting off the bed unlocked my room door walking out . When she walked back in she had water and bread in her hand .

I laughed looking at her up and down.

{ tink }
What's that supposed to be your late night snack wait I gotta pee .

I got up holding onto the bed for support. When I made it to the bathroom. I close the door getting naked sitting down peeing.

When the door flung open trouble walked in I groan looking at her .

{ Tink }
Damn even crossed I can't even get away from yo ass WHAAAT !

{ Trouble}
Stop All that yelling you don't mean that besides . I ne-need to know that you don't love me .

{ Tink }
Why does it even matter ? Let's be real you been playing me since , we first meet ! Ain't shit genuine about you .

I said wiping myself flushing the toilet. Getting up grabbed soap Turing on the water as me and trouble made eye contact.

{ Trouble}
Tink how was it not genuine I mean sure in the beginning I was but in the end I only played myself cause I fell inlove with you

{ Tink }
Well G you better fall outta love fast cause all that playing shit not for me .

{ Trouble}
So not one time do i cross your mind ? I mean think about it be honest with yourself not me

{ tink }
I am honest with myself that's why I know i can't allow you to do what the fuck you did and expect everything to be okay

{ Trouble}
Tink you started this shit the moment you started talking to Zion .

{ Tink }
You can't even take full responsibility it's always the next person. I'm starting to see why your momma put yo ass out

{ Trouble}
What did you just say ?

{ Tink }
I'm tired , move .

She moved out my way . I went into my room grabbing my sports bra. Placing on my boxers.

I got underneath my blanket. She came out the bathroom talking soon as my head hit my pillow I was sound asleep.

4am tinks room
I woke up with a headache . I sat up rubbing my forehead . I was still high but not to high . I looked at the time .

Only to glance over seeing trouble wasn't there nor was her things . I sighed getting up checking my bathroom. She wasn't in the bathroom. I used the bathroom before heading downstairs.

When I made it downstairs trouble was in the kitchen eating with her bags beside her .

{ Tink}
Goodmorning trouble

She continued to eat not saying anything to me. I grabbed a bottle of water looking at her face. She looked like she had been crying for a while.

I sat down , she got up grabbing her bag walking into the living room.

I got up following her .

{ Tink }
Trouble ?

{ Trouble}
I'm leaving , I'm heading to L.a .

{ Tink }
What ... that's far why leave

{ Trouble}
Mind your business , I'll Uber to the airport around 9ish .

{ Tink }
Wait wait wait hold up .

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