π“π–πŽ - 𝐖𝐇𝐄𝐑𝐄 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐇𝐄𝐋𝐋 πˆπ’ 𝐓𝐇𝐄 π’π”ππ„π‘πŒπ€π‘πŠπ„π“?

β₯៚ ᡗʰᡃᡗ'Λ’ ʷʰᡃᡗ ⁱ Κ·α΅ƒβΏα΅—α΅‰α΅ˆ α΅—α΅’ ᡃ˒ᡏ ΚΈα΅’α΅˜


2. [L/N] [Y/N]


Was I late for the train? Well, believe it or not, I wasn't! Give me three cheers for that one because I busted my lungs trying to get there on time.Β 

Now, you may be asking, "[Y/N], why didn't they book your train at a later time so you wouldn't be sacrificing your lungs trying not to be tardy for a piece of moving locomotive."

And your answer to that question is...I don't know. I'm not the person who runs the stuff around the Estate, Yushiro is. Sure Oldie (A.K.A Yushiro) adopted me and took me in but it didn't mean I was granted special privileges. The only perk I got was that I didn't have to call him Yushiro-sama, he insisted on it. Said it sounded weird coming from me, I've known him since I was 7. I'm 17 now. That's basically a decade of living with each other.Β 

Yeah, makes sense as to why he didn't want me to refer to him as Yushiro-sama.Β 

Balancing our demon slayer duties with school and personal life is like juggling five balls instead of three, the additional two came from the demon slayer duties. It's chaotic and would require a lot of your focus and time. If you don't know how to juggle, well, in simpler termsβ€”you're fucked.Β  So it wasn't unnatural for them to book a really early departure time for me, we're all operating on one brain cell at this point. Give us credit for still being alive after all the stuff we've gone through.Β 

The train ride was smooth, I fell asleep halfway. This is probably why I thought it was a smooth ride because I never noticed any bumps or troubles that came along the way. I'm usually a very attentive person but there are times when my spidey sense won't go all alarm on me and I could relax. I took the opportunity and had a small nap. My stamina from last night's run was still recharging and since I had patrol in the evening, I needed all the sleep I could get.Β 

Once I arrived at my stop, it was time to find the apartment.Β 

Now, that was easy.Β 

Yushiro gave me detailed instructions, via text messages. I had received his text while I was asleep, along with it was a picture of the prefecture's map. It had a blue outline highlighting the roads I needed to take to reach my apartment. Ah, what I would do without Yushiro. I'd probably be homeless if I hadn't met him. Or dead. Who knows? But that my friends are a whole different story.Β 

My unit was quite simple, it was on the third floor and the very first door you'd see when you would take a right from the stairwell. It was a studio apartment, no need for a one-bedroom unit when the only person who'd be living there was a sleep-deprived money-driven slayer.Β 

"Ugh, finally," I flopped down onto my bed. My backpack was somewhere in the room, I tossed it the moment I entered the apartment.Β 

Speaking at the apartment, I said it was simple but give me a moment to expand on my description. It was too simple. So simple that it was bare. It was a naked room. Odd choice of words on my end but it's the truth. The room was stripped bare.Β 

The few things that were there was a table,Β  a chair (for the table, a bed, a nightstand, and a closet. Other than that? Nothing. Poof. All gone.Β 

You have got to be kidding me.

Well, no better time to start shopping. Yipee. God save me...


I hope I didn't forget to mention that I'm directionally challenged, although this would be the only time I'd admit it. Yeah, I'm directionally challenged. Although it only happens in places I've never been to.

Β So...you could say, "But doesn't anyone get lost when they're in a new place?"

And that's true but, you see, the thing is. Would someone still get lost even though they got directions? Even though they have a map? No, right? My thoughts exactly.Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β Which is why I lost my way going to the supermarket. Hooray! That was sarcasm. I was being sarcastic.Β 

Anyways, I had asked for some directions from a local, a really nice woman who was with the cutest little boy ever. They gave me some instructions and also offered me some chocolate milk. I obviously accepted it, who wouldn't turn down free stuff? A cautious person would.Β 

Sad to say, after following her instructions I was still as clueless as ever. She said it was called Seiyu Supermarket, so why am I in front of a house? Ugh, this sucks. I took out my phone and started dialing.Β 

"Greetings, this is stupid daughter #1, [L/N] [Y/N]," I said as the call was picked up.Β 

A grumble came from my phone, "I hope you're calling me for something important. I just left a meeting to answer you."

"Oh, don't worry Yushiro, I promised I called for something very very important." I looked around my surroundings, it was just houses everywhere. And the occasional birds flying around. Speaking of birds...

"By the way," I began, "Is Ryu going to come? Or he's still mad at me for offering him as a sacrifice?"

Yushiro's voice lightened up a bit. "Your crow will arrive in two days. Now, what were you supposed to ask me, oh stupid daughter of mine?"

I hesitated to speak, "I'm lost. Like lost. Lost. I have no idea where I am. I was supposed to go to the supermarket but I've been going around the same area. WHY AM I GOING AROUND THE SAME AREA?"

Yushiro sighed. He proceeded to try and help me find my way. But it led to nothing and I was back in the same place I started. He told me to try and use Google Maps, and I did. Only to realize I didn't know the address of where I was at. I was perpetually lost.Β 

"Just go to one of the houses there and ring their bell." I could picture Yushiro pinching the bridge of his nose while his eyebrows were furrowed.Β 

"And disturb their private time and be seen like a lost lunatic? No. Absolutely not. Not happening."

