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7. [L/N] [Y/N]


Now, I'll set all of this straight and explain everything from the top. Okay so, Aren, Nendou, Kaidou, and Pinkie all went to my house, right? Well, after they leave I decide that fuck being sick and the missing account of people are still more important. So, with all credit due, this genius brain of mine decides that I should still continue the mission because why not? If not for justice then surely because of my guilty conscience is what you're thinking of right? You're absolutely rightย 

I know it's not my fault but like...No, it's not my fault. Maybe if I had been a little stronger I could've saved the boy. If I had only been a little stronger...I could've--anyways, we're getting sidetracked.ย 

So I went on the mission, right? I compile all my evidence and pinpoint where the big baddie's secret hiding spot was and bing bada boom, my hypothesis, guess, whatever you wanna call it was right. I mean, why wouldn't it be? Talk about egoistical. Okay so, I greet big baddie. I insult him. He gets mad, obviously, and then we fought. Sounds easy enough, right? I keep saying right a lot. Ugh, must be the nerves. So we fight, exchange blows, and do some intellectual talking with our fists. But then midway, my headache worsens, remember I'm sick. So the moment I was about to become a human pancake mush for the demon's clone to make, guess who showed up? It was none other than the man in pink himself. Saiki Kusuo.ย 

Whaaaaat? You can't believe it? Well, neither can I.ย 

The guy decides to use whatever voodoo magic he got up on his sleeves and like the true weirdo he is, he goes and talks inside my brain! Like bro what in the actual godly motherfucking fuck? I mean, I won't lie. His help was very needed and I'm eternally grateful to him but at the same time, I am confused. Baffled. Mystified. Perplex. All the synonyms. Like sure you can say, "Oh but don't you deal with demons all the time? Things that aren't supposed to exist? So why are you surprised by something as small as this?"ย 

Well, may I correct you, first, this is no small deal. Second, I thought people like Saiki just existed in the fictional world. Actually, in hindsight, saying that now is also quite ironic because people would think that demons only exist in the fictional world as well...But they're real. And so is Saiki Kusuo!ย 

And so like the dashing barbie doll knight he is with his audaciously pink bright hair, Saiki ultimately saved my life and my face when I passed out. Because god knows what might've happened to my face if I blacked out and headbutted the floor.

And that leads us to the present. Me on the bed and Saiki at the table he and his friends were on earlier. Also, Ryu was in his bed, asleep.ย 

I'll be honest, I had no idea how to start it off. Like what do I say? What do I ask? "Hey there classmate of mine who, by the way, I barely know, you are now one of the few, if not, first people to ever find out about my part-time job as a legal murderer!"ย 

I can't just say that! Well, I mean, granted I can but will that really get me a good response? Obviously, the answer is no. So, I have to start off simple. Calm. Normal. Like you know, an average human being.ย 

So with my hands fidgeting and my brain going on haywire, I say, "Saiki, uh, how you?"ย 

Brilliant [Y/N]! Abso-fucking-lutely brilliant! Totally killed it! 10 out of 10 social skills! Wonder where your actual ability to form good coherent sentences went? Down the drain? Not a good excuse pal!ย 

'I think you should be directing that question to yourself.'ย 

Alarms go off in my brain, Mother of God, what the fuck was that?!


I immediately turn to Saiki with his blank face. "Excuse me, what?" I say to him, flabbergasted at the situation.ย 

'Don't look so surprised, I already spoke to you like this earlier.' He tells me with his unchanging look.ย 

"Right... Earlier... With the demons, right?"

'Yes.' He gives me a small nod.ย 

I look at him as a slight uneasiness fills me, "Right..."

My throat feels dry at the interaction, I'll be honest, while I have spent some time in his company, I couldn't really say that I was as close with him as I was with the rest. All I did was make sure he was comfortable every time I was around. So, him being with me alone without any of the rest of the gang to liven things up just felt weird.ย 

I fiddle with my fingers as I try to start another conversation, the silence quickly bothering me. "Um, Saiki, if I recall before I passed out, dead on the floor, kinda. I did say something similar to holding a Q&A session with each other? I'm sure you have questions about me--questions I'll gladly answer! And, um, I know for a fact, you know I have questions for you as well. And I don't expect them all to be answered but I'm kinda, just a kinda a tiny bit hoping that you would answer some...if possible?" I sounded meek at the question.ย 

Silence fills the room. My nerves quickly grew agitated. Sure Yushiro taught me how to defend myself and stuff but he never told me how to properly converse with someone about the topic of them finding out about my occupation. Granted, Yushiro's a loner so I clearly understand why he was unable to teach me such a thing. But right now, I need that non-existing lesson.ย 

'Well,' Saiki speaks in my head, 'it's necessary, can I ask first?'

