
Class went on as the teacher only talked about the things required for her subject and what will they learn. Suzy arrived early for her second class as she was looking for a seat, a pretty girl waved and told herΒ  to sit with her. Suzy of course gladly took it.

"Hey I'm Hanuel behind me is Mark" Hanuel introduces herself

"Oii I'm mark you can mark me in your heart"Mark introduces

"Oh no not this again"Hanuel whisper, Suzy managing to hear her giggles

"I can't believe i said that" Mark mumbles in English, shaking his head dissaprovingly

"If it makes you feel better I think it's kinda smooth" Suzy replys in English which causes mark to widen his eyes.

"Anyways I'm Suzy nice to meet you guys"Suzy introduced myselfΒ 

"So Suzy wanna know all the tea"Hanuel says wiggling her eyebrows to which mark scoff at

"Tea in the morning. I like it"She spoke, winking at Hanuel

"Mark is one of the members of dreamies, they are a squad. I'll tell more about them at Lunch" Suzy just nodded her head listening carefully

Ohh so he is friends with those two guys earlier..

"That girl right there is Soyeon A.K.A the so called queen" Hanuel says pointing at a girl with some of the students surrounding her

It's cake girl

"We used to be friends but then one of her crush started liking me in middle school and then she became so competitive, jealous, stuff like that with me"Hanuel shivers in disgust to which Suzy chuckle at

"But we're in High school, she still hasn't moved on or something?"Suzy ask

"No, she tries to ruin my life. Note that i said try cause in the end she fails" Hanuel says while rolling her eyes jokingly

"Anyways moving on the girl to her left is Jiwon, like her puppets she's willing to do anything Soyeon ask her and then last but not the least Minju" She explained

The girl that almost burst my eardrums..

"She's the vice principals daughter, Flexes her dads money is her thing and that's about it"She says pointing at them which results in Soyeon noticing and aggressively rolling her eyes.

"Careful there you might see your tiny brain- opss" Hanuel whispers not really thinking about it but Suzy manage to hear it again and laughs

The new girl and Hanuel exchange each other the look.

"I can tell we're going to be besties"


Ohh we met markie boy~

