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So you can keep me inside the pocket of your ripped jeans. Holding me closer 'til our eyes meet.You won't ever be alone, wait for me to come home โ™ฅ

"The first group was upbeat and made me want to dance with them, but the second group made me want to stop and watch. I honestly have no clue which one? Wait I know!" He had chosen his answer.

"I choose the first group! My vibe was mostly with y'all so." He admitted. I fought to roll my eyes. I'm never gonna love this down. I think she knew that cuz she strifes her way over to me. "Did you uhh hear that babe?" She taunted.

"Yes Bubba I did" I looked at her. I decided to play my greatest card. I looked from her eyes to her lips and back again. I got close to her then turned around. "Good job guys!" I congratulated my team. I felt breathing on my neck. "I'll get you back for that" I could hear her smirk.

I grabbed my phone and walked out of the garage. "So did you actually think we were better or did you just want to be nice" I asked if Alexis. "Aww I'm baffled you would think of me in such ways" she laughed. "You're an ass" I joked. "The best one out here" she gloated.

"Well when do you wanna get together? I Mean I'll have to ask Kai when he's free but I do miss my bestfriend." I told her. "Aww I miss me too!" She laughed. "You bitch lol I take it back" I turned the camera to the sky knowing she hates that. "Irissssss come onnnn I was kidding" she whined and I turned the camera back to me. "Now do you miss me or not big head" I kid. "I miss you loser, but I do have to go. My mom wants me." She pouted. "Aww tell mama porter I said hi!! Love you bighead!" "Love you too loser" we ended the call.

"IRIS EVANGELINE" someone yelled. "Who the fuck..." I trailed off and walked back into the garage. "My government? Really?" I threw my hands up in confusion. "Shut up your name is pretty" Kai retaliated. "You get on my nerves" I flipped him off. "Awwwww" he cheered and threw me over his shoulder and started running around. What is going on? "KAIUS ALEXANDER PHILLIPS PUT ME DOWN" I yelled. "Okay damn I didn't even go that far asshole" he stopped running.

"You're real name is kaius?!" Nicole asked. "Oh yea it is! His mom was was into ancient shit when she had him. Well it's Latin for rejoice." I informed her with a little sarcasm. "That's actually really cool!" Nicole expressed to Kai. "Really?" He was puzzled which makes sense people would give him hell in school. "Yea I really like it. What about you iris? Is that your actual name?" She asked me. "I'd love to answer that but I do better answering things on my feet" I kneed him in the stomach. "Fine damn" he sat me down.

"To answer your question, yes my name is iris. While kai's mom loved ancient Latin things my mom loved Greek mythology. Iris was the goddess of the rainbow. Which is funny cuz I'm hella gay most days." They laughed at my joke. "Yea she was also the messenger of the gods. She would travel the rainbow to bring messages to the other gods- oh and there's a flower with my name." I added the last part. "That makes my casual ass name look boring as fuck" aniyah expressed. We all busted out laughing.

After the conversation died down we were in comfortable silence. "I'll be right back" I announced to anyone listening. I walked back outside and called my mom. "Holla princessa! Como estas mija?" She asked me. "I'm good ma I just had a question?" I told her. "Prisa mija I'm at work." She rushed me. "Can I have the NextKidz over to watch movies and stuff. I'll make food and things." I blurted. "Just movies? No funny business! Before you ask if they can stay over you are only allowed one guest. That goes for Kai aswell." She emphasized. "AYE GRACIAS MAMร TE AMO" I yelled. "You're welcome mija, I'll be home late. Kai's mom needs some help." She conveyed. I thanked her again and hung up the phone.

"Aren't I just amazing!!!" I beamed when I stepped into the garage. "That's debatable" Camille snickered. "Bet you not invited bitch, everyone else is invited to a movie night at my house." I appealed to everyone else. "RiRi!!!" Camille whined. "Shut up lol you know I want my cam there!" She smiled. "So it's 6:40 rn, meet at my house at 8:30?" I suggested and they agreed. "Dress comfy loves" I yelled as they all started to leave.

"Bubbaaaa" I pouted. "Yes my love?" She turned and folded her arms around her chest. "Can you please help me set up?" I put on my cutest puppy eyes. "Do I get kisses?" She bargained. "Extra kisses" I added. "I would've did it for free but kisses are fun too" she winked and walked towards her car. "FELISSA" I yelled before she got in car. She had a confused look on her face. I held out my arms. She laughed and walked back to give me a hug.

"I don't just love you" I whispered and she moved her arms from my waist to it just being her hands. "What do you mean"

"You can say I love you to anyone, but I don't just love you idiot. I'm in love with you" I proclaimed. "Wait what?" Her voice cracked. "I'm in love with you dipshit. I'm in love with how much you annoy the shit outta me. I'm in love with how much you care for me even when I'm being a bitch. I'm in love with how you don't treat me like a toy, you treat me like treasure. You're still a idiot but you're my idiot" I wrapped my arms around her neck.

"I'm in love with your dorky self too" she smirked and got closer to me. "I'd be in love with me too" I was being sarcastic. She used her hands to pull my waist closer to hers. "Well aren't I glad to have you" she rejoiced softly. I nodded and connected our lips. We could kiss a million times and my heart will still flutter. We parted. "999,976 more to go" she whispered. I hugged her. "You annoy me so much" I joked. We chuckled and parted ways.

She had to get changed first. I made it home and showered. I changed into her burgundy hoodie and white bicycle shorts and fuzzy socks. I cleaned the living room. My mid cleaning break was cut short when felissa got here.

"BUBBA!!" I sound like a child when I opened the door. "Aww did baby miss me?" She smiled. "Yes baby did" I hopped over and kissed her cheeks before taking the bags out of her hands. "Snacks?" I was confused. "I knew you'd forget to get some so I did for you." She told me while she took her shoes off. "Oh shit I did forget!" I realized. "I'm the best girlfriend ever" she gloated. "That you are, now can you help me set these out?" She nodded. In the next 15 minutes we had set the snacks out, got blankets, picked out the first movie, took out games just in case, AND had time to snuggle.

"BUBBA CAN YOU GET THE DOOR" I yelled from upstairs since I saw the cars pull up. I heard the chatter and came downstairs. "Welcome to irissa's movie night jam" I was excited. "That was so bad iris" Angie told me. "Shut up, be glad we got vegan snacks." She gave me a high five.

"MOVIE TIME" kaitlin yelled
