We may not be in Professor Flitwick's class, but you sure are charming!

The 7th year History of Magic class was bound to be interesting. Gryffindors and Ravenclaws had it together, meaning the ever troublesome Marauders were in that class. It also meant a very aggravated Kat.

"Rowena, all we learn about in this class is misogynistic white men. We haven't learned about even one powerful woman." Kat muttered to her friend Alice Fortescue, slamming the syllabus on her desk.

"Then why did you take the class?" Alice sighed.

"Obviously to see me everyday, Alice." James smirked from behind them. He tossed a stolen snitch from hand to hand mindlessly.

"Shut up, Potter." Kat growls. "No one wants your soggy ass."

"Dang Prongs, she's destroying you." Sirius Black laughs from beside him.

"What's all the fuss about?" the ghostly form of Professor Binns floated over to the three of them.

"Katerina here was just telling us some insightful things about your curriculum." James said sarcastically. It was obvious his ego had been bruised.

"Is that so?" Profesor Binns said, turning to Kat.

Without missing a beat, Kat said, "I was just wondering why we revere a majority of the people on this syllabus when they were either misogynistic, abusive, or alcoholics?"

"As opposed to a bitter witch with no friends?" James added. A few people started laughing and all of Potter's friends were smiling. Including Sirius. Kat clenched her jaw and pulled out her wand.

"Now, now settle down. And that's enough Kat. We're learning about quite a few women-" Professor Binns defended.

"I would hardly call 2 out of the 30 people we're learning about 'quite a few' and I suggest you change or add to your curriculum. I mean, it doesn't even mention the Witch Suffrage movement and-"


"There are plenty of important women we can learn about. They made equally significant contributions to society. We barely went into detail about the female founders of Hogwarts last year and-"

"Go see your Head of House. Now." Professor Binns said in an angry but wavering voice.

"Gladly."  Kat frowned and packed up her stuff, making sure to hit Potter with her bag on the way out. She hoped Flitwick wouldn't be too mad. She had to admit she was quite a handful and was constantly getting in trouble. Flitwick had tolde her he had hopes that Kat would be less angry this year. Kat didn't intend to live up to his expectations.

"Again Kat? Merlin, what am I going to do with you?" Flitwick said as Kat walked on.

"All I did was express my opinion."

"That is relatively mild compared to what you did last year."

"I know, right?" Kat had been much more... aggressive with her views last year.

"Glad to see you making progress. Nothing I say will make you stop, will it?"

"If you mean you're going to try to eradicate my right to freedom of speech, then most definitely not." Kat said. Clearly, Flitwick was starting to wear down. He rolled his eyes and waved her off.

"Alright then. Get to class Stratford. Goodness, you're the reason I have white hair. You and the Marauders." Flitwick sighed.

"I'm surprised you didn't put up more of a fight this time. I'll probably see you soon." Kat said cheerfully, glad she didn't have detention. Last year she had gotten over 52 detention. One for every week in the year and she wasn't even trying. She was just assertive in defending her views.

"Hopefully not." Flitwick replied, massaging her head.

By that time, it was lunch, so Kat headed to the Great Hall. She forced a couple first years at the Ravenclaw table to move over so that she could sit next to Alice.

"You missed an actually interesting lesson today." Alice grinned. "Binns droned on about Beaumont!"

Kat raised an eyebrow. Alice had quite the obsession with the famous Herbology pioneer Beaumont Marjoribanks. Alice was practically in love and had read every single book about him. Once, when she was especially engrossed in a book he wrote, she even called him her 'true love'. Kat studied her crazy, brown-eyed friend. "Oh no." she said sarcastically. "I get no guy at this school measures up, but really?"

Alice continued chattering about her 'true love' when the Marauders entered the Great Hall. They sat next to Bianca and Lily while Kat looked on with disgust. Alice winced and said "Tragic. Potter is such a jerk. And to think he's Head Boy."

