π…πˆπ•π„ - 𝐈 𝐖𝐀𝐍𝐓 π“πŽ 𝐆𝐄𝐓 π€πŒππ„π’πˆπ€. 𝐏𝐋𝐄𝐀𝐒𝐄.

β₯αŸšα΅—Κ°β±Λ’β»β»α΅—Κ°β±Λ’ ⁱ˒ ʰᡉˑˑ ᡒⁿ ᡉᡃʳᡗʰ




Saiki was not happy. The boy rarely was. The only exception would be when he would munch a delightful scoop of his favorite brand of coffee jelly, he wished he had one right now. With how noisy everyone's thoughts were there was no time for Saiki to have any well-deserved peace. The only time he could ever have one was when he wore his germanium ring which was currently in his home, tucked away in the safety of his bedside dresser.

Saiki let out a small sigh. It seemed that today's lessons had taken much more out of his energy than he had realized. Accompanied by the fact that Nendou, Kaidou, and Aren would continuously chirp about the missing [L/N].

Obviously, as usual, Saiki had already known the reason why [L/N] was absent. His homeroom teacher was thinking about it while classes were in session, which led to Saiki inadvertently hearing the cause of the girl's absence. She was sick with a cold.

Saiki deduced it must have been because they had left Saiko's house yesterday in the dead of the night. It was surely cold then. He had also recounted the events of what happened yesterday and was thoroughly embarrassed by his behavior. Although, his stoic face would refuse to show any hint of embarrassment. Saiki had been so taken with the wonderland of sweets presented to him that he had lost himself in all of its sugary glory.

A disappointing sight indeed.

He had also remembered chancing upon the girl practicing kendo with the rest of the crew. Saiko had led them to the place [L/N] was practicing while he continuously prattled about how lucky the girl was that Saiko, himself, was allowing her to use his private dojo.

Little grunts could be heard out the door and the occasional shouting. Aren signaled everyone to shush, much to Saiko's annoyance who had attempted to rebuke Aren's little shush but was muffled by Kaidou's hand blocking his mouth.

Aren opened the door and everyone was surprised by the image of the girl swinging her wooden sword. Even Saiki was taken in by what was happening in front of him. It was mesmerizing to see the girl land one strike after the other, not missing a beat.

And while the shouting threw Saiki a bit off, she had unknowingly gained a tiny bit of his respect. Just a tiny bit. Saiki respected anyone dedicated to their craft and he could see the girl was driven to perfect the martial art she was studying to a tee.

"Saiki!" Kaidou happily came up to him, shoving a bunch of papers in front of his face, "Iguchi-sensei said we need to give these worksheets to [L/N]. Aren's already getting her address from Matsuzaki-sensei!"

Saiki stared at the papers Kaidou was holding and then at the boy himself.

'No.' Saiki thought. He did not want to go and visit [L/N]. Saiki shook his head to indicate that he was unwilling to participate in their tomfoolery. But in the nick of time, Aren busted through the classroom gaining Kaidou and Saiki's attention. Unfortunately for Saiki, Kaidou would never see how the psychic turned down the offer.

Kaidou signaled a few hand movements asking if PLAN ASK FOR [L/N]'S ADRESS was a success. To which Aren responded with a flurry of hand gestures that PLAN ASK FOR [L/N]'S ADRESS was a success.

Saiki watched the two in confusion. Telling himself that he really had gotten himself acquainted with two idiots. He flashed them a glare but was once again dutifully ignored by the pair.

Kaidou happily went back to Saiki, taking Saiki's bag and grabbing Saiki by the arm. Saiki had just been kidnapped, for the second time, by someone he knew. Kaidou led Saiki out of their classroom, Aren separating to look for Nendou.

"We'll wait for you by the gates," Kaidou said as he saluted.

Aren nodded and saluted before running off in the halls, only to get yelled at by Matsuzaki for his improper behavior in the school corridor.

Saiki stared blankly. 'They're acting like they're soldiers fighting in a war. Good grief.'

Kaidou continued to lead Saiki out of the school, his grip now gone from Saiki's shoulders. Saiki took the chance of the crowding students to slip away from Kaidou only to be caught seconds later. He tried again, distracting Kaidou with a cat who was sleeping on the windowsill. Kaidou fell for the trap and Saiki was able to get away for 5 minutes, his latest record of GETTING AWAY FROM KAIDOU SHUN: SAIKI EDITION. Unfortunately, Kaidou had noticed Saiki was missing and went to look for him again, Saiki was caught immediately after 5 minutes.

