Are you a basilisk? Because when I caught sight of you, I froze.

The music rang loudly in Sirius's ears as he entered the tavern. He paused, searching the crowded room for a certain short blonde. The room was crowded, and it took a while to find her. He froze when he finally spotted her. His eyes were fixed on her as she danced. He couldn't help but notice how happy, how free she looked.

"I need agua!" yelled Kat to Marlene. Marlene nodded, and continued her crazed motions. When Kat made it to the bar after pushing through the crowd, she instantly spotted Sirius trying to look casual. "What, are you following me now?" Sirius had made his way to the bar and leaned casually against the counter.

"Nah. I just love 'The Hexers'. Though they're not as good as..." he racked his brain, trying to think of one of the bands Peter listened to. "As 'The Legendary Ladies' "

"You know the 'Ladies' ?" Kat asked so softly that Sirius almost doesn't hear it. She was in awe... Maybe Sirius wasn't so bad? But she couldn't let her guard down.

"Yeah. Don't you?" Sirius smirked. He pushed his long, dark hair back to reveal his forehead. "I saw you dancing out there..."

"Yeah?" Kat says, less impatient than before.

"I've never seen you look so -." Sirius says boldly right as the music stops. Everyone turns towards them laughing. Sirius, now blushing, grins embarrassedly. "Bloody hell."

" ... Thanks." Kat says finally as everyone's attention goes back to the performers.

"Come to the Prewetts' party with me." Sirius says, his sincere grey eyes making Kat turn away. She begins to walk back to Marlene. "Was that a yes?"

"No!" Kat yells over a loud drum solo.

"So that was a no?" Sirius yells after her, eyebrows raised.

"No." Kat yells back.

"See you at 9 then!" he shouts excitedly. The dopey grin doesn't leave his face, even after he left the bar and after he failed to sneak back into the castle. Not even when McGonagall gave him detention and marched him back to the dorms. Nothing could ruin this for him, not even James' abnormally loud snores.


"Bloody hell, you look hot... " James said, jaw hanging open as Bianca and Lily descended the steps in matching tight red leather dresses. Marlene raised her eyebrows and looked away.

"Smokin' " Sirius said with a wink. He saluted them all. "I'm off to pick up Kat."

"The party's here though. Why don't you just wait here for her?" Peter said, eyebrows furrowed.

"Because he's whipped." Remus said, sipping his firewhiskey.

Marlene nodded in agreeance. "It's adorable."


"Tie or no tie?" Frank called from in front of the mirror.

"Was that a serious question?" Regulus asked, poking his head out of the bathroom to glance worriedly over at his friend.

"No tie then?"

"Um no." Regulus said, combing his black hair back. Frank nodded and discarded the green polka dot tie.

"I'm just nervous, you know?" Frank said wringing his hands together. "I've never been to a real party before."

"And I have? Relax. We'll both stand to the side looking awkward together." Regulus said, turning to give his friend a reassuring smile.

"I sorta have a date. We're gonna meet at the party, but we're going together?" Frank said, heat rising to his cheeks.

"Oh." Regulus said. "What is it with everyone having dates?"

"You don't seem cool. You can hang out with us if you want... "

"Nah, I'll be fine. I want you to have fun. I'll figure something out."

"Okay great because I kinda didn't want you hanging with us. I really like this girl." Frank said, letting out a relieved sigh. He wrapped Regulus in a tight hug. "You're the best! Love you."

"Let me go." Regulus frowned. He hated hugs and he hated love. The second one was a more recent hatred. "I'll just hang out with Marlene. Or maybe Caspar or Rodolphus."

One overexcited and one very mellow Slytherin left the basement and headed to the party. They could both agree the party was going to be a mess. The Prewett twins were hosting, after all.


In the Ravenclaw tower, Alice and Kat were arguing.

"The guy I really like is going! So I'm going!" Alice said, applying makeup.

Kat, who had flopped on her bed as soon as classes ended, rolled her eyes. "I never said you couldn't go! I just think parties are just a lame excuse for all the idiots at our school to drink beer and grind on each other in hopes of distracting themselves from- "

"-the pathetic emptiness of their meaningless, consumer-driven lives? I know. So you've told me. But I think you should come too!" Alice said, puzzling over jewelry options. "Is it too much if I wear my mandrake earrings?"

"You look so amazing, Voldemort would fall in love with you. But I'm not going."

"He-who-must-not-be-named!" hissed Alice. "And I need the support. I know you don't have a date, but it'll still be fun! Social Interaction is good for you."

"Right, sorry." Kat said, sitting up. "And I do have a date... I just don't feel like going."

"You have a date?! Why didn't you tell me?" Alice shrieked, turning to look at her increasingly embarrassed friend.

"It's just Sirius. It's nothing."

"Just Sirius? Oh my god." Alice sighs, turning back to the mirror and brushing her short, straight hair. "You to would make such an adorable couple."

"What? You did not just say that." Kat pouted sourly.

"You know it's true." Alice giggles back "I think- "

"Um... there's a loud, obnoxious Gryffindor pounding on the common room door and asking for Kat." a 2nd year Ravenclaw said, entering the room. He nervously glanced at Kat.

"That tosser. That utter moron." muttered Kat, pushing down the surge of happiness she felt. She pulled on a black leather jacket over her button down and blue tie. "Guess I'm going then."

"Not like that you aren't! You're still in your uniform!" cried Alice. She turned to the younger boy and said, "Tell him to quiet down. She'll be down in a bit."

It only took Alice a couple minutes to work her magic. She took out Kat's messy bun, then made her change into a soft, cropped wine colored sweater and light jeans. "I'll let you choose the shoes. Sirius will be stunned."

"Thanks." Kat gave her a small smile and pulled her black leather jacket over her outfit. She walked down the steps slowly, not wanting to see Sirius, but at the same time dying to see what he thought.

Alice was right. As soon as he saw Kat, he started grinning like crazy. "Hey. I would've come in, but I couldn't solve the riddle."

"Don't worry. A lot of people can't."

"Does 'a lot of people' include you?" Sirius teased, but his words were met with a glare.

"If you must know, it does not." Kat said. "But in the time I've known you, you've proven that you're not completely moronic."

"How sweet." He cleared his throat. "Anyways, you look amazing. As always, of course."

"Thanks." Kat said. She quickly shook herself out of her trance. She pushed past him and said, "Let's just get this over with."

Sirius laughed. "Not a fan of parties then?"

"Not at all."

"Then I'm glad you decided to go with me." he said, walking quickly to catch up. He fell in step with her and, after hesitating slightly, held Kat's hand. "Trust me, you're going to have such a good time."

Kat straightened at the contact and glanced at him out of the corner of her eye. "Arrogant much?" she said, making sure to hide her smile.

Sirius smiled back, admiring her curly blonde hair that flowed just past her shoulders and her green eyes that wrinkled in annoyance.

A lesser known fact about Sirius Black was that he loved puzzles. He had done them as a kid whenever he felt stressed or whenever his parents had yelled at him. They had been difficult, but he was dedicated to solving them. As soon as he started, he was emotionally attached. Kat was another puzzle for him to solve, and he was enjoying every minute of it. Maybe a little too much.