"I can't believe my sister willingly associates with that trash." Kat agrees, eyebrows furrowed. She tore her eyes away from the Gryffindor table and began take a helping of shepard's pie.

"Oh you remember Sirius Black right? He's in our History class too. I heard he's homeless now, so he became an adult video star to pay the bills." Alice said quietly. Kat glances over again and meets Sirius Black's eyes. He smiles and winks back at her.

"I don't know if he looks the type."

"Anyways, I'm honestly kind of surprised you didn't get detention at all yet this year. No offense."

"Aren't you proud?"


Frank and Regulus had slept in and missed breakfast. Then, they were too afraid to approach either Potter or Black during Lunch in order to set their plan in motion. They both agreed that it would be easiest for Frank to ask Potter during a class they shared: Muggle Studies.

"Hey Potter! Anyone sitting here?" Franks said with a smile.


Frank gulped and sat down anyways. "So I just wanted to run an idea by you. In case you're interested."

"I'm not."

"Well I heard you want Bianca. I'm a Slytherin and we're known for our schemes. I can help." Frank says quickly, closing his eyes and bracing for a punch.

"How did you know?"

Frank hesitantly opens his eyes and smiles. "Um, doesn't matter. All you have to do is get someone charming like Sirius Black to start dating Bianca's sister, then the dating ban is lifted and you can date Bianca!" Frank said. Potter gave him a wary look, so Frank added "Bianca'll obviously fall for you. You are James Potter."

"True." James said, twiddling  his quill as he thought about what Frank said. As much as he tried to hide it to keep his reputation intact, he liked Bianca. A lot. "But why do you care?"

"Um..." Frank said. His brown eyes widened. "Oh! Well, uh, it just makes sense for Hogwart's most popular guy to go out with Hogwart's most desirable girl... Plus I want to be your friend?"

"Obviously." James nodded, attempting to smooth his hair out. "Thanks I guess for the advice but buzz off. If this plan works, I'll think about making you cool by association."

Frank quickly conceded and rushed to find another seat. Once he sat down, he smiled. The plan was in action.


It didn't take much convincing for Sirius Black to go after a girl. All James tell Sirius he wanted Bianca and then talk about how no one could charm Kat.

"It's said that no one can charm Kat Stratford... not even you, Padfoot." James said.

"Sirius can get any girl he wants." Peter countered. Sirius grinned and high-fived him.

"Let's make a bet. If I go on a date with Kat Stratford, you owe me 30 galleons." Sirius replied.

"50 galleons, 3 dates. Deal?"

"Deal. I'm guessing you'll use the opportunity to get Bianca?"

"You already know it."

"You guys are bloody idiots." muttered Remus. "What if this backfires like most of your ideas?"

"Don't worry Moony, it won't." James grins.

"I guess I better start charming." Sirius says with a smile. He runs a hand through his long black hair and walks over to the Ravenclaw table. "Oi! Fortescue! Where's Kat?"

"Quidditch practice. Why do you care?" Alice frowns.

"Thanks!" he yells back, walking suavely out the Great Hall. Sirius didn't really have a plan in mind, he was just impulsive. It's not like he had much to lose now that he was alone in the world. He had James and his friends, sure. But it wasn't the same. Either way, he was determined to win Kat over just like he won over every girl at Hogwarts. He arrived at the Quidditch Pitch and watched the Ravenclaw team play. Of course the aggressive Kat was a beater. Practice ended only a couple minutes later and he got the chance to approach Kat.

"Great practice, Stratford." Sirius calls out. When she doesn't respond, he continues. "So, got any plans this weekend?"

"Planning on murdering a couple people in a cult ritual. Maybe you, if you're lucky."

"Now that's a way to get a guy's attention, huh?"

"My sole mission in life."

"You're funny. But seriously, Hogsmeade?"

Kat laughed in response and ran off to the locker rooms before Sirius could say anything else. Sirius frowned and ran a hand through his black hair. He was perplexed. Was there a girl who didn't want him?
