

- Car ride was exactly how you expected it to be. After the half-jokingly comment you made, the air was filled with sexual tension. You both managed to ignore it while listening to music and having idle chat here and there. But every time it got too quiet the two of you got fidgety, and you didn't know if you wanted to laugh or hop across the seat.

And you both knew how enticing that backseat was.

Anyways, after multiple phone calls from your friends, the two of you finally arrived at Mitsuri's house.

"Hi, Mrs. Kanroji!" You greeted her as you both walk into the house.

Her face lit up as she brought you into a hug, "Oh Y/n dear, it's been so long since I've seen you." The sweet smell of confectionery sugar wafting off of her.

"Oh! Well it seems the rumors are true! Hello there stranger!" She chirps, letting you go to look between the both of you. Rengoku just laughed heartily as he held both bags, you on the other hand turned your head, placing a hand over your face from the embarrassment.

"Hello Mrs. Kanroji!" He greeted her.

She just smiled looking at the both of you together. "Well I'll let you two lovebirds join the others in the back." She chirped as she waltzed back into the kitchen.

You two shared a look before slightly smiling and heading for the back.

The both of you were walking through the house with him following you, since he didn't exactly remember his way around.

"Do you think we're lovebirds, Y/n?" He asked.

"You ask a lot of questions for a bag boy, you know?" You snickered, not even noticing that he dropped the bags.

You was dancing to the tune in your head as you strolled down the hall. Bobbing your head and swinging your hips, not paying attention to your surroundings as you proceeded to Ri's room that was just in sight.

You could've swore you heard light footsteps run towards you, but brushed it off as your brain thinking it was apart of the song. That was until a pair of arms wrapped around your waist and spinning you off your heels, earning yourself a surprised yelp.

He held onto you so you didn't fall since your feet were no longer planted on the ground. Attacking you, he peppered your neck and face with little kisses as you laugh, recovering from the sudden shock.

"Are we lovebirds?" He asked as he planted more tiny kisses across your face, not leaving any space untouched.

It tickled as he went on and you just laughed away. "Are we?" He demanded not stopping. You nodded your head as you continued to laugh at his endearing gestures. He stops and pouts, giving you a noncommittal hum, "I want to hear you say it."

You shook your head, playfully denying him. He cocked an eyebrow, "Be good and let me hear you, or I'll drag you back to the car." He whispered.

You chew the inside of your cheek as you stare into his eyes, mentally going crazy; before uttering a lazy, "We are." He bent down to lay a passionate kiss on your lips before arching his eyebrows up.

"Oh my gosh! We are?" He acted surprised and confused as if he didn't just make you confirm it verbally. You sucked your teeth and rolled your eyes, unbothered with his antics.

"Let me go." You mumbled, squinting your eyes as he gave you a winsome smile.

He lowered you to the ground and laid your body there, before standing up to put his loosely balled up fist on his hips, staring down at your planked position. You blinked extremely hard, processing what this man literally did to you. When you meant "let me go" you didn't actually mean lay you across the floor like a damn rug.

You scoffed pushing your upper body up on your elbows. "Fucking dumbass," You grumbled to yourself before he processed what he just did and pulled you up.

You dusted off your clothes and fixed your shirt as he went to go grab the both of your bags. You grumbled as you fixed your sleeves and feeling his presence behind you once more, before looking up and seeing two heads.

"So cute!"

"So gross."

There stood Shinobu and Mitsuri, dressed in their pajamas, gawking over the two of you. Shinobu was just about to chastise the both of you for coming late- even though there was no actual set time, before shutting her mouth and sharing a knowing glance with Mitsuri. They both smirked having the same idea in mind, and turned their attention back to you two.

"Loving the hair Rengoku."

"Mhm! It's cool that you're going for a new look!"

