

โ€” At first sight is a ruse, it's just made up by someone who's heart was just too weak to cast away their emotions.

I mean... that's what he thought.

Fresh out of middle school and straight into high school, Kyojuro Rengoku walked with his chest high, down the slightly exaggerated hallways for freshman. This was going to be yet again another great year for the boy, and who was going to stop him from letting it happen!

Taking one last glance at his paper to double check that he was in the right hallway and headed for the right room, the boy just continued to smile. He could just taste it: this really was his year.

A203. He looked one more time at his paper and back at the door, his smile getting even bigger as he reached for the handle.

A goal he probably had in mind was probably to just make even more friends this year. Clicheโ€” but hey, it's whatever at this point.

Anyways, as soon as he managed to swing the door open it was a flash before his eyes. He managed to screw his eyes shut from the shock of course, but it was just something about it that almost made him buckle at his knees. A girl had managed to bump face first into the boy's chest, but it was just something. Whether it's was the hair products that were wafting off of her fluffy hair, or rather his subtle human instincts that had made his nostrils flare up to take in more of her scent; but dammit, it was something.

"My fault, og." The girl grumbled as she rubbed her nose, looking up at him with big (whatever color) eyes. She gave him such a smile as an apology that his heart skipped a beat.

Wait? Did- ... Did his heart actually just skip a beat?

He closed his mouth but opened it, going to reply with a, "You're good." But you was already long gone, running down the hallway, hair bouncing with every stride.

So ethereal if you let him describe it.

"Yo look, it's Kyojuro!" A boy came out, which made him snap his attention to the face. Rengoku smiled and dapped him up sneaking small glances back at the girl who was slowly disappearing from his view. "You in this home room this year too!" He nodded turning back to his friend.

"Hey TJ, who's she?" Rengoku pointed to you right before you vanished, really just going down the steps. His friend wrapped his arm around his shoulder looking down the hall to see the lasting bits of your (tightly curled/ curled/loosely curled) afro bouncing.

TJ hummed trying his best to think if he had gotten anything about you. "Man, I'm not even gonna lie I don't know her name. But I did hear that she's the principal's daughter." He stated. Rengoku just stared off into the distance from where he last saw you, absentmindedly making an 'o' shape with his lips.

"She's cute as hell though! I was about to talk to her but she got called to the office and ran out the door so goddamn fast." The boy laughed to himself, while Rengoku just lightly touched his chest where you ran into him, humming as he just thought about you.

"Here, c'mon! Everyone is here!"

It was every class. Every class you seemed to have popped out of nowhere and be in his class. But yet again, you were never there for the formalities and the teachers already knew who you were, so they always skipped you. Meaning he never got your name. He seen you with your friends and especially Mitsuri, his middle school best friend.

And every time you came into the class late the teachers would ask you what you were doing, which you just simply replied with, "My Mom is making help." And they just nodded letting you travel to your seat.

In the end he just forgot about you by the time lunch came, not because you were forgettable, but you were just never in class at some point.

So now here he was at lunch sitting alone to see if he had any friends this hour.

"Hi!" He shot his head up unto the light airy voice, eyes going wider when they rested upon you. "What's your name?" His breath hitched when your words came out and soothed his ears.

"Rengoku. Kyojuro Rengoku." He cleared his throat not even blinking once because he was just too stumped over everything about you.

You giggled, giving him an eye closed smile before unrolling a banner that you kept on your side. "Well Rengoku. Kyojuro Rengoku," You mocked him light heartedly. "From my mom's orders, every freshman has to sign this to take an oath that you will graduate in your exact year." You handed him the black sharpie and motioned to the banner for any free space he could find.

Now that he seen it he understands why you've been missing for half of the dayโ€” there were so many signatures on the banner.

He blinked blankly a few times as he searched for a spot. Once he found one you leaned over and watched him jot down his name, seeing that it started to look familiar. And of course you didn't know but he was sweating bullets as you watched him.

"So you're the Great Rengoku, Ri speaks so highly of?" He furrowed his brows and brought his head up in confusion, but letting his face relax when he looked into your eyes. It was a fuzzy feeling in his chest that made his heart thump irregularly, but he couldn't take his eyes off of you. Just from the way you propped your head up into your hand staring back at him with a light smile on your face made him almost breathe irregularly too.

"Who's Ri?" He looked back down at the banner so he could finish his name. Definitely to not avoid your gaze. Never that...

"Mitsuri. Kanroji. One of the best girls ever, but could probably break your arm off with ease if you say some sly shit. Ring a bell, or are you another 'Kyo Kyo'?" You quip, smiling down at him. He chuckled as he capped the marker.

"Ha yea, that's me." He looked back up at you. "So how do you know Kanroji?" You toyed with your lip between your teeth, trying to actually pinpoint how long you've known the girl.

