
"She looks so much more prettier~"
"Can't relate"

"Isn't she Jaemins girlfriend yet she did that"
"But she's so kind thought"

"I feel bad for Jaemin"
"I didn't expect her to be like that~"

Whispers filled with her name can be heard as she walk, looking for her friends. Finally spotting them she ran up to them

"What.. what's happening?"The girl looking confused on what's exactly happening
"Nonna"Jisung handing his phone which displayed a post from an 'anonymous' post on facebook that shows the three photos that her father exactly had

"It's Soyeon"Suzy says handing back his phone
"We'll just tell her to delete the post and apologise"Hoshi says calmly
"Hell no! We're going to tell the principal maybe even the police cause that's cyber bullying and she litterally stalked her or something"Hanuel exclaims

"I litterally argued with my dad yesterday and now I have to deal with Soyeon"Suzy groans
"And mid terms is coming up"Haechan added for her smiling innocently
"Thanks"She sarcastically replys

"Aww my poor baby"Jaemin pulling the girl into his embrace, the rest coughing and making comments
"You can do that somewhere else"Jeno sneers
"Why can't I hug my girlfriend"Jaemin replys pulling the girl closer to him

"AHHH!"Hanuel screams getting the feels and jumping up and down. Suzy giggling at the sight, Mark getting hit by his girlfriend who's getting butterflies


"Wait wait what's the plan?"Hoshi ask Suzy, who's walking around trying to find Soyeon
"I don't need a plan"Suzy shrugs
"My child can beat her butt!"Hanuel cheers supporting her bestie

"I love the fact that y'all are coming with me"Suzy chuckles reffering to the rest who's behind her


"Let's just talk to her at lunch"Chenle suggest since they looked all over the campus to no avail
"Probably hidding at vice principals office"Renjun added


Whispers erupt the caffeteria as the girl walk in. The photos spreading around like wild fire. Suzy just wanted to talk with Soyeon and get this thing over with. She already had to deal with her Father

"Nonna there she is"Jisung pointing at Soyeon with his spoon
"After lunch instead so we don't cause a scene?"Hoshi suggest
"That'll do"Suzy agrees finishing her food

"Let's go"Hanuel says holding Suzys hand as some of the students leave the cafeteria
"Why do I feel like you're more pressed than me"Suzy chuckles at the girl beside her
"Because I am"She chuckles back

"Hold on- Hey!"Suzy going to Soyeon making sure her friends stay behind

"What?"She ask innocently making Suzy scoff
"Would you like to apologize and delete those photos?"Suzy forces a smile
"I don't know what you're talking about"She ask dumbly and asking her two friends who also acted as if they did nothing
"Save the lies for the principal darling"Suzy retorts making the three girls gasp

"Omg! She's accusing me do you all hear that the girl who dates two boys at once! Is saying I did this to her!"she dramatically says getting the attention of the other students

"Great for not causing a scene"Hoshi mutter

"Look Soyeon I don't want to cause an inconvenience to you if you just kindly ask for what I stated earlier I'll leave you be"Suzy trying to sound kind as possible
"You serious? Why aren't you afraid of me huh? I could sent that to your Dads company and ruin his image... Unless you leave Jaemin..."Soyeon whispers as she glare at the unbothered girl
"Afraid? I had a dream I failed Science and Math"Suzy scoff

Suzy let's get this over

"Momma raised me as a lady, I know what fork to use in formal dinners. Also she didn't raise a fool, I know what artery to stick it in so you'll bleed out if you don't just admit it"Sis snapped, whispering at Soyeon and glancing at the fork at the table making Soyeon gulp

Sis snapped✌😳✌