He brought a hand up to his neck expecting to thread his fingers through his hair- like he's been doing for the past seventeen years. Yet, not being able to since no hair rested there anymore, so he went for a nervous rub on the neck instead. You gave an inaudible kiss to your teeth; you knew what was going on. And it didn't really take much for anyone to figure out, especially if Shinobu's behind the ropes.

"Yea it was just in the heat of the moment, I guess." He says, trying his best to not glance at you and give them the wrong ideas. Even though he doesn't know they're toying with him because they already have the wrong idea.

But come on, who wouldn't? Two desperately in love teenagers who still managed to be late even without a timed schedule, with one of them in a quick updo hairstyle. That's got to be the most scandalous-put together-get up tropes.

"I can tell! It's giving me a sense of why you two are this late. If you know what I mean." Her grin turning into a smug smirk, as his cheeks ran flush from the sudden lewd thoughts that clouded his mind. Great. And he didn't have the will in him to tell you just yet either.

Just as he was about to deny the allegations you spoke up. "Yep. Highlight of my life, if you ask me. Music was on, windows were cracked, in the back seat, ass up face down. A little cramped though." You said with the upmost nonchalance, as if it's normal to tell your friends that you had car sex before coming here.

Mitsuri started to laugh and Shinobu caught your sarcasm, but Rengoku was almost ready to solidify, so she couldn't tell what was going on. If it was true or not, that is.

"Yea had me in that back seat like, oh fuck~ ah ah ah~ mmmh yea right there aa-" With the quickness of every seven trillion nerve in his body, Rengoku used his free hand to cover your mouth. For his sake of course.

Mitsuri laughed even harder and Shinobu tried her best to bite back her snicker, but ended up failing in the end. You even moved his hand away from your mouth so you could laugh. But poor Rengoku was just standing there, with his cheeks running cherry red from you three and his thoughts.

Clearing her throat, Shinobu was the first to compose herself. "So despite Y/n's BPT, why were the two of you late?" She asked, leaning up against the wall. You crooned as you were nibbling the side of your index finger from the little piece of skin that was annoying you.

"We went on a fool's errand." Rengoku answered as he shifted his weight a little. And just when he thought he was in the clear, the three of you shared the same knowing grin.

"Oh my God! Did you just call Y/n a fool!" Mitsuri gasped dramatically

You wiped away your non-existent tears from your eyes as you went along with the scheme,"He's been mean to me all night y'all! I'm afraid he's gonna take me to the woods later, and tell me to look at some flowers." You was trying your best to hold character, but it was kind of hard, especially when he looked hysterical.

He was tired of getting tricked into these ploys, and ending up with the wrong end of the stick. Poor thing just wanted to go sit down, and not get strung up with all the trap questions that's been thrown at him.

"Wow Rengoku! You seem to be showing your ass tonight. Figuratively and Physically, if you two actually had car sex." Shinobu commented slyly, letting her two dainty fingers cover half of her lips, while a smug grin spread across her face.

Rengoku's mouth slightly fell open, face burning pink as he sputtered over his next words. A musingly smile was on your face, you were taking a little pity on him, he just kept getting caught up in these. But I mean it was cute seeing him like this, all flustered and stammering over his words. Honestly it was too cute.

Humming a non-committal hum, you took the leverage to just keep walking on. "Why did you guys come out here?" You asked as Shinobu pushed herself off the wall and Mitsuri turned around with her hands behind her back.

Mitsuri pouted pushing her lips to the side, "We heard a scream but the guys didn't believe us." You rubbed your eye, nodding as Shinobu goes in first and heads to the couch with Mitsuri following close behind.

Rengoku was carefully shuffling behind you but you didn't really mind it, nor did you know why he was doing it.

Going in you seen everyone in their pajamas while they let Big City Greens play in the back. Sanemi was in the middle of the floor on his back with his phone in the air, bound to hit his face anytime soon. Tengen had just got off the phone while also laying on the floor in front of the TV. And Iguro was laying down on Mitsuri's bed.

They all looked bored and it was sad, so of course you had to spruce it up.

