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โœฆ โœง You make me feel like a teenager in love
And you make me feel like I'll be forever young โœฆ โœง

"It's hard being friends with someone you've caught feelings for" she admitted. "huh? Come again" I was confused. Cmon now me and my dumbass can't take any type of hints...ever. "Meaning" she put me down and turned to face me. "I like you. Not as a friend. Not as a dance partner. But as something more." She revealed. The fuck am I supposed to say? Yea I mean I feel the same way but I don't do well in situations like this. I start making jokes...then it gets awkward. "I- Umm ya know what! Fuck it" I decided. "Huh" she was confused. I rolled my eyes and held her face. Before she could blink I had kissed her.

"I'm not good at this" I announced. "I'm glad I am" she smirked and kissed me again. "Listen here! We are in a pool and if do that one more time and I pass out..ima fuck you up" I threatened. "Is that a promise" she predicted. My eyes widened when I realized what she meant." Bitch- you nasty" i started laughing.

"HEY LOVE BIRDS" Naomi called over to us. "WE GOT TO GET READY FOR THE PERFORMANCE" she notified us. We started walking towards the pool stairs when someone held my hand. Now I'm not gon look back but I know who it was ๐Ÿ˜‰. I dried off a little then put back on the jacket but left it open. We all talked about our fine in the pool.

"Alright but what was happening over there with the love birds" Kai said with his arm around Nicole's shoulders. "I personally ship it" Aniyah added. "same here" sada continued. "Alright but what's their ship name?" Naomi asked. "Feris?" Camille suggested but laughed afterwards. "Oou what about Issa? Ya know the 'I' from iris and the 'ssa' from felissa" Ricky spoke. "Absolutely not" Maggie said. "Ya know one day ima fight chu" Ricky said pointing his finger at her. "And break a nail? You goofy" she pointed out. They broke out into fits of laughter.

"Irissa" felissa said. They stopped talking to think about it. "I like irissa" I spoke shyly. "Ight but I said it first" Ricky stated. "Dumb bitch you said Issa! Irissa is cuter" Angie said thumping his shoulder. The group of friends started arguing over the ship names while felissa and I walked further back.

I pulled out my phone and took a picture of hands and posted it on my instagram.


@Iris_abitchwould : my hand was heavy so she held it for me ๐Ÿ˜ŒโœŒ๐Ÿพ I like irissa btw

Tagged ๐Ÿ‘ค: @felissaashley

Liked: 15k
Comments: 13,620

User 6 : okay but are they together or?

User 12: Naomi and felissa are cuter tho da fuc!

User20: @user12 please remind me when we gave a fuck?

Felissaashley: irissa is cute but I like eve better ๐ŸคญโœŒ๐Ÿผ

Iris_abitchwould: @felissaashley bubba is cuter tho ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ‰

Nxomib: best ship since the titanic๐Ÿšข

Rickymijo: @nxomib dumb bitch that ship crashed ๐Ÿคฆ๐Ÿปโ€โ™‚๏ธ

Saydizzle: I miss my baby now! Look what y'all did

Iris_abitchwould: @saydizzle you were legit on the phone with him when we took this

OkayMillie: not new bsf iris getting herself a girrlll๐Ÿคญ๐Ÿค oops

Iris_abitchwould: @okaymillie I love you but stfu ๐Ÿ™„

User657: here come the dating rumors....

Hater82: but she's not even that cute! Naomi would've been a better choice! Who even is iris!

Nxomib: @hater82 she's someone who makes my FRIEND felissa happy so here's the door ๐Ÿ‘‰๐Ÿผ๐Ÿšช

End of post

"People are gonna think we are dating." I said looking at the comments. "Well aren't we" she questioned me. "Not until you ask me and I make a joke cuz I'm slow then you say it again and I say yes" I told her. "Can we skip to when you say yes" she begged. "That's no fun tho!! Cmon let's try it" I clapped.

"Iris Addams will you be my girlfriend" she asked sincerely. "Only if Your my girlfriend first" I said crossing my arms and tapping my foot. "If I say yes to that will you say yes to being mine" she argued. "One more condition- Wait two more! I get unlimited cuddles and beanies!" I bargained. "Deal" she beamed. "Yay" I clapped. I started skipping with joy. I felt like a child. "I got a giirlfriend! I got a girrrrrlfriend! Her name is felisssssa and she's really prettyyyy!" I repeated in a sing song tone.