We squabbled a bit more after that. He called me stubborn. I called him old. The only reason why we had to stop our lovely chat was that someone tore the phone away from Yushiro. And pleaded with him to go back to the meeting. Yushiro obviously grumbled and said I was too stupid and I was hurting his brain and then left. The call ended afterward.Β 

So what's the summary? I called for help only to be called stubborn and stupid...also there was no help.Β 

"Hahh," I sighed out, "Guess I just have to nab someone by the collar and let them guide me."

I walked around for a few minutes and thankfully made some progress. I was now beside a park. That's good. At least I'm somewhere new. I sat on one of the benches, for a park it was quite empty. Well, it was late afternoon and a lot of kids are probably just playing at home. It was a weekend, after all.Β 

For now, I guess I'll wait around.Β 

I've never gone to a park before. Well, I mean I have but I didn't have enough time to fully enjoy myself. Or socialize with other kids my age. I was trained to become a demon slayer the moment demons started popping up. I wasn't forced into this kind of life (if you were all wondering), it was more or less me forcing Yushiro to allow me to become one.Β 

Being a demon slayer was no easy feat. There were days I felt as if I was going to die, the training was hard, the missions always left me broken inside, and the stench of blood and the grotesque images of decaying bodies still haunt me sometimes. There were times I felt like quitting, times I felt like running away. But I chose this path. There were some bad memories of course but overall just being able to help Japan, even in the shadows, makes me feel a sense of pride.Β 

"Huh? What are you talking about..."

I swung my head around. A little too violently though but nothing life-threatening. I surprised the person behind me, they gave off a little yelp and stumbled onto the person beside them.

Ah, there's my victim.

Β I narrowed my eyes.Β 

Male. Green curly hair.Β  Probably around my age, and looks like an idiot but is probably still helpful.Β 

I tilted my head to the side to see the other person beside him, they both flinched at my actions.Β 

Dark red hair. Very spiky. Average build.

I grinned, "Whoops, sorry. Didn't mean to scare any of you," I got off the bench, patting the dirt away from my pants. "I was just wondering if you could guide me to Seiyu Supermarket?"

The two men eased and nervously laughed, both of them scratching their napes. They both apologized for their violent reaction and were willing to guide me to where I needed to be.Β 

We walked around, the two being very chatty and trying to get me to talk. I did, albeit not that much. They were practically strangers to me and I didn't even understand what kind of topic they were going off about, it didn't help that they both were trying to constantly flirt with me. Which led to nothing but uncomfortable silence.Β 

We reached the supermarket, I gave them my thanks and watch them walked off, gushing about something.Β 

The supermarket, in common terms, was massive. Insanely massive. I grabbed everything I needed and dashed out the moment the cashier was done packing everything up.Β 

I could finally go home and rest. Hugging my groceries a little closer to my chest, I journeyed to the beyond. The problem is, how do I get home? I should have asked those boys to stay and wait for me, now I'm lost.Β 

I sighed, here the fuck we go again.Β 


I jumped from roof to roof. Almost slipped but was thankfully able to catch myself in time. How does one catch themself? I don't know as well (despite doing it).Β 

A few hours ago I was able to find my way home, this time not asking for help because I decided I was too much of a coward and wanted to man up. If that makes sense.Β 

I should've asked for help since I was wandering around for more than an hour and it took me thirty minutes before I started seeing familiar surroundings. I would've chucked myself back to bed if it wasn't for my nightly patrol.Β 

This sucks, I grumbled to myself.Β 

Looking around, I memorized every street, every house, every lampost, everything. I needed a mental map, I can't always rely on Google Maps to save me plus I don't even know how to use the damn thing. It wouldn't show the places I needed to go, it's either I'm stupid or the app itself is stupid.Β 

I decided that the moment I got to Hidari Wikabara was the moment I started doing patrols. Well, it is the protocol to do so, I'm just following the rules. For a place with active 'kidnapping' cases, the place wasn't that much on high alert. I'd usually stumble upon police officers roaming around the area but I'm surprised they didn't go into full panic mode.Β 

Not sure if it's bad for me or bad for them.Β 

Maybe both.Β 

There's a higher chance for more kidnapping cases to occur if more people are outside instead of inside. Although, demons these days are more stubborn and would break into houses without a second of thought. So, in hindsight, you're practically unsafe, anywhere.Β 

I should mention that jumping on roofs isn't that pleasant. I have to be careful not to make a big sound so I don't alert people. It's the same reason why my uniform is kept in black, demon slayer uniforms are now customizable so everyone has a bunch of different colors but keeps the same insignia. Black blends better at the night, except during the day of course but what demons go out during the day? Rare ones for sure but they don't exist.Β 

I jumped from one roof to the next. One roof to the next. I've been patrolling for a few hours already and covered the entire area. It's my second lap. I haven't heard anything nor seen anything suspicious. Maybe the demons just aren't active today? It doesn't help that I can't seem to find where their hideout is.Β 

I jumped down and landed in an alleyway, could it be that it's camouflaged?Β 

I don't have heightened senses like Yoshiteru or Sumihiko.Β  While they rely on using their nose and ears, I rely on logic, despite being dumb. Kind of.Β 

All demon hideouts are camouflaged, so that was a stupid question. If I want to find the demons I have to get them the moment they're in action, that's the only way I could fully catch them. But it does mean risking someone to become bait. Maybe there's a better plan.Β 

I got myself back onto a roof and departed, heading back to my apartment to get ready for school. The sun was rising and so were my stress levels. God, I hope that I'll be able to find those demons before too many victims are taken.Β 

I hope that when that time comes, I'd make it in time and no one would die.