"Evening peasants! Your Goddess has arrived, don't be shy to revel in my glory!" You asserted with your arms outstretched to the side, as you addressed the boys accordingly. There were of course disagreements from the crowd as you stuck your tongue out and you sashayed some more into to the room, exaggerating your movements by moving your hips out even more.

You stopped when you were almost in reach of Sanemi, so if he did decide to take you by the legs he wouldn't be able to. "Y/n if you say you're five minutes away and you're really more than thirty minutes away I'm going to take you to the corner, you also seem to be around, and beat you." Sanemi grumbled not looking away from his phone.

"Doesn't that mean you have a God complex?" Tengen laughed as he continued to watch TV. Rengoku long gone had found himself a seat on the other side of the room, most likely where he put the bags at.

You made an annoyed grunt, "No. Don't play like that," He laughed again as he opened up his phone. You rolled your eyes before snickering at Sanemi because he dropped his phone on his face.

"Was that you moaning out there?" You hummed and looked up at Iguro who was just staring at you with his heterochromatic eyes. You squinted your eyes; you and Iguro were definitely siblings in another fucked up reality. He was really rude, especially to you. But it's all good. It was light hearted, almost?

"Yea. Why?"

"Well you need to stop, and never do it again. That shit was annoying." He muttered, going back on his phone.

You put your arms over your head to stretch. "I'm not gonna argue with a mufucka who is 5"3." You replied.

He glanced back up at you, "I mean this with the upmost disrespect, shut the fuck up and go play on the interstate." You heard Mitsuri gasp in the back and stomp over to him.

"Iguro! Don't say that!" She whined as she shoved a pillow into his face.

"Keep your dog on a leash, Ri." You said slyly, while walking over Sanemi to get to where Rengoku was. Iguro subtly flipped you off once more in response which made you snicker.

Rengoku was sitting on the floor crisscross by Mitsuri's bed, with a pillow in his lap. He had a hand over his mouth while he was using the other to hold his phone and mindlessly stare at his reflection through his shut off phone screen.

You cocked your head. "What is he doing?" You thought to yourself as you trudged towards him some more.

"Hey." You whispered softly, kneeling down to his level. He didn't acknowledge your presence since he was so deep in thought and blocked out every thing around him, but from one glance at him you could see his face was flushed pink. Off the jump you thought it was your fault; you had that poor baby out in the cold and now he's probably sick.

You slightly frowned, you shouldn't have risked anything and got him sick.

You took his phone out of his hand, thus, grabbing his attention. "Are you okay?" He gazed at you with his gold and red eyes, looking a bit disheveled with stray hairs already falling out of the updo. He nodded his head not uttering a word, only leaning more into himself. You pushed your lips to the side- was he trying to lie so you didn't have to worry about him?

As you gave him his phone back you placed the back of your free hand on your forehead, then reaching out for his to do the same. Yet, as you did he slightly flinched but he still complied, nonetheless, which made you mentally raise your brow. You narrowed your eyes, while he simultaneously kept glancing up at you; he was burning up!

"Are you sure you're okay?" You asked as you cupped his cheek, to which, he nuzzled into more. He hummed as he grabbed your hand and placed a small kiss on your wrist, "I'm okay. I'm not sick either." He mumbled, giving you a soft smile and leaning more into the warmth of your hand.

You hummed, "Okay, then what's wrong since you're not sick?" He smiled and shook his head, giving you another genuine kiss on the wrist.

"I just really love you." He mumbled.

Your eyes went wide, as you were just about to open your mouth and ask him to repeat himself before you got interrupted, "Aww! Look at Y/n and her discord kitten." Tengen teased you in raillery. You clicked your tongue in return, dropping your hand from his face and placing it on his thigh, so you could halfway turn your body to flick him off.

"Maneee, why're you even here? You should be at home taking care of them skrong ass rats." You side eyed him, glowering as you did so.

"For the last God given time, Y/n!! They. Are. Mice!" He enunciated, definitely done with you talking bad about his mice.