On his third attempt, Saiki and Kaidou were near the restrooms. Saiki stopped in his tracks.

"Saiki?" Kaidou turned around to face the psychic, "Did you forget something?"

Saiki shook his head and pointed at the men's restroom.

Then it clicked for Kaidou. "Oh!" The boy exclaimed, "You need to go to the bathroom? Don't worry, I'll stand by and protect you!" Kaidou grinned enthusiastically.

'No. That's unnecessary.'

Saiki entered the bathroom, a bit hesitantly as he saw Kaidou take his place beside the door. Saiki stepped into the tiled restroom, locking himself in one of the cubicles as he contemplates how he could escape and safely return back to his home.

Saiki had three options:

1. Teleport to his house.

2. Go invisible and walk towards his house.

3. Create a copy of himself.

The third option was unlikely as Saiki knew he would need to remove his limiter for that. And if he were to make a clone, they were still as powerful as he was, and with the limiter removed they would be even stronger. Having a Saiki clone would spell disaster for everyone. He crossed that option off his list.

Number 1 and 2 were viable solutions to his problem but they came with the same dilemma, how would he explain his disappearance to Kaidou? Saiki could just pretend that he did leave the bathroom and Kaidou just didn't notice it. Yeah, he could go with that. Kaidou was currently standing by outside the bathroom door to the right, he wouldn't notice if Saiki pretended to go left but actually teleported from the school bathroom to his house. Yes, that will be Saiki's cover-up from now on.

As Saiki prepared himself to teleport, Kaidou came in.

"Saiki, you there?" Kaidou called out.

The psychic did not move an inch nor did he try to say a thing. Sadly, a small itty bitty moth flew in from the small window that was used to ventilate the bathroom. Saiki heard the familiar fluttering and immediately froze.

'No. No. No. Don't do it. Don't come near me.' The boy fervently prayed. But as God seemed to have it, he pushed for the moth to land in the dimly lit cubicle that Saiki was hiding in. The moth landed on Saiki's nose becoming very comfortable in its temporary home.

"Ack!" The boy yelped as he quickly fanned the moth away.

Kaidou immediately perked at the noise, "Saiki?" He headed towards the cubicle Saiki was hiding in and knocked. "Saiki, you okay there?"

'Does he have diarrhea or something?' Kaidou wondered in concern.

Saiki frowned at Kaidou's thought, 'No, I don't.'

With no choice left, Saiki exited the cubicle he was hiding in and joined Kaidou who was wandering around knocking on each door calling out Saiki's name. The psychic had already been found out so it wouldn't do him any good to continue hiding.

Saiki glared at the moth who found its new hiding space at the crevice of the wall, it seemed it had flown inside to hide from predators. Saiki didn't bother to close the door of his cubicle, he couldn't risk the chance of the moth dropping on him again if he accidentally went too near.

"Saiki there you are!" Kaidou beamed at the boy who just stared back, "Were you suffering from diarrhea?"

'Again, I said no.'

Saiki didn't say anything but continued walking out of the bathroom. It seemed that he truly was unloved by God.Β 


"Are you sure this is the right place?" Aren questioned Kaidou.Β 

"Yes, I'm sure of it!" Kaidou responded.Β 

"I don't know buddy, I don't think [L/N] would live in a place like this," Nendou said.

Currently, all four boys were in front of a dark alleyway. Kaidou fumbled around his pockets retrieving the handwritten note with the girl's address.Β 

"I'm sure of it. See?" Kaidou pointed at the note and then to the alleyway, trying to prove that he was absolutely right on his case. Aren shifted a bit and leaned in to see the note only to become frustrated as Kaidou had been absolutely wrong on his case.Β 

"You idiot!" Aren said to Kaidou, "We're still three blocks away from [L/N]'s house. Give the damn thing to me." Aren quickly snatched the note from Kaidou, who pouted at his words but nevertheless followed Aren who had already begun walking.Β 

And so began the second journey of Saiki and his friends to visit their 'beloved' classmate's house. With Aren leading the troupe they find the girl's apartment pretty quickly.Β 

"So this is where [L/N] lives," Kaidou remarked, "I didn't know she lived in a condominium."

Aren tousled his hair as he gave the note back to Kaidou, "There's a lot of things we don't know about her. That's why we're here to check up on her."