"Yes, sure! Absolutely! You probably have more questions than I do."ย 

'What are you?'

I smile at the question, it was easy enough to answer, "A Demon Slayer."

'No, I know that already. I'm asking what it is.'

I raise a brow, "How do you know? I don't recall ever telling you. Did I tell you? On accident? Was I mumbling it when I passed out? Did I?"

'No, but that thing from back then said it.' He explained

"Thing, right. That's one way to call them. They're actually demons and well, like the name suggests I'm someone who slays demons."

Saiki still had the same blank look but I felt as if it changed slightly.ย 

"But," I continued, "I doubt you'd be satisfied by such a one-brain cell answer based on how you're looking at me like that."

'Was it obvious?'

I move my body so that my feet are now crossed over each other, like an Indian sit, and my back upright instead of being slouched on the bed--a more comfortable position for me. "Mm, not really, just took a guess plus you don't seem like the person to be satisfied by that."

'You're right,' Saiki agreed, 'So what exactly do you do?' He rephrased his question.ย 

"That's a lengthy explanation but Demon Slayers, essentially, have been around since the Sengoku Era and demons have been there for the same amount of time. We, Demon Slayers, are a group of trained individuals tasked to exterminate and destroy all demons who bear evil will to humanity. I'm not sure how much of my battle you've seen earlier but I'm sure you've seen how well-versed I am with the sword, right?"

Saiki seemed to think back to what happened earlier as his eyes seemed to unfocus on me. Then, after a few seconds, he nods and I continue.ย 

"We're taught multiple techniques, each suited to their own person, and we use those to help defeat demons. These techniques are the only way we can become on par with demons and the basis of this technique can also help regulate our bodies to become stronger. Good enough?"


Perhaps it was because of the perplexity of the situation but I never fully processed that Saiki was talking to me. The same guy with Barbie's favorite color was conversing with me, though very limited. Saiki was a person I deeply avoided talking with since he seemed to always become bothered whenever Nendou or Kaidou talked to him. Granted, while those two are on the opposite side of the spectrum, both individuals show unusual displays of an infinite amount of energy and positivity.ย 

It must be hard for a guy like Saiki to keep up with them. Especially when he's being dragged along to every other thing instead of being asked his opinion.ย 

I remember bringing it up once with the group when we were going somewhere for lunch break, apparently, there was a new item in the cafeteria and Nendou desperately wanted it. Aren and Kaidou being two peas in a pod was more than happy to accompany Big Buff But Nice dude. They invited me to come, and I obviously said yes wanting to see what the item was and they invited Saiki to join as well.ย ย 

Saiki had been at his desk, putting back his writing materials and notebook in his bag. Once Saiki heard what Nendou wanted to do from Kaidou, I immediately felt a shift in Pinkie's attitude. He seemed to freeze at what he was doing, like he was taking in word for word what Kaidou said and still not believing it.ย 

I interrupted and became a voice of reason within the group saying that it was fine if Saiki didn't join. My reason within the group was that he was probably tired from the multiple math equations we dealt with before lunch. The group seemed to take the explanation well. Each one muttering to themself agreeing with what I said.ย 

I remember how Saiki stared at me deeply. No idea why. I assumed he was grateful for the action which was why he looked at me for an extended period of time. But I felt goosebumps appear on my arms and suddenly Saiki went back to normal.ย 

It was all about to go well until a fellow classmate of ours burst inside the room, quickly telling us that something big was happening in the field. With no time to waste, both Saiki and I were immediately dragged by Kaidou and Nendou to the field to see what everyone was talking about.ย 

Apparently, Hairo was jogging with a huge log attached to a rope tied to his waist. The audience, our classmates, and other people in our grade cheered him on. With the encouragement being one of camaraderie and friendship. I awkwardly smiled at the sight and felt embarrassment rise inside me.ย 

In the end, Saiki was still dragged around. The multiple times either he or I tried to exclude himself from activities were either shot down or interrupted therefore rendering our appeals null.ย 

I flopped back down to my bed at the memory, my back hitting the soft mattress. This seemed to catch Saiki's attention but I didn't mind.ย 

"So, I answered one of your questions, I guess I can ask you one now?"ย  I say with my eyes focused on the ceiling. Noticing how there was a bit of dust catching on the ceiling fan.