You shrugged, "Them little damn things is still rodents, right? Mufuckas could pick me up." Mentioning rhetorically, before turning back around to Rengoku, who was smiling unapologetically at Tengen's comment.

"Maybe he really wasn't sick... Then what was wrong?" Thinking to yourself, returning his smile, just seconds before he broke his gander and leaned forward to throw his hands over your shoulders, catching something.

His body was certainly too close to you.

"Stop blocking my blessings, Sunny boy. That was supposed to hit big head over there." Tengen complained, only thing was you didn't care.

His neck was on full display in front of you, while he had some lighthearted argument with Tengen, before he threw another pillow, this time aiming for Rengoku. He didn't let the pillows down, using them as a shield from Tengen's barrage.

You watched his Adam's apple bob up and down as he exchanged words with Tengen. Slowly trailing your eyes about his skin, in a less than appropriate manner; albeit, that didn't snap you from your trance. You slightly leaned towards him and gently pressed kisses down his throat. You felt his body freeze as he stopped talking for a split second, but continuing his small dispute nonetheless. Keeping face, if you will.

You were very positive that no one could see you, so you went on.

Slightly thumbing his thigh as Tengen threw one more pillow, while you stopped at one specific spot on his neck. Right where his collarbone and neck met. The two continued to throw soft insults at each other, despite the fact how bad he wanted to touch you.

You gingerly kissed the area before softly sucking on his soft supple skin, ante up with every bob of your head. The heat on his body emanating and warming up your face and hand, that was simply just resting on his thigh as you kept on.

Lost in the thought of your doings, he scared you a little when he lowly groaned in your ear.

It seemed that Shinobu joined in for Rengoku and threw a pillow at Tengen's face, so they were fighting now. Yet, he was fine with it since this gave him some leeway.

"Mmm Y/n," He whined deeply, pressing a little kiss on your earlobe. You let go and gave his deep purplish hickie one last lick, before looking at his now even more flushed face and planting a lazy kiss on the corner of his mouth as you reached for your bag.

Smirking as you got up, throwing your bag over your shoulder, "I'm gonna go get dressed, okay?" You said as you grabbed your phone. He nodded as he pressed down on the pillow and attempted to cover his new bruise.

Turning on your heels you saw Ri sitting on Tengen's back while holding his arms behind him like reigns, while Shi repeatedly hit him with the pillow. All while Sanemi just sat there and recorded him.

"T, gets bitched every day! And prolly gets bitched by his rats too!" You added fuel to his flame, as he struggled.




- Said it was time to cook. Bake if you were being technical.

The night was high as you all danced to Micheal Jackson Experience and did karaoke to a few songs, with a small one sided roast battle between you all and Sanemi. Second person to probably plan everyone's death while you slept.

But something was wrong: Rengoku wasn't being himself, he wasn't being anything! He wasn't being loud, he wasn't having fun, he didn't join anything. By the time you all started he disappeared, concealed his presence! Literally forgotten that he was there.

"I don't care what y'all make, I just know I'm not helping." Tengen voiced as he flopped down on the couch and turned on the TV.

"Probably can't cook no way, that ain't any skin off our backs." You replied as you, Mitsuri, and Shi walked into the kitchen.

Shinobu turned on the light as Sanemi and Obanai went to the couch as well. "We don't care if you help or not, you're just not getting any when it's finished." She said just before Sanemi hopped right back up and trudged into the kitchen.

The three of you nodded your heads smugly, "Yeaaa, bring yo 'too sweet to beat yo meat' ass in here!" You jested before the three of you started to playfully punch his arm. He waved you all's hands away frustratedly and narrowed his eyes slowly at you all.

Laughing as you four turned around to start heeding Mitsuri's orders to get out certain ingredients and supplies. When all the things that were needed was set out Mitsuri finally told you all what you were making. Slut Brownies!

(A/n: 10000000/10 recommend, especially if you have a sweet tooth.)