Kaidou nodded at Aren's words and the four boys made their way up the stairs. Nendou hadn't properly paid attention to which unit belonged to [L/N] and immediately darted to the right once they reached the second floor. Nendou rang the bell for the unit ' 2L' only to receive a lady who screamed bloody mary once she saw his face.Β 

Kaidou and Aren immediately leaped into action and apologized for their friend's clumsy behavior which made the lady become flustered and in turn apologize for her offensive reaction to which Nendou had taken no offense. In the end, Nendou also apologized once Kaidou helped him realize his mistake.Β 

'He got the unit right but the floor wrong.' Saiki thought to himself as he stared at everyone, who was currently having an apology-fest of sorts.Β 

Once they left the second floor and ventured onto the third floor, Kaidou and Aren ordered Saiki to look after Nendou as they didn't want to repeat what happened on the second floor. Not having much choice, Saiki stuck with Nendou (though he really didn't want to). Nendou happily talked to Saiki about how embarrassed he was earlier and felt guilty about what happened.Β 

The group turned right. Walking till they reached unit '3L.' Kaidou rang the bell as the group (excluding Saiki) nervously waited for [L/N] to answer the door. It was the first time they would see the girl outside the school campus, so it was safe to say it was quite nerve-wracking for them, especially for Kaidou.Β 

The doorknob twisted and the door carefully opened. [L/N] peeked her head out only to be surprised by the people waiting outside.Β 

"What are you guys doing here!" She exclaimed in shock. The door was now wide open as she quickly ushered them all inside.Β 

Aren chuckled, "We came to visit you."Β 

"Haha," The girl nervously laughed, "That's nice and all but a heads-up would've been good too. Not to mention, I'm like sick sick, right now."Β 

"Eh?" Nendou looked at [L/N], "You don't look that sick to me girlie."

Saiki raised a brow and stared at the girl after hearing Nendou's comment. It was true, for a person having a cold she didn't look awful.Β 

[L/N] furrowed her brows, "Just shush and sit over there," she pointed at the seats at the dinner table. "Do you guys want anything to drink? I have water, cola, and orange juice."Β 

"Cola please," Aren said.Β 

"Cola as well," Kaidou replied.Β 


"Water for me and my buddy Saiki here," Nendou grinned.Β 

Saiki glared at Nendou from across the table.

"You sure 'bout that Nendou? Saiki looks like he's ready to kill you over there" [L/N] laughed.Β 

Kaidou leaned in to get a better look, "Wait, he does!" Kaidou gawked.Β 

"I never knew Saiki could do a look like that," Aren commented.Β 

"So Saiki would you like some cola?" [L/N] asked. She waited for any sign of response before continuing, "Or how about some orange juice?"

Saiki immediately nodded upon hearing his drink of choice. And with that [L/N] busied herself with collecting the drinks.Β 

"Oh! By the way, guys," [L/N] called over from the kitchen, her figure covered by the fridge door, "Feel free to look around. Kaidou's been taking glances at my bedside table for a while now."

Kaidou immediately stiffened at the girl's words, a light blush covered his cheeks as he embarrassingly fumbled with his words trying to explain himself.

[L/N] laughed at Kaidou's reaction as she shut the fridge door, "I don't mind. I don't mind.Β  No worries. You're probably curious about the pictures there, right?"

Kaidou immediately nodded, his body relaxing as the embarrassment slowly left him.

"Well then, don't mind if we do girlie." Nendou said as he got up from his chair and walked over to the same bedside table with Kaidou, both boys looking at the picture frame.

"Aren! Saiki!" Kaidou called the boys, his voice hushed so as to not get [L/N]'s attention.

"What?" Aren replied in the same manner.

Kaidou pointed to the picture frame, gesturing to the boys to quickly come over and look at it as well.

Aren got up with Saiki in tow, who had become slightly curious as well. There on the bedside table were two picture frames, one with [L/N] and a group of unfamiliar people and the other one was [L/N] hugging a man (who was frowning) while she gestured a thumbs up at the camera.

"Who is that?" Kaidou pointed at the man.
"I don't know," Aren replied.
"Maybe it's her lover," Nendou suggested.

"Ew. Gross. No way." [L/N] gagged.

Kaidou, Aren, and Nendou flinched at [L/N]'s words, surprised that she was able to hear them despite how quiet they were.

