

โ€”Was a terrible day. More like off if you will. You had to work today, and it seemed colder than usual in this nippy month of January. And to top it off, Rengoku still hasn't came back... so now your initial motivation to talk to him has dissipated. All this wanting to work it out has hit rock bottom, and you feel terrible for not calling but even then the momentum was shot.

You sighed deeply, swinging your keys around thoughtlessly as you headed up to the front office to check out, while passing up the empty auditorium on your way... That is what you thoughtโ€” that it was empty... but it wasn't.

You got snatched up and pulled in, and just as your fight or flight senses were about to be put in motion, you found yourself melting in the familiar embrace. The warm scent of sweet honey and Eros Flame bombarded your senses, leaving you nothing but mush in the arms of the kidnapper.

His soft low hum near your ear made you squeeze tighter and never want to let go. Even dulling your reasonings to be angry with him. "I missed you so much..." he mumbled lowly, going to take in more of your scent as well. Being up in Pennsylvania with his late mother's side of the family last minute took a toll on him. He nor was his younger brother prepared. The family wanted to see them so bad they took an extra couple weeks to catch up from the last time they saw them... which was when he was 7 and his brother was a baby

Your incoherent response was all too known by him, simple, I missed you too... he'd have to be even more worse to not know what you said.

But as the reality hit you, you could feel the dam inside your being break. "No..." You huff and pushed him off you. He was definitely surprised by the sudden action, and saddened that his time to hold you was cut short. Yet you hit the sides of your thighs in defense, "No, Kyojuro I'm sick of this!" You spat angrily, he knew why, but he still would rather hold you while you cursed him.

"I'm sorry... what I did was wrong-" he went to explain, but that made you even more mad to the point you up your finger to stop his generic response.

"I'm sick of always folding for you, dawg. You fucked me over this break, and I'll admit, it was my choice to runaway, but the way you pushed me away made me go into a state where I thought that was my only choice... But yet all you have to say is that you want to talk it out, and it's magically fixed?! You can hug me and hold me and shit and it's suddenly alright, what you did is nullified?" You spieled, upset that this is what you both come to.

He wanted to, even though you was just now getting on him for it, fix this. Explain and make it better... but you was right. He seemed to have too much power which obviously took a toll on you.

From then on, he refrained from reaching out to you, and only listened to your concern. "I don't know what the fuck happened that night but I'm still pissed off. I could've called while you was up with your family, but I'm tired of just blindly going along with what you want." Adding on, as he leaned against the wall and nodded his head accordingly.

You sighed softly and looked at your phone, seeing that you wasted a bit of time that you could've been out the door with. "It's that time of the month and I've gotta go to work, so I'm leaving first. For the mean time give me some time." You mumbled and waved him goodbye half-assed while making your way out. And there you left him in the empty auditorium, alone with your piece of mind.



โ€”Came in the door tiredly. Your shift today had to be the worst work days to ever be documented. You got two-sided task that didn't correlate, and got yelled at by both parties. And not only that, you had to stay later because when you were maneuvering around the room to clean up the tray, you got pricked. By a used unadministered needle. So you had to go get your blood drawn immediately, the nurse apologized profusely and said she zoned out. Which was crazy to you because why is she zoning out with a needle in her hand.

As you carefully took off your shoes by the door, you stripped down to the clothes you had under your scrubs as you made your way to the laundry room. Oh how you wished this day to be over and done with.

You tossed in the clothing with you and your dads other scrubs and started the load. "Hey baby, how was work!" Your mom came in with a load of laundry herself, excited and unaware of what happened.

A sigh fell from your lips as you sheepishly rubbed your neck, "I got a needle-stick injury, and now I gotta go back in six months." Her face dropped horridly, assuming the worst obviously. "Luckily they didn't have HIV so I'm good for half a year." You added hoping to bring her some relief. And it only gave her a smidge as she slowly set the hamper down.

"Well I gotta go shower now!" You said with a reassuring smile and dismissed yourself, leaving your mom shocked...


You felt refreshed out of the shower, and seemed to wash your bad day away. The cool air hit your face as you emerged from the bathroom to toss your dirty clothes in your hamper. You didn't think much of your phone as you decided to waltz downstairs to see what you could snack on while your mom cooked. But just as you made it down stairs you could already hear your mom grumbling, which made you want to turn back around.

"Y/n, did you really order food when I'm cooking." She spoke, thinning her lips and squinting her eyes towards you. It was like an unspoken rule to not hop up and get something else to eat when she cooked. And of course you knew this, so why were you getting blamed.

"I just got out the shower!" You responded shocked that this was even assumed. You literally just got out less than five minutes ago.

She sucked her teeth, now it's a mystery... "Tip was paid for and all." She grumbled and turned back to the stove to finish cooking. And as soon as you took a glimpse of the bag and heeded her words, a light flickered in your mind. Making your eye twitch slightly. You knew exactly who did this...

You quickly ran back up to your room and searched your blankets blindly for your phone. And once you found it, it was revealed as soon as the device turned on. A message from Rengoku asking if wings were a good choice, and if they made it to you without complications... What part of "I need some time" did he not get? You immediately called his phone and just like that he picked up on the second ring.

"Hey, did they not get to you?" He asked, and just as he did you wanted to grind your teeth.

You balled up your fist, angry with the way he was, but you knew it was out of the good of his heart. You'd just wish he'd listen more and not be so damn hard headed. You took a simple deep breath to calm down, "Kyojuro." You spoke calmly, and soon enough he shut up and was ready for what you had to say.

"I expressed this earlier, but I'm greatly pissed off still... but there are still many things I want from you, and because I've gotten so angry I'm literally trying to get over it. Because there is nothing for me to gain if I stay mad at you and cut ties besides being worry fucking free." Spieling with the amount of patience you had left. It was true though: the situation was taking up a lot of your daily life, and all you wanted to do was forget about itโ€” be at peace.

An apology was cool, but if it was able to be dropped and avoided altogether it would be great.

"... what do you want then? Please, I would really like to know so I can provide." He said, hoping that it was in the best of his abilities.

You sighed and shrugged, you already knew the things you wanted. Craved almost. "The things I want from you: to be dicked down, to hold you, to be under you... but also to breathe, a simple apology would be fucking nice. And not the same generic formatted one you've have ingrained!... Maybe truly some time for me to drop the subject! Little but essential things, Kyojuro." Adding in the spur of the moment, especially the first part because you're not really one to just say stuff like that unprovoked. They were more like dummy answers to fill.

Rengoku was all too flattered with your words and found himself blushing a bit. From memories of course of certain things. "Can I come over then?" He asked, immediately you quirked your brow in response... is he serious? "To give you my better apology and give you a hug? Please?" He explained further and gave you the understanding to his claim.

Your face slightly relaxed when he asked, and your face started to slowly heat... no way he was real. Your mom wouldn't mind an extra mouth to feed right?... "no, not today. And you better find a way to apologize to my mom. You almost got me in trouble."

He chuckled slightly and promised to apologize to your mom. "Well can I sincerely apologize to you now? Please. Pretty please..." He asked hoping for a yes, only you got quiet on your end. Usually you'd want to see his face, but you know you'd just accept it if you did. You actually wanted to analyze this apology without being biased about it...

"Let's hear what you got."

Hey y'all :))))))))