Once she announced it you swore you could see Sanemi's eyes almost light up.

"Let's not fuck this up guys. I want to actually eat this." Sanemi added, walking to the sink to was his hands. There was a collection of giggles, but he was dead serious.

"Ight, imma go wash my hands in your bathroom Ri." You stated as she nodded in confirmation. Turning on your heels you skipped all the way back to Mitsuri's room, passing up all of her little siblings vacant rooms, without a thought in your mind. Right before you bumped face first into Rengoku.

He had on a new black hoodie with his hair still done up. Pairing them with some grey sweats, while he had his hands shoved into his pockets in a faultily manner. And shuffling kind of awkwardly.

His eyes widened as his cheeks had a noticeable light pink blush dusting them. You squinted your eyes at him as he averted his gaze a couple of times, hoping you couldn't read him. "Are you sick?" You finally asked, once again. He opened his mouth to speak but closed it when no words seemed to come out, and only to proceeding to shake his head.

"Okaaay? Then can you tell me what's wrong?" You prolonged, squinting your eyes questioningly at him. He started slightly rocking back and forth, getting more anxious under your gaze. You veered your brow and placed your hands on your hips, waiting for his answer.

He cleared his throat and tried to utter something, but still failed in the end. Hanging his head, he sighed deeplyโ€” he really wanted to tell you but couldn't manage to get the words out, yet.

"C'mon." Taking pity on him once again. You turned right back around, going back down the long hallway into the open area with Rengoku still shuffling kind of awkwardly behind you. You were thinking he just needed a change of atmosphere, and maybe he would become himself once again.

"Ri, we'll be back. We're going out back." You stated, switching on the back porch light.

"Okay! Don't be too long!" She replied as she cracked an egg into the bowl. You nodded and opened the back door and left, Rengoku following a few seconds after you.

He closed the door, leaving the five in silence with only the scary movie starting in the back.

"She's about to give him the head of his life." Tengen voiced, propping his leg up on his knee. Mitsuri and Shinobu's mouth dropped upon hearing those words, like it was impossible almost.

Sanemi grunted from the kitchen, "That's if she finds out, otherwise he's going to be staying to himself all night." Mitsuri and Shinobu turned to Sanemi in shock and confusion.

"Never thought I'd get to see the day The Kyojuro Rengoku like this, props to her I guess." Obanai mumbled, shaking his head equivocally while going back to his phone. The girls had stopped what they were doing and looked back and forth at each in confusion, just as Sanemi was just pressing the cookie dough in the pan.

"It's been almost an hour since they've arrived. I wanna know what it was? Was it her face?" Tengen pondered aloud, glancing at his phone.

"Maybe it was her moaning?"

"Probably that hickey." The four of them 'huh' at Iguro's comment, in disbelief what they just heard. "I saw it when he stretched his neck,"

Tengen shook his head to rid his mind what he heard, "In any case, did you see that little waddle he did! Boy definitely got a third leg on him." He exclaimed nonchalantly. Obanai eyed the boy before scooting away from him, shadily.

Mitsuri and Shinobu just stood there almost oblivious to what they were talking about. The boys context clues kind of sucked, and only Tengen's last comment got a start for Shinobu, but still it was going slower than usual.

"What are you all talking about?" Mitsuri pouted, finally speaking up.


He took a deep breath, before slumping back into the patio couch. You were still standing up, crossing your arms over your chest since you didn't think to bring your jacket.

He nervously leaned forward as he looked up at you. "Are you cold?" He queried worriedly, as he saw you slightly shiver from the sudden gust of wind.

You shook your head and gave him a empty smile, "I'm okay." You hummed. He absentmindedly bit his bottom lip as he respectfully kept his eyes to himself. Sitting for a beat more he grunted, and started taking off his hoodie.

"Stop. You're gonna catch a cold." You remarked, waving him dismissively.

"I haven't caught a cold in ten years, I'll be fine."