Saiki didn't say anything in my head so I took it as a 'sure go ahead' sign.ย 

I sit back up, "Are you a psychic? I mean you can talk in my head and you held down that demon without any physical means and plus you teleported out of nowhere during the battle! I mean like helloooo, I'm not that blind to excuse that with a simple reason--so are you a psychic?"

'Yes. I'm a psychic.'

I took a few seconds to myself, "For real real?"

Saiki looked me in the eye, 'For real...real.'ย 

"Wait then if you're a psychic then you really just read my mind earlier with the 'Mother of God, what the fuck was that,' shit, right?"

'Did you think you said it out loud?' He seemed to say with slight curiosity.ย 

"No... I just... My pea-sized brain was not able to fully process the magnificence of your royal highness' power. For I, a mere mortal could not comprehend the complexity of your abilities."

Saiki stared.ย 

"Anyways," I said, quickly changing the subject, "If you can read minds, please, tell me what I'm thinking of right now."

Saiki took a moment, 'Yushiro...'ย 

He seemed to hesitate.ย 

I stare back, extremely serious, "Say it."


"Say it." I urged him.ย ย 

'No,' Saiki remained adamant in his decision.ย 

"Say itttttttttttt."


I frown at his answer, "Saiki, comee onnn. It's so easyy. Just say Yushiro sucks ass," a smile made its made to my lips halfway through the sentence.ย ย 

'He's your guardian.'ย 

"I know. And he sucks ass, now what's your next question?"

'What are demons?'

"Zombies with brains."


It was the weekend. Finally. I say it as if I've been slaving away at school for a week but no. Literally, the events that I just went through happened yesterday, thankfully it was Friday that day, so I didn't have to pile up on absences.ย 

I, again, like every amazing teenager was sick. Halfway through my conversation with Saiki, my fever came back up again and I was put on bedrest by none other than my personal doctor, Saiki Kusuo. 10/10 recommend. Bless the guy, he went to the convenience store to pick some goodies out for me that would lessen my fever.ย  And because of his very very generous goodwill, I actually recovered. Slightly. My breath's still a bit hot but nevertheless, everything is operational.ย 

I only had a few 30-35 minutes or so of talking time with Saiki and let me tell you, it was awkward and the most fun thing I've ever had. Awkward still but it was funny seeing his blank reaction every time I made a joke about something.ย 

Anyways, I planned to call Yushiro to inform him of the situation here, right now, in Hidari Wikabara.ย 

I took my phone off the bedside table and began dialing Yushiro's number. It took a few rings before he finally picked up.ย 

"What?" His voice cut sharply but he sounded tired.ย ย 

I felt offended, how dare he not be excited for his only daughter to call him?

"Well, good morning, how was your day?"ย 

"Terrible." He stated, the sharpness in his voice still hanging.ย 

"Yeah, I can hear that. What happened?"

"Someone reported Sumihiko to the police." He sighed.ย 

A small laugh left me, "Again? Did he accidentally fall from the walls and end up in someone's back garden again?"

"No. He was climbing the walls of the estate."

"The estate? Why would he do that? He lives there," I quirked a brow.ย 

"The doors were locked."

"Aren't they supposed to open for residents? You know with the sensor thing?" I asked.ย 

"Yes, of course, the Fingerprint Scanner.ย  I know that. I was the one who asked for it to be installed." Yushiro's annoyance was starting to seep through, "But yes, you're right, except someone realized you could deny certain people entry by removing their fingerprints from the database." He signed, once more. Yushiro is the sigh master.

"Was it Tojuro? He was always a smartie."

"Yes." He sighed for the third time.ย 

I snorted, "Well, that makes sense."

"Yes, it does indeed. Now, why did you call me?"

Straight to the point like always. But we did take a little detour with Sumihiko.ย 

"I think something big is coming to Hidari Wikabara." I say.ย 

Yushiro gave me his full attention, I explained everything from top to bottom. From my failed rescue attempt to my hypothesis that someone was rebuilding the entire demon monarchy again, someone powerful enough that they were able to command demons despite their unwillingness. I added how I believed Hidari Wikabara might become one of the hotspots, especially with a Marechi living there and how the mysterious person asked the demon from yesterday to 'govern' this place.ย 

ย I chose not to inform him about Saiki just yet, Saiki had a good reason for not advertising why he was a psychic. And he only chose to reveal it to me as I was in danger. And, I guess him not altering my memories might be out of consideration for the fact he learned of me being a Demon Slayer (yes, I did find out that he was able to change people's memories after asking him to give me a quick overview of his abilities as a psychic, I had to beg him to tell me).ย 

I'll only mention Saiki to Yushiro, once the barbie knight himself had given me the 'good-to-go' sign.ย 

After explaining everything to Yushiro, I had only one request from him, "Can you send Sumihiko here?"ย 

Yushiro took a few moments of deliberation, "Possibly. Why?"