"I met Ri in second grade with another friend of ours, then she decided to leave our little clique and go to a different middle school." You sighed sorrowfully at the old news. "Yet I'm surprised that we both made it to high school! Babygirl texted me every second you would think she wasn't in school." You added, laughing at the mere thought of your work never getting done.

He smiled but lightly creased his brows, "So you're Bloxburg's fattest coochie?" He dropped his head when the words actually fell out of his mouth, and took notice how inappropriate that was to say to anyone. He needs to start thinking before he says anything.

Your mouth fell slightly agape and a strained laugh almost came out. "Is that actually my name in her phone!" You asked, definitely surprised that, that also came out of his mouth. He looked up at you and nodded, his cheeks were going pink though so he used his hand to cover the most part.

"Every time I looked over at her she was texting someone and that was their contact name." You playfully rolled your eyes while you started to neatly roll the banner back up. As much as you would love to say that this was something new for you and the girl to go through, it would be a bold face lie.

He barely knew you, yet he was falling so hard right about now. He loved the way your little giggle could scratch the back of his brain. Or the way your (perfect/crooked/gapped tooth/gummy/braced) toothy smile would send butterflies to his stomach. And the way your gentle eyes kept clear contact with his, even though that made him want to tap out. He loved the way your hair would bounce and move effortlessly with every shake of your head.

You were so close to him that he loved the way you smelledโ€” the way the name of the scent was on the top of his brain, but it would never come to him.

He fell for the ruse.

"... Uh what's y-"

"Sanemi, you bitch!" You squealed and ran up to the white haired boy and jumped on him.

"Kyojuro what's up my guy!" Some boys flooded near him, initially blocking you from his view.

He was indeed in love. Love at first sight if you will.


You've never hated anyone ever. Point blank period.

And you definitely didn't hate Kyojuro. And no, you weren't dumb, so of course you noticed his slight signs of attraction towards you. He was cute himself and seemed to have a good personality from what Mitsuri told you.

So why was it when you told your mom about him she compared you to him and made you take in the reality that you were once again, a black woman, who would be in the shadows of a man's success? Why couldn't she just agree with you and say he was a "fine young man" like anyone else?


Why did you feel hatred and jealousy fester in your heart just over the little comment your mom made?

"...I would be so proud of him if he ended up ruling our country! N/n you betta get right! Powerful men like that are going extinct and need themselves a lil housewife..."

Why couldn't you be the one to rule this country, to make your own mother proud?

You racked your brain over and over until you settled upon an answer for your questions: he was your enemy.

He was in your way of success...


You missed the first week of school because you had gotten the stomach bug.

Probably all that hate in your heart...

So when you came back to school all peppy and cheery, as you trotted down the empty halls to your home room, you totally disregarded everything that happened the week before. It was early in the morning so not a lot of students were actually at the school, which was fine since that means it was quiet for a little bit.

Now you could say all you want how great you are at paying attention to your surroundings, but when your heart almost jumped out of your chest when a certain wide-eyed male bent sideways to smile at you. "Good morning, Bloxburg!" He greeted you, which startled the shit out of you.

You held your chest and stopped dead in your tracks, as a result of shock. He had his hands behind his back as he stood in front of you, still giving you his trademark smile. Your heart thumped and your face was heating upโ€” pretty sure it was that beaming smile of his, and that hearty chuckle that he added, that put the cherry on top. At this point you could care less about you two being freshman, and how you're too young to feel like that; it was love that you felt from the pit of your stomach.

You were calming down and as you did the faint memory of everything from last week crawled it's way back up. Your own inside thoughts were causing a ruckus and hazing the true feelings that you felt for him. Your own inside voice turned your whole perspective around; which in turn, made you hate the boy in front of you!

Clearing your throat and walking past the boy you ignored your heart. Taking long strides, Rengoku furrowed his brows in confusion and followed you right on your heels. He scratched his head nervously while his cheeks were being dusted with a light shade of pink.

"I- uhm... I never caught your name by the way!" He noted, walking beside you now. You looked out the paned windows trying your best to ignore him.

" 'Cause I didn't throw it." You retorted, crossing your arms. Now the boy was beyond confused, he was pretty sure he didn't do anything wrong for you to show him any sort of malice. Unless it was because of the nickname, but that didn't seem right eitherโ€” he could've swore he saw a little smile on your face when he addressed you as such.

He slightly cleared his throat and scratched his head once more,

"Are you bipolar by any chance?"

Y'all miss me? No... that's ight ๐Ÿฅฒ๐Ÿšถ๐ŸพBUT FRL THO!! Imma be putting out the other chapters another day, and no lie the way this was written it could be put for any part of the story ๐Ÿ’€ so that's why I numbered it 0.00 bc I don't know where I want it.

But tell me how y'all like it and if y'all do and want some more flashbacks I'll do a lil back bending for y'all ๐Ÿคช