He took it off fully, revealing his plain white t-shirt and hickey that you just registered that you gave him. Hopping up he trudged towards you offering his hoodie while doing so, you shook your head denying him.

"Please take it, I don't want you to be cold." He begged while hanging his head. You kissed your teeth before finally receiving the jacket after his pleas. He smiled as he watched you find the opening of the jacket, right before his eyes trailed down to your cremรฉ tank top. He almost drooled when he saw your erect buds that signified you were cold as well.

Yet he cleared his throat and turned away to go sit back down.

"I'm gonna be pissed if you turn around and get sick." You huff as you looked at him, sitting slumped over with the white moonlight casting over him. He chuckled, more out of his nose if anything, as he stared at you longingly, definitely loving you wearing something of his.

You crossed your arms over again, "So are you gonna let me know what's wrong?" You asked, concern clearly lacing your words. He sighed as he turned his attention forward, trying to get his words right. Opening his mouth he tried but failed once more, groaning as he ran his hand over his face. You were definitely distressed since you didn't know what was wrong with him, so you couldn't really help him out in any way.

He sighed once more before offering his hand out to you, cocking your eyebrow in confusion you didn't proceed. "You're sick aren't you?" He smiled and shook his head.

"Just come here, please." You hummed noncommittally before walking over and taking his hand. He pulled you in front of him until he grabbed onto your hips and gently pulled you on top of him. He scooted back and positioned you a little better, looking up at you blankly right before your eyes had widened.


You cleared your throat, "Wha-... how long have you had it?" You asked, yet still stuck in your own head. You felt it before, but it was always seemed to be a reality check, especially when it was abrupt. He heaved a long heavy sigh, leaning his head forward and burying his face into your chest, so ashamed and embarrassed of himself. You on the other hand was shocked almost when he did that- he never done it before so the act almost made you panic.

Despite his hoodie being in the way, if you really looked at it he was literally face down in your boobs... definitely something new.

But lord, he didn't know he was just embarrassed at the moment.

"It was when we were in the hallway. After Shinobu mentioned something about car sex my brain started going a hundred miles per hour. Then you started to moan, then you gave me a hickey when it was going down, and after that you were dancing to keep it in the closet and it wouldn't go down..." He ranted, mumbling everything into your chest as you listened and gently stroked his head.

It was quiet after he spilled his whole night to you, letting him stay where he was. He didn't know what you were going to say or do, so he played it safe and just wallowed in this moment for a little.

Finally returning to your reality you hopped off him, he pouted for only a millisecond before letting it go and watching you. "Okay!" You clapped nervously, before you started pacing back and forth. You spoke to yourself while he watched in confusion, definitely starting to worry for you.

You turned around and clapped once more, even adding a little hand rub. "Alright, I'm ready!" You exclaimed. Rengoku just stared at you like you had a dick drawn on your face.


You rolled up your sleeves nervously, as he just kept staring at you. "I'm going to give you... fellatio." You mumbled excruciatingly unsure, in your best-worst attempt to not make it awkward. He blinked blankly as he registered what was going on. He dropped his head and chuckled in a heartily tone as he finally got it.

"No. I'm totally fine." He shook his head, bringing it back up to smile at you.

"But I have to. I'm responsible for this, so I have to take responsibility." You attested. He shook his head once more, but seriously this time.

He held both hands out for you, in which you took. Bringing you down to where you were face to face with him, he thumbed the back of your hands.

"You are not, and will never be obligated to have to do anything you don't want to do." He declared sternly as you looked slightly down on him.

"But I owe it to you." Insisting once more, a little more feebly this time.

His shook his head again, denying your claims same as before. "I don't care what you did to think that, but you owe me not a damn thing in this life. Not when I'm living and not when I'm dead. Every thing you think you owe to me is void and nonexistent and I will happily decline each time." He enunciated, priding himself upon his statement.

You droned in disagreement. "But what if I seriously owe you, Kyojuro?" You whined, opposed to his statement.