"He has a good nose."

"Like Tanjiro," Yushiro wistfully said.ย 

"Yes. Exactly. Like his great-grandfather. And I don't think you're making Sumi do anything right now. Matter of fact, you probably grounded him."

"I did." I could imagine Yushiro doing a small smile at the thought.ย 

"Mhm, And why do I know all that? It's because I'm your daughter-" I proudly said.ย 

"I don't remember having a kid like you," Yushiro interjected.ย 

I cough, ignoring his statement, "I'm your daughter." I firmly said.ย 

"Yes, daughter." He repeated. "Well, daughter of mine, I'll talk to the brat, expect him to be there within the day."

"Why, thank you, father."

I hear Yushiro laugh, "You're welcome. Take care."

"You too." I smile.ย 

The call ends and I'm left alone with Ryu, who was pecking at the ends of my hair.ย 

"Caw! Food!" Ryu complained.

I look out the window, bright sunlight streaming inside, "How about let's eat out today? The weather's good."

"Caw!" Ryu happily agreed.ย 


30 minutes later, both Ryu and I were outside, looking around for places to go. We were able to get into the busy part of the town and were looking for restaurants to go into. Unfortunately, none of them were to my taste.ย 

I sighed, "Ryu what if we just go home, this is too tiring. Plus it's a weekend so there's wayy too many people for comfort."

Ryu looked at me with beady eyes, as if telepathically telling me he wanted to look around a bit more.ย 

"Fine," I reply, "But only for 20 more minutes, the crowds are making me nervous."

And with that Ryu happily flew away.ย 

If you're wondering, yes we did get a lot of weird looks from passersby. It's not every day you get to see someone with a pet crow. But the same applies to Saiko, why the hell does he have a tiger?

I continue to walk around, looking inside each shop. I'd have already chosen the first restaurant I would've seen but the lines were so long, I felt uncomfortable having to wait. Even the fast food restaurants were jampacked. Cafes were filled to the brim with couples having a date or college students taking a well-needed break.ย 

Fuckkk, if this goes on I would actually already go home. And I was in a good mood today because of Yushiro.ย  Another sigh left my lips, at this point I'm becoming more like Yushiro.ย 

Perhaps, maybe,ย  I actually am his daughter and he just never told me because we have this oh-so-sad backstory where my mom died and he couldn't bear to retell the story to me which is why he never told me the truth, and was, instead, forced to take care of me with the guise of being my guardian.

Imagine if that was true. I actually still remember my biological parents. As I said, they ran away like the wind. I was like seven or something when they went poof. But, that's a story for another time.ย 

Anyways, I continued looking around. Looking inside the windows of each shop, no doubt the customers found me odd. Actually, one of the waitresses had to shoo me away since I was scaring the people inside. That was funny. Actually, I was hurt. Like half hurt. Did I look that scary? I mean, I'm just a girl with red hair and violet eyes, nothing to be scared about.ย 

A few minutes later, I had given up and just decided to go to an ice cream stall. Nothing says breakfast like having two scoops of ice cream. Vanilla, of course, because I'm basic and indecisive. I'm kidding I got cookies 'n cream. Yum!ย 

After finishing my ice cream (unfortunately), I decided to just eat at a convenience store. Paid and heated up some curry and was happily munching away. I also got some already-cut fruits for Ryu since he's in love with the stuff. What a healthy crow I have.ย 

Now you could say, "Ew, convenience store food, yuck!"ย 

I'm just saying, as a resident of Japan. You could never go wrong with the curry in the convenience stores here. It will always be good. I promise that. If you had a different experience, feel free to find me and whack me on the head. I will welcome the punishment for spreading false information.ย 

With a few more bites, I finished my curry.ย  My stomach was happily filled and I was emotionally satisfied so I left the store with no qualms, of course after throwing my trash away. Don't litter, kids.

