
"Ma-Cu-La-Tu-Re"The girl pronouncing every letter and syllable clearly
"M.A.C.U.L.A.T.U.R.E"Jaemin says and show what he wrote down on the white board
"Correct!"Suzy cheers, clapping her hands

"Your turn"Jaemin erasing the white board then handing it over to her
"Gla-Dio-Lus"Jaemin reads
"G.L.A.D.I.O.L.U.S"Suzy says and writing it down
"Correct again"He smiles at Suzy

"You have a nice smile. You should do that more often"She compliments
"I think it's one of your charms"She adds and muttering a 'just saying' after
"I'm cold and bitter"Jaemin boy shrugs
"I don't think you know what charm means"Narrowing her eyes at the boy. The boy only chuckling


After two hours of studying. Both of them went to the theater room. Watching an episode of 'friends' for Jaemins 'method' to study

"I bought chips"Handing over some lays chip over

Both of them unexpectedly enjoy each others companyΒ a lot. The boy unconsciously playing with Suzys long hair

"Omo this is too funny"Suzy says giggling.

Unknowingly a small smile appear on the boys lips from her laughter. Glancing at his rolex

Hmm 8p.m

"Suzy"Jaemin looking at the girl wiping her hands with a tissue
"Yes?" Letting go of the girls hair
"Look at the time"
"Oh fiddlestick!"The girl exclaims as she saw her Bvlgari watch

"Let me give you a ride back"Jaemin says, the girl nodding


The boy jaw dropping at the sight of Β the castle like house. The Mansion being lit by multiple lights. A balcony at the center. Plants surrounding the area and a fountain at the front

(Pic above )

"Thanks for the ride~"Suzy says waving, then running to the gate that's being open by the guards

Putting in the code quickly. Suzy open the door only to be greeted by her Father standing with his arms crossed starring at his Daughter with anger

Didn't know this was my last day to live

"Sorry"Looking down at her shoes
"Who's that boy?"He sternly ask
"J..Jaemin, We were studying for tomorrow. I didn't notice.. the.. the time"
"You'll get first place then"
"Yes.. of course"Suzy getting her wallet. Handing her father the entry card with her fidgety hands
"Time"Mr.Lee sights
"4-5p.m uhm.. the other students will leave early so it will be just us and.. the ones who are watching will be there"She mumbles
"Ok. I left dinner and Oh Suzy"

"Yes?"She let out a whisper
"I don't like you being with that boy. Understood"He stated the girl nodding her head. Her Dad leaving the girl behind

He must have had a good day. He went easy on me..

Sighting the girl sat down at the long dinner table alone and eating alone thinking about the event tomorrow

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