"I'm guessing they made it official" Naomi said cheerfully. We all had to split into our rooms to get ready for the performance. I showered and put on my clean outfit from the other day. Then my phone went off.

It was a new group chat made by the stage manager with me, Maggie, and Camille. She said that one of the acts that were supposed to go on today had to cancel and she wanted us to do a performance in their place. I cursed under my breath.

I left my room and went to Camille's since I didn't know where Maggie's was. I knocked and the door opened with a worried Camille.

"What are we supposed to do! I mean we go on in less than 3 hours! I can't even do my hair In that time" she ranted. I tried not to laugh but that last part got me.

She glared at me and I held my hands up in defense. "Just call Maggie and we can choreograph something real quick" she nodded and made the call. I walked into her hotel room and closed the door behind me. I scrolled through my Apple Music for a song.

Maggie came in already dressed for her separate performance. "Alright what's the plan" she asked. "All right so my dance has some sexual moves, cam's dance has some, and so does yours. So why not do a song that's more hip hop and lowkey a vibe." I pointed out. "Okay but what song" Camille asked. "This one" I smiled and clicked play on tempo by Chris brown.

"Alright so on 'switch up the tempo' lets hit one of these" Camille instructed while demonstrating. "So a ka ka boom" I said redoing what she did. "Exactly but just add some flavor to it ya know" she suggested. I nodded. "Alright from the top" Maggie said and we started the song over. We marked three times and went full on four.

"WE DID IT! And still have an hour to figure out what we are wearing lol" Maggie cheered. "Alright so do you both have cargo pants with you" Camille asked knowing she already had some. Maggie and I said yes. "What colors" camille added. "Purple" Maggie answered. "green" I answered smiling since it reminded me of felissa. "Alright and I have royal blue" Camille stared

"I'm gonna take a wild guess and say we have matching crop tops" I guessed. They nodded. "Alright so let's switch. Maggie with the green, cam with the purple, and I'll take blue" I dictated. They aggressive and Maggie and I went back to our rooms to get our clothes and rush back. We texted the stage manager so see who we go on after and she said after the three of our numbers preform there is one dance after us then it's our turn again.

We went through it one more tome before we had to freshen up again and head to the venue.

When we walked in all of the tech people were running around hectic. We were dodging cameras and costume racks so we could get to our room. When we got there so did everyone else. We greeted everyone and I sat next to felissa who was taking a nap. I have no clue how she could sleep with all of this noise but she was out cold. I laid on her chest and started going through insta. She might have been 'sleep' but she pulled an arm from behind her head and wrapped it around my waist.

We were all chill until it was my turn to go on stage. I got up and kissed her cheek before I walked away she wished me luck. I thanked her and prepped to go on stage. I stood in the middle then London & Elleri appeared. We danced and when we finished my adrenaline was I high. Something about that crowd was exhilarating. I was legit bouncing. As NextKidz passed me they all hugged me and told me I did a good job. Felissa was last and she kissed my forehead and got into position.

While they danced I changed into my green cargo pants with pocket chains and my Camille's blue crop top. I secretly took felissa's green beanie but I hid it until I had to go onstage. I tied my converse and took my hair out of the ponytail. I ran my hands through my curls and touched up my makeup. By the time I finished I got to see the last bits of their performance. The part with Naomi didn't bother me as much because of the connection I had with the both of them.ย  When they finished I clapped hella hard.

"I can honestly watch that 100 times and never get bored." I admitted to them. "Thank you iris" Angie said. Maggie and Camille ran to their bags to go change while the next group performed. Maggie came out with her hair at its normality and her outfit tailored just for her with her forces on. Camille followed soon after with the top half of her hair in two ponytails that blended back with her long hair. She personalized her outfit.

"Why are y'all matching" Aaliyah asked. "One of the next dance groups couldn't go on tonight so we had to choreograph a dance in like two hours and then get outfits" Camille explained. "Damn well I can't wait to see it" kaitlin said. "Me either sis" Nicole added.

It was our turn so we got on stage and prepared to dance.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Cam: girl in green
Iris: girl in blue cargo pants
Maggie: girl in black and red adidas pants