ย I was about to call Ryu with my awesome crow-calling technique, which is just me screaming 'Ryu' out in public but then I saw Saiki and I decided, like the good friend I am, to head on over and worsen his day.ย 

Because I know my showing up was bound to ruin his day.ย 

I happily skipped my way over, thinking of ways how I should surprise him. I could hit his head to announce my presence (I know it'll hurt), I could slap his back to announce that I am here (again, I know it will hurt), or I could scream his name out loud in public (this time it won't hurt physically but emotionally).ย 

Or maybe I just do all three with the pattern being, scream, slap, and then hit.ย 

What a perfect plan. I'll do it.ย 

'Don't,' I hear the familiar voice in my head.ย 

Why, hello, Saiki. A good morning to you. I greeted him in my head.ย 

'It was a good morning before you showed up,' he replied, now looking at me. We were still a few meters away.ย 

What a joke. Everyday's a good morning as long as I'm in it. I'm God's blessing to the whole world. I flip my hair with a smile. I knew I looked weird to people. Would I stop? Nah, I'm used to it.ย 

'Now that's a joke. The only one who has the blessing of God is her. Unfortunately.' Saiki said with annoyance.ย 

Who's her? I raised a brow. I was getting closer to Saiki now, finding my way against the crowd. That's when I saw her. Oh, you mean Teruhashi? I look at Saiki.ย 

'Yes. Get her away from me,' he tells me.ย 

Why what she do to you?ย 

'Make my day horrible.'

Well, we can't have that.ย 

'Yes, exactly, please help me [L/N-'

Your day needs to be terrible, not horrible. I'll go help her. I walk faster.ย 

'You!' I could hear a small flame of anger flickering inside him.ย 

No need to thank me.ย  I flash him a smile, now I was behind Teruhasi who was trailing behind Saiki (who was still walking away from her), trying to get his attention. Whoops, sorry, he was preoccupied with thinking of ways to make my life miserable, I could see in the small flicker of flame he hid in his eyes.ย 

"Hi, Teruhashi!" I happily greeted.ย 

She flinched at my voice, quickly turning to my direction.

"Whoops! Sorry, I didn't mean to surprise you."

She smiled, "Oh, no worries..."

"[L/N]," I smile back, "The person you've had as your classmate for a week."

"Yes! [L/N]!" She happily chirped, "Your introduction in class was very memorable!"

"Really? I thought it was pretty normal by all things considered."

"It was very memorable to me," Teruhashi said, her smile never failing, "I cherish all of my classmates you see."

"I can see that."

"Yes!" Teruhashi nods, "It's been nice meeting you [L/N], I hope you have good day! I've been trying to talk to Saiki here..." She informs me.ย 

"Saiki?" I repeat.ย 

"Yes, he was right infront of me, right?" Teruhashi looks at me quite unsure of her statement.ย 

"Uh.." Before I could even begin to answer, Saiki immediately talked in my head, he was a good distance away from me now since I had inadvertantly distracted Teruhashi.

'I've been pretending like she was an illusion,' he tells me.ย 

That would explain why she's like that. Now, why would you do that? I asked.ย 

'To ignore her.'ย 

Would you give me a proper reason for why you're ignoring her?


I see... And it isn't because you find her difficult to deal with? I say with a raised brow.ย 

I can feel Saiki go quiet in my head. Unable to say anything, probably cause I got his reason right. I could see why an introvert like him would find Teruhashi, a magnet for everyone's adoration so difficult to work with.ย 

'Yes...' Saiki admits with slight hesitation.ย 

"[L/N]?" Teruhashi immediately brings me back to reality. Ugh, how weird did I look making all sorts of expressions out of nowhere?

"Sorry," I apologized, "I just remembered I had something to do. About the thing on Saiki, well..."

'Tell her she was all alone,' he suggests.ย 

Well, that's kinda mean, isn't it? I think I can find a roundabout on that one.ย 

"The guy infront you a while ago, wasn't actually Saiki," I say.ย 

"Oh no!" Embarrasment creeps up onto Teruhashi's face.ย 

"But don't worry, even I thought it was Saiki at first," I laugh, "I was over there at the convenience store," I point to the other side of the street. "I think it was the pink hair that made me think it was Saiki as well. Did you as well?"

"Yes..." Teruhashi says, her embarrasment finally simmering down and now as if she was thinking of something, "But I clearly saw his face."

I purse my lips in thinking, "It's a weekend today, there's bound to be plenty of people. I'm sure you just saw someone who looked like Saiki. It's not weird to see people similar to the ones you see everyday."

"Maybe." Teruhashi accepts my lie, nodding as she says so but then her expression quickly changes the embarrasment coming back as she realized something. "Oh no!" she exclaims, "What if the Saiki look-alike found me strange!"

