You're the only thing I need in my Room of Requirement.

Kat and Bianca's father was puzzling over an ad for a magic aerosol product that covers baldness when the door to his quarters were thrown open. Kat entered the room in an elegant blue satin prom dress. Her blonde curls was adorned with small blue butterflies that gently flapped their wings as she walked. She seemed to glow with confidence.

"Listen, dad. I know we're supposed to have a family dinner today but I'm going to the the Slug Dance.

Without looking up, her father responded, "Funny, sweetie."

Kat waved and left. As the door shut, the room seemed to get dimmer.

Not even a minute later, Bianca walked into the room wearing a pink tulle dress that made her look like a ballerina.

Her father looked up frowning and immediately walked over to where she stood.

"What's that?"

"A dress. For the dance."

"Dance, huh? I know you're not in the slug club."

"Just wanted to let you know where I'll be. Bye, daddy." Bianca quickly spun on her heels, sensing the impending argument.

"Stop. Turn. Explain."

"Okay. Remember how you said I could date if Kat dated? Well, she found this guy who's actually kind of perfect for her. Kat is going to prom with said guy. Which is actually kind of perfect for me, because Black asked me to go to the dance, and I really really really wanna go. I guess I'm allowed to, based on the aforementioned rule, and it's previous stipulations, of course. "

"And who the hell is Black? Boys are scumbags and I bet he's no different..."

"Black meaning Regulus, daddy. And it's kind of a group thing. Marlene is going with us too."

He sighed and looked as his daughter, who at this moment looked more like a barbie doll than a human. This pale pink lipstick she wore was reminiscent of her mother. "Go have fun. But avoid dancing near the boy. Horny little idiots, men are. Can't keep their hands to themselves. Also no drinking or drugs or anything of the sort."

Bianca slammed the door before he could finish.

The trio arrived fashionably late and immediately headed towards the dance floor.

"Thanks for letting me with you guys." Marlene grinned. The music slowed down as a slow song came on. Marlene flattened her red silk dress nervously. 

"You're my friend! I wanna be there for you." Bianca smiled. Regulus began coughing.

Marlene laughed. "Are you sick or what?"

"No!" Regulus said, motioning wildly with his eyes and hands. 

Marlene took the not so subtle hint, walking to the punch bowl without another word. 

"Shall we?" Bianca nodded and Regulus wrapped his hands around Bianca's waist.

"I haven't really been there for you. Y'know I like you, but it's all so sudden, you liking me back and all." Regulus said hesitantly.

"There's just something about you." Bianca shrugged. "You act like an idiot and I somehow get butterflies"

Regulus could not contain his blush, his cheeks resembling the gryffindor banners hanging in the great hall. Bianca edged closer to him until she was leaning against his chest. The final chords of the song reached their ears and Regulus spun Bianca one last time. Bianca looked searchingly at the boy.

"So?" Bianca prompted.

"Do you want some punch?"

"Oh my god, Ask me out already!" Bianca whisper-screamed.

"I'll do you one better" Regulus said finally. He swept her into a kiss, and Bianca flushed. She felt secure for once, wrapped up in his skinny arms and determined countenance. It was one of those moments that could last forever.

Meanwhile Marlene was interrupted from staring intently at her ex by a distressed Sirius.

"I have a serious problem Mar. I'm lying to my girlfriend and I don't know how to tell her the truth without being murdered."

"Can you just solve these problems on you own for once please?" Marlene snapped, pushing past him to find Bianca. Then she realized what Sirius had just said. "Wait back up, You've been lying to Kat?!"

While Regulus got them punch, Bianca found refuge in the hallway outside Slughorn's office. She took a deep breath, settling the giddy feelings that threatened to overcome her. Before she could catch her breath, a giggling couple walked by. With a start she realized it was James. With Lily.

"What are you doing here?" Lily frowned.

"I just needed a break from all the partying." Bianca faked a smile. "I'm just out of breath."