"That's my dadβ€”I mean, my guardian. Not my lover. Never in a million years." [L/N] explained as she set down two bottles of cola, a cup of water, a cup of orange juice, and a bowl filled with chips.

"Your dad?" Kaidou shouted incredulously, "but he looks so young!"Β 

"He's my adoptive dadβ€”guardian!" [L/N] immediately corrected herself, "He's my guardian." The girl sighed, "Anyways, come here and stop making such a huge ruckus it hurts my brain. All the noise makes me dizzy."

"Are you sick?" Nendou asked the girl who flashed him a bewildered look.

"Nendou," the girl stared at him, baffled, "You literally just asked me moments ago as to why I didn't look sick when I said I was sick. To answer your question, yes I am. I just don't look it because...I just don't!" [L/N] waved her hands around in a frantic motion. She took a breath, pinching her nose, "Also, have these chips, they're good." The girl pushed the bowl towards Nendou, "Now, excuse me dear guests of mine but I need to do something for a while...just tell me if you guys need anything."

And with that, [L/N] left the boys who had all gathered at the table. Silently munching on the chips. Saiki had noted that it really was quite good.

"Do you think she's mad?" Kaidou asked.

"You idiot, she is mad," Aren said.

'No. Instead of mad [L/N] is more of stress.'

Saiki had thought it was obvious to everyone but [L/N] was in no condition to play hosts to a bunch of classmates who showed up unannounced. It seemed that [L/N] had held her composure for as long as she could but cracked once her guardian was mentioned.

Saiki couldn't blame her. If it was him, he'd already probably close the door once he saw their cheeky faces outside his house.

Currently, Nendou, Kaidou, and Aren were chatting with each other. Mainly about how they didn't know that [L/N] was adopted and what had happened to Aren while he was looking for Nendou around the school earlier.

Saiki, however, was busy listening to the girl's thoughts. If he could, he would've liked to block it. Her thoughts overpowered everyone else in the room as it was so loud and repetitive.

Saiki felt unnerved hearing it.

'He died. It was my fault.'

Saiki turned around to look at [L/N], he couldn't see her face as she was facing the window as if waiting for something.

'I killed him. He died. It was my fault.' [L/N] continued.

"Saiki, need something from [L/N]?" Kaidou asked.

Saiki shook his head, 'No. She's the one who needs something.'

"Okay then," Kaidou said as he mingled back with Aren and Nendou again.

'I'm sorry. Please forgive me.' And with that [L/N]'s mind went quiet for a few seconds.

She wasn't in this state earlier, Saiki noted. She had seemed fine when they had arrived and was light-hearted. But maybe, her guardian had something to do with it, Saiki theorized.

Even with his psychic powers, Saiki still had limitations and it was that he wasn't always capable of knowing everything despite hearing everyone's thoughts. Unless they think of it, he'll never know it. So as [L/N] drowned in a pit of irreversible guilt, Saiki could do nothing but feel bad.

[L/N] didn't form a single thought. Her mind was blank. Saiki felt chills from her silence. That was until Kaidou spoke up.Β 

"[L/N]?" Kaidou called out to the girl.Β 

"Hm?" The girl turned to face them, her smile beaming, "Need something?"

Kaidou stiffened at [L/N]'s gaze, "I, uh, there, um, bird, uhh," Kaidou fumbled with words. Random nonsense spouting out his mouth as he tried to regain his bearings.Β 

Aren sighed, "What Shun was trying to say was that there's a bird on your window."

"Yeah! Bird!" Kaidou nodded vigorously.Β 

"Bird?" [L/N] raised a brow. She turned around once more, facing the window this time. Outside the window was a crow. "Holy crackers!" [L/N] exclaimed, "Ryu! Come in quick! Quick!" The girl immediately opened the window, the bird swooping in and landing on the bed.Β 

"Christ Almighty, I thought you'd be back by tomorrow. Are you okay? Oh god. I'll get you some water." [L/N] immediately rushed into the kitchen, retrieving a small bowl from one of the cabinets and a pitcher of cold water from the fridge. After she finished pouring the water into the bowl she quickly went back to the bird, setting down the bowl in front of the crow.Β 

Ryu squawked weakly as it made its way towards the bowl, dunking its head into the bowl.Β 

"Hey, the bird's drowning itself!" Nendou shouted.Β 

[L/N] swatted his arm, "He's drinking!"

