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โœฆ โ‹† Cause I can't breathe when you talk to me.I can't breathe when you're touchin' me. I suffocate when you're away from me. So much love you take from me. I'm goin' outta my mind โ‹† โœฆ

Everyone had been making tremendous efforts toward felissa and I. We'd brainstormed and came up with the sweetest idea. We planned on taking her walking along the beach but as she walked everyone would give her a rose while the instrumental intro of the song repeated till she got to me. Then I'd sing and explain what happened. The rest is unplanned.

"Okay does everyone know their tasks" Naomi facilitated. Everyone said yes. "Then lets do this" she chanted. Everyone went into their cars. Naomi took ricky's to get felissa while the rest of us squeezed between Kai and i's car.

Naomi pov

I'd have to admit I was scared. I was scared that all of this wouldn't work. But I was mostly scared for everyone as a whole. Their breakup drove a crack between us. Hopefully this day can mend us.

"I'm outside" I texted felissa. In seconds she walked out slowly. She looked happy, but not her usual happy. Too happy, a fake happy. She was hurting but she wasn't a person to let anyone else know that.

"Hey nomz" she greeted me and buckled up. "What are we doing today" she sounded chirpy. "Uh just getting ice cream then walking the beach. We haven't done that since-" I stoped. The last time we did that was after a group. rehearsal...everyone came. "Since iris and I we're together. It's okay to say it Naomi. I'm fine about it" she covered up.

"Are you sure? I mean you too were in love-"she cut me off. "Love is for fools. Love isn't what I need right now. What I need is ice cream so can we go?" She changed the subject. I started the car and drove towards the ice cream parlor close to the beach.

We walked to the parlor. "I'll have one vanilla cup with sprinkles" I told the cashier. "And a strawberry with cream" felissa added. "That would be 4.63" he said. I gave him a five dollar bill. When he gave me my change I put it in the children's donation container. After awhile we got our ice cream and sat down.

"I know you said you were okay but I just don't believe it." I blurted. "Why not" she responded. "You're eating strawberry ice cream, you hate strawberry ice cream." I pointed out. "Obviously not anymore" she took a spoon full and ate it. I could see her face try not to shrivel in disgust. "Just admit you're hurt lissa." I asked then ate some of my cup. "I'm not hurt by any of this. She made her choice and I'm living with it." She retorted.

"Felissa ive known you for years. You don't do well with these things but I can't help if you don't tell me you're hurt." I revealed. "Fine! I'm hurt Naomi. She broke my heart! She looked me in the eyes and said she didn't love me anymore! She threw all of our time together away! Not me!" She popped.

"It's not my story to tell but you need to hear her out. Yea yea I know you probably don't want to but please. Just listen. But for right now let's go walk." I related. She nodded and we threw our trash away. We walked towards the deserted part of the beach and music started playing.

Mid walk everyone came up to us at different times in color order. "Why are they giving me sunflowers?" She asked me and I shrugged my shoulders. By the time we reached the last person iris came walking up. She held a sunflower to her heart and started singing you are the reason by Calum Scott

(AN: I didn't like the covers on yt so I'll put in his song just use ur imagination lmao. Think of it in a higher hey)

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

"I'd climb every mountain
And swim every ocean
Just to be with you
And fix what I've broken
'Cause I need you to see
That you are the reason"

Felissa pov (hehe this is shocking)

When she finished I was frozen. What was I supposed to do? I thought over the words in the song. "And fix what I've broken, cause you are the reason" I reminisced.

"Felissa" she called for me. "I vowed never to inflict the pain I've felt on anyone, let alone someone I love. I broke that with you. I broke a lot of things with you. Some for good some for worse. I broke the wall over my heart with you. But I also broke you're heart. Nothing I could ever say or do can make up for what I did, but I hope you'll let me try. I hope you'll let me pick the pieces up and put them back like you did me. I hope you'll let me love you the way I should've in the first place, because you did something to me. You changed the way I saw everything. Without you...I'm blind. Blinded by the heartache. And I wanna see again. I wanna be able to wish you a good morning and night daily. I want to be able to hug you when I see you. Over everything I want to love you- I need to love you." She empathized.

"I don't want to miss you felissa. I don't want to forget you or move on. Please don't make me." She walked closer to me and gave me the sunflower. "Why should I let you in iris? The last time I did you left me in a blink of an eye!" I retaliated.

"You shouldn't let me back in. Shit I wouldn't let me back in, but you aren't me. You aren't as fucked up as me. You're an adventure. You can start laughing at silence. You have an impeccable stitch impression. You're empathetic. Everything about you makes you special. Every day with you was something different. I learned more about myself when I was with you. I learned that loving someone is valuable, but painful to lose. I'd face that pain everyday if that meant I had you." She promised.

I'm at a crossroad. I could let her go and try to live my life without her but that wouldn't end well. I'd compare every girl to her. I'd want their laugh to be as goofy and odd sounding as hers. I'd wish they would get as nervous as her when I'd compliment them. I'd wish they were her. There isn't anyone like her, but she broke me. She let me fall. The same girl who told me she loved me the same day said she lied. What stops her from doing it again?

"Why'd you say it? Why did you say you loved me then tell me you lied right after?" I tried to sound stern but my voice broke.

"I didn't want you to get hurt." She admitted. Hurt? By who? "The girl who was out there with me was devynn. She was an abusive ex who messed my head up. I didn't want her to hurt you so I let her hurt me instead." She wept.

"She hurt you?!" I was angry someone would hurt such an infatuating person. Who in their right mind would choose to leave her? I would...no I wouldn't. I wouldn't want to leave her. I will never want to leave her.

"She won't be hurting anyone else bub- felissa" she assured me. "Oh my god did you kill her?!" I whisper yelled. "No lol I talked to her. She promised to get better...away from me and everyone else." She informed me. "Oh okay that's good." I caught my breathing.

"I'm sorry felissa." She looked towards her toes in the sand. "You know I hate it when you apologize" I told her and lifted her face. I think she was as shocked as I was when I did that. "I told Naomi earlier that loving is for fool...not knowing I'd be the biggest fool to ever let you go" I smiled. "Wait wait wait! You're for real" she pulled away and asked. "I'd like my baby back please" I gushed. "YAY" she screamed. She ran back and kissed me. It reminded me of our first one. I'd never want to lose something so amazing again. She pulled away again and smiled.

"I got my buuu-ba! Back! Her name is felisssssa! And she's minneee! I got my buuu-ba! Back! And she's my girlfriend!" She skipped around in a circle singing.

"I love her" I thought

Iris pov

"I love her" I thought