"Oh you're upset. I'm sorry James chose me." Lily said pityingly.

"Well congratulations. He's all yours."

"Very generous, princess. And how's it going with Regulus?" Lily pressed.

Bianca sighed. "I really don't wanna deal with you right now. If you feel jealous or whatever, take it somewhere else."

Lily frowned. "He's talking quite intimately with a Slytherin chick last I saw." James shifted uncomfortably. "Why is it that guys always run away as soon as they get to know you?"

"Lily." James cut in.

"I get that I hurt you and I'm sorry, but can you not?" Bianca added, rolling her eyes.

"You dated my crush! And you treated me terribly all year! Regulus felt the same way; you're kind of a bitch."

"I didn't mean to hurt you and you got your happy ending anyways. And you can talk about how I'm a crappy friend as much as you want, at least I admit to it. You iced me out all year and you also crushed Snape's heart. Are we done here?"

"I guess being single is better than your sister's situation." Lily snapped, bristling at the mention of Snape. "James only dated you because it was a challenge. You know that, right? Same thing with Sirius, your sister only has a boyfriend because of a dare!"

"Lily stop!" James cut in. Seeing the pain in Bianca's face. Lily immediately clapped a hand over her mouth.

"That was a secret." Lily stammered as Bianca stepped close to James. "Ignore that. It's nothing."

"Did you put him up to this?" Bianca glowered. Her hands balled into fists but it was hard to look intimidating in a tutu.

"It was just-" James tried to defend himself but he was cut off.

"I said, did you put him up to this?" Bianca said forcefully.

"Well it was sort of mutual. I said he couldn't win her over and he wanted to prove me wrong. Some money was inv-"

Bianca drew her arm back and punched him right in the nose.

"Ok I might have deserved that." James said, blood running down his face.

"That's for my sister." she yelled, shaking out her hand. "And this is for me." She geared up and punched him squarely in the gut. 

How the hell was she supposed to tell Kat?


"Mar, I didn't mean to hurt anybody. Honestly I kinda forgot about my dare with James. We both challenged each other to date the Stratford sisters because the dating ban was an obstacle." Sirius pleaded. "I wanna tell her when she comes back from the bathroom, but I don't know how."

"Bloody hell, you pig! So it was just a bet then? Kat means nothing to you?"

"Back then it was the money, but now it's different." defended Sirius.

"Nothing in it for you,  huh?" Kat had heard everything. Her hands were still wet and her face was brightly flushed. 

"No! I care about you Kat, really."

"Sure you do." Kat said as Bianca barreled past her and kneed Sirius in the balls.

"I needed that!" shouted Bianca, wrapping an arm around her sister. "No one messes with the Stratfords"

Arm in arm, the sisters left the party, leaving behind a devastated Sirius and a room of surprised students. 

Regulus stood in contemplation, holding 2 full cups of punch. Frank danced Alice over to Regulus. "Yikes."

"It's a mess. And I feel partly responsible." 

"You both were involved?" Alice asked angrily.

"Not me, love." Frank said motioning to Reg.

"I broke my brother's heart." Reg said, staring at nothing in particular. 

"Well it wasn't you, it was Kat." reasoned Frank. Earning a glare from Alice, he said "Sorry, that probably didn't make you feel better."

"Who told her?" Sirius slammed his hand into a wall, drawing much attention. It was a stone wall, but there seemed to be an indentation, as if the stone itself was moved by Sirius' emotions. The crowd drew away from Lily and James who were huddled on the couch.

"It was a mistake!" Lily squeaked, noticing the glare from Sirius.

"Godric, she could be a bloody boxer." cursed James as Lily iced his nose. "But I love you, Lil, so there was no need to act jealous. You acted like an arsehole, and I would know because I've done the same."

"Lily you ruined my relationship!" Sirius yelled crossing the room. His hands shook and he hovered over the couple uncertainly.

"Don't blame someone else. This is on you." Mar scoffed following after Bianca.