After a few seconds, Ryu's head resurfaced. The bird promptly shook its head to rid itself of the water and waddled over to a dog bed that was at the foot of the bed, quickly falling asleep after settling into its bed.Β 

"He's sleeping," Kaidou commented.Β 

"Ryu must be tired," [L/N] said.Β 

Saiki had seen people own tigers, snakes, and whatnots as their pets so it was his first time seeing someone own a crow or a bird for that matter. It was rare to see someone own such a normal pet which in itself was an irony.

"So," [L/N] clapped her hands, "how long will you guys be staying here?"


"Get better soon [L/N]!" Aren and Kaidou both said as the group bid their farewell to the girl.Β 

"Thank you," she smiled before closing the door.Β 

The boys all headed downstairs, it was near evening. They spent about an hour on their visit much to Saiki's dismay. He had tried to leave but was stopped when [L/N] announced that she had some desserts to share with everyone. The psychic stayed, he just wanted to see if the desserts the girl brought out would taste good. Truly.Β 

"Hey, whatcha got there Nendou?" Aren asked.Β 

Nendou had been tossing a small yellow packet into the air and catching it as it fell.Β 

"Oh," Nendou gave a toothy grin, "It's the keychains girlie gave us a while ago."

"It's really pretty," Kaidou spoke, holding his own keychain that was dyed blue.Β 

"Yeah," Aren agreed, inspecting his own purple keychain.Β 

Saiki had also unconsciously reached into his pocket, grabbing the same keychain everyone received from the girl. His was pink.Β 

"Wait! I almost forgot. Before you guys go, I have a little something for you all," [L/N] said.Β 

"Aw, you shouldn't have girlie," Nendou replied.Β 

"It's just a small token of appreciation," The girl sheepishly said.Β 

[L/N] quickly opened her closet, rummaging through her belongings. She muttered a few curses as she continued to look for the gifts she intended to give to the four boys. Ryu squawked loudly as if laughing at the girl.Β 

She stopped and glared at the bird, "Ryu, fried chicken."

The squawking abruptly stopped. [L/N] continued searching until she found, four keychains, each personally made for Kaidou, Nendou, Aren, and Saiki. "Hallelujah! I found it!" She exclaimed, "I thought I lost it for a moment there."

She quickly gave out the keychains before escorting the boys out the door, "Get home safely, okay?" she gave them a smile.Β 

Saiki got his keychain out, looking at the small pink pouch. It seemed that the girl had gotten it custom-made as there were little caricatures on the front to signify who the keychain belonged to and a flower pattern on the back. Each color was assigned to the owner's hair color, Saiki took note of this.Β 


Saiki had now cozied up into his bed. The psychic had had a long day. A very very long day. He couldn't wait to doze off and head into dreamland, just even for a moment. The serene silence slowly lulled Saiki to sleep, his eyes closing on their own and his body relaxing.Β 

The psychic had nearly fallen asleep that was until a loud thud woke him up. Saiki's eyes opened and he jumped out of bed, quickly opening the curtains to see where the sound originated from.Β 

'Ah, that shit hurt like hell,' a voice on the rooftop rang clearly inside Saiki's head.Β 

The psychic raised a brow, '[L/N]?'

Β The boy shook his head. No, it couldn't be possible for [L/N], the transfer student, to be on top of his house, swearing about accidentally hurting herself. It couldn't be possible for [L/N] the suspiciously weird transfer student who carries a katana every day into school to be on top of his house.Β 

Saiki quietly laughed, it is possible.Β 

The boy quickly used his clairvoyance to see if his theory was correct. Lo and behold, there was his classmate. Sitting on the roof of his house as she soothed her injured foot. [L/N] looked different. Besides her red hair being tied, she was wearing a black haori. Her crow, Ryu, was beside her squawking loudlyβ€”clearly enjoying her current disposition.Β 

"Sadist," [L/N] muttered.Β 

"Caw! Idiot!" Ryu cackled.Β 

Saiki immediately deactivated his clairvoyance, his eyes returning normal and no longer cross-eyed. He stood still in front of his window. Did he just hear a crow talk? A crow? Not a parrot? Saiki shook his head, this wasn't the weirdest thing he had seen from [L/N], a talking crow? Just add that to the list of oddities of the psychic's new classmate, along with her talks of demons and whatnot.Β 

Saiki went back to using his clairvoyance, this time [L/N] was no longer on top of his roof. She was already five houses away from his, clearly, she had recovered from her prior accident.Β 