"I don't care, I won't accept it! I, as a man, don't have the authority nor jurisdiction to want anything from you or make you feel indebted to me. And you, as my woman, should not feel the need to lower yourself just because I'm faulty. If anything it is I who owes you the world and more."

You bit your lip to hide the little smile that was forming, once he addressed you as his woman. Still you were against his ideologies, heavily in his last part. "But what if I want to take responsibility?" You pushed, albeit, in a playful provocative tone. He light-heartedly furrowed his brows and tutted his tongue coyly a few times, leaning forward to rest a little kiss on your lips.

"Darling, someone who wanted to wouldn't hype themselves up in the first place." You were about to open your mouth to debunk his true opinion, right before he stopped you.

"Say but one more time, and I'll call your Dad myself to come pick you up." You pouted, puckering your lips and pushing them to the side while you slightly turned your head.

Side eyeing him, you saw him looking into you, waiting for you to say it, so he could follow through with his words. You watched him sit in anticipation right before a grin started forming on your face.

"I thought... you wanted to take that roll?"

You saw it. It was just a glint in his eyes that told you something. It was risky.

It was all a flash by the time you shrieked. He had thrown you over his shoulder and was walking away. "I'M taking you home!" He enunciated, while you were wiggling around trying to free yourself. You ended up stopping as it was futile, and just slumped over him.

"Aww... Daddy is taking me home." You jeered sorrowful-like. You heard him grunt in disapproval as he softly squeezed the back of your thigh, for more security.

"Y/n, you better stop." He warned.

"Or what?" You pushed, he shook his head and grunted, not even giving you a full answer.

You clicked your tongue as he was going up the steps, definitely serious about taking you home. "Okay. Dadd-... Kyojuro, I'm sorry I won't do it again." He slowed down as you pleaded, humming when you finished your apology.

He stopped and slightly turned his head, "Hm, I don't know. What was that slip up I just heard?" You made an exclamation, jutting your bottom lip out in mild annoyance.

"Yo ears must be deceivin you brotha." He chuckled, more out of his nose, as he turned around and went down the two steps he managed to climb to walk back over to the couch patio. Yet still with you over his shoulder. You on the other hand was silently celebrating since he didn't take actually take you home.

You must've been moving too much since he stopped, "What are you doing?" He asked, which in turn made you stop everything.

"... Nothing." He droned meticulously, waiting to see if you would change your answer. In which you didn't. So he just proceeded on to the couch. Again, you silently celebrated, but more cautiously this time around.

He could have been at least ten feet from the couch when something caught your attention. And you couldn't take your eyes off it.

"You got a fat ass, boi." You mumbled, right before smacking both of your hands on his ass and squeezed. He immediately clenched his cheeks together and almost fell.



"Well it doesn't seem like they're gonna do anything." Shinobu said to the other four as they all spectated from a very discreet (not discreet at all) window.

"T, you know her so well, but always seem to be wrong." Mitsuri chirped terribly backhandedly.

Obanai sucked his teeth before heading back to the couch. "We should've bet money with your stupid ass." He grumbled.

Tengen was definitely pouting and throwing a fit since everyone was against him. He could've swore he had gut feeling that something was going to "happen" between you two. And they always say trust your gut, but good lord you two have got to be the most complicated, drawn out, non-couple ever to be iffy with trusting your gut.

"She's stalling." Sanemi mumbled before heading back to the kitchen, and everyone followed since Tengen was wrong.

Tengen crossed his arms a little snidely, "Of course, her kindergartner best friend would know." Then just like clockwork the two started going back and forth just like any other time.

But in the end, Tengen, was actually right. You two did do something...

Ight, so please be wary that I will not be writing smut for these two since they are still minors, but they are also still sexually active teenagers. So I will let you know if they did something when they are still in high school. Hopefully you can understand <3

A knee ways. How was it? I wrote some of this during school ๐Ÿ’€