I laugh as I pat her shoulder reassuringly, "Don't worry, I caught a glimpse earlier, he was wearing earphones. It's possible the music was too loud for him to hear you. He was also scrolling on his phone."

"I see... Well then, I guess I did meet a Saiki look-alike. It's strange. They really looked similar." she says.ย 

I shrugged, "It happens from time to time. It's just the brain associating things we're familiar with with people from our everyday life to strangers we see out on the streets. For this situation, it's the audacious pink hair of Saiki. Well then, it was nice meeting you Teruhashi."

"You too [L/N]!" She smiles at me.ย 

I walk a few steps ahead of her, waving a goodbye, "Be careful!" I tell her, "Take care!"

And with that, I briskly walked my way over to Saiki, who had been hiding behind a telephone pole.ย 

"Why bonjour, monsieur," I greet with a horrible french accent, "I couldn't help but zee that you vas familiar a bit to moi's eyes. Have ve perhaps met?"

Saiki stares at me for a while, an unknown glint passes his eyes. 'You sound stupid.' He finally says.

I gasped, pretending to be hurt by his words, "And you look stupid. Especially with that outfit of yours." I say, examining his outfit.ย 

'Yours isn't any better as well.'

Now I gasped, for real this time. "Take that back! What's wrong with my clothes?"

'It's embarassing.'

"For you maybe. But for me, it's an expression of who I am." I proudly say, "And because it was also one of the clothes that was still clean and didn't need to be shoved into laundry." I added.ย 

'Okay...' Saiki says.ย 

"I will wear what I want to wear!" I proudly declare to him. A tad bit too loud because some people immediately looked at me.ย 

'I said okay, I get it. Now be quiet! Your noise is attracting people.' He tells me.ย 

"Ew you sound like Yushiro. It's worse since I just talked to him earlier this morning, I can still hear him."

'He's not dead?'

I look at him, appalled. "WHY WOULD HE BE DEAD?" I say incredelously.ย 

'Quiet!' Saiki immediately grabs my hand, leads me to a place with less people, and teleports me away to the roof of a building.ย 

"Why would you think Yushiro's dead?" I repeated more calmly.ย 

Saiki sighs greatly, 'Good grief,' he says in my head. He then explained how he assumed Yushiro was dead because of my emo moment while he, Nendou, Kaidou, and Aren visited my house.ย 

"YOU HEARD THAT?" I exclaimned.ย 

'I'm a psychic. Of course I heard it.' He responds.ย 

"Right. Of course. But, yes, Yushiro's alive. It was...someone else." I say. "Anyways, why are we here?"

'You were attracting too much people,' Saiki tells me.ย 

"Whoops, sorry. Didn't mean too."

Saiki stares at me as if he didn't believe what I said.ย 

"What?" I looked back at him, "I just have a loud mouth, okay? It's hard to control it sometimes. I'm a bit chatty. Even you're chatty today. This is the only time you've talked to me this much." I tell him.ย 

Saiki doesn't respond.ย 

Then it hits me, "Did you just realized it right now?"

Saiki looks to the right. I move to the right. "Did you really just realize it just now?" I repeat my question.ย 

Saiki looks to the left. I move to the left, "Did you really?" I ask again.ย 

Saiki looks to the right.ย 

"Jesus, stop avoiding me!" I exclaim, "It's a yes or no question, it's not that hard!"

'It was necessary...' He speaks in my head, his gaze still at the right not looking at me.ย 

"Says you, admit it, I'm a great friend."

'You're a horrible friend.'ย 


Yo guys what's up? I'm gonna be honest, I thought I wasn't gone for that long of a time until I realized I published the last chapter a MONTH AGO. that made me realize that this chapter was in my drafts for a month and it was still unfinished. BUT BUT BUT I have an amazing excuse as to why my upload schedule sucks, school <3. I'm def more busy than I was during the start of the school especially since I've been handling a lot of stuff but thankfully I survived.ย 

The only reason I was finally able to publish this was bc our mid-term break started like 2 days ago and that gave me enough time to complete this chapter and publish it. I'm not going to proofread it anymore since I've been looking at the same chapter for 2 days straight but in the future I might proofread it.ย 

With nothing more to say, I hope you all have a wonderful day ahead. Also, tell me what you think of this chapter. I didn't intend for it to focus sm on [L/N] and Saiki's dynamic with each other but ig it's a good stepping stone for the future.ย 

Anyways, bye yall! Hope you enjoyed.