'She moves fast,' Saiki noted.Β 

The boy decided to teleport, far enough from [L/N] so that she wouldn't notice him. The boy hadn't a clue why he decided to follow her instead of going back to sleep, perhaps out of curiosity. There was nothing wrong with being curious plus he never did fully trust [L/N] [Y/N]. Who knows maybe she'd accidentally bang her foot or head again on a roof and go crashing down, waking everyone up in the neighborhood.Β 

That'd be a hassle. He could already see the news spreading throughout school and considering he was quite 'friendly' with [L/N], his classmates and other people would bombard him with questions. And that's the last thing he'd ever want to happen.Β 

So following [L/N] was just not out of curiosity but to prevent anything annoying from happening to him. Yes, exactly that. Exactly that.Β 

As [L/N] would jump from one rooftop to another, Saiki would also teleport a few meters away from her. That was until she dropped down into a discreet alleyway. Saiki decided to position himself in the house near it. He lowered himself to the rooftop, making sure that he wouldn't be spotted if ever the girl decided to look up.Β 

"And this is the place," [L/N] said as she stretched her limbs. "God, I still feel horrible. You think Yushiro would decide to send someone for backup because as far as I know, stress would kill me before the demons do."

"Caw! That's because you're weak," Ryu replied, "Train more! Train more!"

The girl groaned, "Whatever, you're no help. You can't even read a sign!"

"I'm a bird! Bird!"

Saiki had no words for what he was seeing. Was this truly the same transfer student in his class? She seemed different. Maybe it was because she was more laid back than usual. Maybe...

[L/N] looked around, "If my calculations are correct, then this should be one of the feasting spots of our dearest demon."

"Caw! Are you sure?" Ryu asked.Β 

"Uh, yeah? I'm a genius, remember? Maybe not always but a genius nonetheless."

"Is sneaking out to replace Sumihiko-kun's toothpaste for wasabi considered genius?" Ryu cocked its head to the side.Β 

"I- How do you know that?" [L/N] asked, flabbergasted.Β 

The crow happily squawked, "Ashino told me! Ashino told me!"

The girl sighed, "Anyways, I've done a fair share of research. Half the reason I'm still sick. Pair the stress from school and Demon Slayer duties with sleeping late and waking up early, you got the recipe for disaster."

This was just getting weirder and weirder. It still wasn't late to call it a night though, the boy thought. He could just teleport home and pretend this never happened. Pretend he had never seen his classmate jumping around town with their talking crow and looking for a demon. But, unfortunately, the boy persisted and stayed.Β 

"All these 'missing' cases happened in the alleyways. Typical." The girl shrugged, "Obviously at night but what concerns me is how young the victims are. Their Kaidou's age and younger. Another question that pops up is, why haven't they eaten Kaidou yet? Surely as him being a Marechi, they'd be drooling all over themselves. But nope! Kaidou's still alive, thankfully."

Ryu flapped its wings, "Too long! Get to the point!"

"Ugh," [L/N] groaned, "What I'm trying to say is that there's something big going around here and I'm not liking it. This is more than our usual demon-slaying activities." The girl furrowed her eyebrows, "This might be bigger than everyone thought. Oh! And I may or may not have pinpointed where the demon is hiding right now."

Ryu flew towards the girl and nipped at her hair.Β 

"Ow!" She screamed.Β 

"GET TO WORK!" The bird cawed loudly.Β 

"Sir yes, sir!"Β 

[L/N] neared the corner of the alleyway, unsheathing her katana. "I examined every crime scene before you got here," she explained, "and I found a similarity between them, all the alleyways where the boys went missing had drainage and a suspiciously faded dark spot. I knew that the moment we got here that the demon was currently hiding right at this corner."Β 

She positioned her katana to the darkened corner of the alleyway, "It's a bit hard to see since it's night but it's quite pitch black here despite there being adequate light from the moon and the nearby streetlamps so therefore..."

The redhead girl stabbed at the corner, a wrinkled head popping out.Β 

"...jackpot!" she grinned.Β 

Saiki could not believe what had just come out of the corner.Β 

'I think I'm going to vomit,' the boy gagged.Β 


Surprise, surprise! I'm still alive! WHAAAAAAAATTTTTT??? I have no idea how long it's been since I last updated, the same thing can be said for how long this chapter has been rotting in my drafts. Yes, it has its flaws. And yes, I will be fixing those flaws...later.Β 

