If you were a Dementor, I'd become a criminal just to get your kiss.

Kat and Sirius had a lot of fun in Hogsmeade. First, they went to The Three Broomsticks for butterbeer and Sirius made Kat laugh so hard, she spilled hers. Sirius, being a gentleman, bought her another.

Then, they stopped at Honeyduke's to stock up on candy. Kat thought it was slightly odd how much chocolate Sirius bought.

After that, Sirius had forced Kat to come into Zonko's with him, but they quickly got thrown out because Sirius thought it was a good idea to test a dungbomb inside the shop.

As they strolled around the icy roads of Hogsmeade, Kat saw a silk blue dress that caught her eye, so they went to Gladrags and Sirius insisted she try it on. Sirius couldn't stress how good she looked in it, but Kat decided not to buy it in the end.

Finally, they walked home hand in hand and very happy. Sirius walked into the Gryffindor dorm with a goofy grin. It was clear to all the marauders that Sirius was in love with or at least very intensely liked Kat.


"You know what would be fun?" Sirius asked. They were sitting in the library trying to study, but it wasn't going well. Sirius put down his homework and looked over at Kat. Kat continued to read her book.

"I'm guessing you thought of a prank?"


"I don't think I want to be a part of it."

"Aw, Kat! C'mon!"

"Okay, I'm a little curious as to what you came up with." Kat sighed, sitting up. "But I probably can't help. I have to the finish the homework I was supposed to be doing for the last hour."

"Just copy mine. So I was thinking..." Sirius excitedly told her about his plan. Kat had to admit, it was unique. It would also probably get them caught.

Together, they stole Peter's paintball gun (he was saving it so that he could revenge prank James, long story according to Sirius) and had taken out the ammo. Then, Kat helped Sirius master an exploding spell. They got into position, threw a couple in the air and boom. Paint rained down on the unsuspecting crowd. Colors streaked the hallway and screaming students were splattered.

The couple ran off laughing. They made it to the Ravenclaw Common Room and collapsed on a couch after Kat quickly solved the entrance riddle. Breathing hard, Sirius turned too Kat. Paint still          streaked her hair.

"You might just be a prankster after all." Sirius smiled.

Kat just laughed. "Definitely not. Is it true you and your friends were behind the green slime prank at the beginning of the year?"

"No.  None of that stuff is true. We have much more advanced pranks." Sirius said proudly.

"What about the pie face thing? Last year?"

"Fallacy. "

"The duck in Dumbledore's hat?"

"That was us." Sirius smiled fondly at the memory. "You know, you have plenty of rumors surrounding yourself. Fabian Prewett's balls?

"Fact.  But he deserved it.  He tried to grope Alice during a party."

"Fair enough."

"What about the potion's accident? Was that you?"

"It's real. But it wasn't exactly on purpose. I was... acting out."

"Huh." Kat hesitated. "You don't have to talk about it if you don't want to."

Sirius continued, clenching his fists. "I was having family issues. My mother had just sent yet another Howler and I was distracted."

"What really happened over the summer?" Kat asked softly. She took her hand in his. "I know the porn career's a lie."

"Do you?" Sirius quirked an eyebrow at her. Kat paused for a moment, then laughed.

"Tell me something true."

"Something true?  I hate peas."

"No.  Something real.  Something no one                     else knows."

"Okay.  You're sweet. And fierce. And sexy. And                     completely hot for me." He leaned in to kiss her.

"You're amazingly self-assured. Has                     anyone ever told you that?" Kat giggled, putting her hand on his shoulder to stop him from getting any closer.

"I tell myself that every day, actually." Sirius grinned. Kat shook her head and kissed him.
