Chapter 23 : Amba in Hastinapura.

Karna looked around with a small blank smile as he dismounted. He saw the shocked looks of those around him, most specially of his best friend's and of-course...that prince. What was his name again? Oh! Arjuna!ย 

He eyed him discreetly, hoping all the people of this palace wasn't so arrogant like his mother's kidnapper. Though as he gave a small smile towards Ashwathama, he thought that perhaps some were okay. His friend had good choice in friends. He was friends with him, after all.

He felt his partner-in-crime/best-friend/confidant coming to stand beside him. He knew his mother was being helped to come out of her palanquin as well (not that she needed any help), something she agreed to after much pleading from both him and Devika...okay, mostly him.ย 

He would remember that his mother hated palanquins with a passion, no wonder, she would either walk, ride a horse or use a chariot if needed to travel. Most of the time, walking was her preferred medium. But for the plan of grand and shocking arrival to work, a palanquin was needed. That was how he had justified it, no matter how much his sweet mother had grumbled.ย 

He glanced towards the four targets - Ambika, Ambalika, Satyavati.....Where is the beloved Mahamahim, oops, the current reigning monarch of Hastinapura?

"Where is the fourth target?" He whispered leaning towards Devika, who looked up at him with an exasperated smile, "How would I know, idiot?"

Ashwathama watched his best-friend, who was apparently a King. He shook his head then blinked his eyes, before again shaking his head. Nope, the scene remained the same. Looks like Karna was really a King and he was coming towards them.ย 

"Isn't that your friend whom you introduced during Kala Pradarshana?" whispered his father, Guru Drona, from beside him. Ashwathama nodded with a dazed look, "Yeah, Karna!"

"He is a King?" said Duryodhana from his other side, leaning on to him, "You never said that!"ย 

"Yes, well, I didn't know!"

"You didn't know?" Drona asked incredulously, "How could you not know? Surely he would have told you!?"

"He isn't King Drupada, Father," Ashwathama said sharply, before glancing at Duryodhana, "He never said anything. His behaviour or his clothes never indicated his royal lineage at all. He behaved as a commoner, like he even knew the common nuisances amongst the normal people, you know. I never guessed."ย 

Drona looked suitably chastised by Ashwathama's words while Duryodhana mumbled, "That's why he denied the offer of the kingdom!"

"Yeah, but I think it's..." said Ashwathama nodding along while Duryodhana turned to him curiously, "Karna says that he doesn't like taking anything he hasn't earned. I like that about him."

"Wow!" whispered Dushala in awe as she came up behind them, glittering eyes meeting Ashwathama's dark ones, "That's some high ideals! It's admirable. Kripi nandana, who is the woman beside him?"

"I don't know," said Ashwathama shrugging, "Never met her before."

Sudden gasps caused the gossiping trio (Ashwathama, Duryodhana and Dushala) to turn around and watch as a breathtaking female, looking no older than her mid-twenties, placed her hand in Karna's outstretched one with a loving smile. She was dressed simply, even by royal standards, for a visit in a festival. A mere golden chain, a pair of exquisite bangles and a flower-ring were her only adornments on her plain yellow and red clothes. Ashwathama realized with a startled look, that she was dressed quiet similar to a Vanvasi (forest-dweller).

"Why does our Grandmothers and Great-grandmother look like they had seen a ghost?" murmured Dushala, inserting herself in between both Duryodhana and Ashwathama.

"Your friend is getting interesting by the seconds Drauni!" said an excited Duryodhana. Ashwathama shot him an exasperated look, reaching behind Dushala to hit his head. He grumbled, glaring at Ashwathama while Dushala giggled at their antics.ย 

"Pranam!" greeted Karna with a tight-lipped smile as he watched the pale face of Satyavati. He even noticed her hands holding the ceremonial plate were shaking. Good!

Ashwathama quickly bounded forward, taking Karna in an unexpected yet enthusiastic hug.ย 

As they separated with a smile, he asked teasingly, "So a King, huh? How many secrets have you been hiding, friend? And don't tell me..." He glanced at Amba who was watching with a curious smile, "...that you have a wife now!"

Amba couldn't control as a chuckle slipped past her at the assumption. Karna's indignant look made her shook her head, as she glanced at Karna, "And who might he be, my son?"

She watched with an amused smile, as Karna's friend's face paled rapidly. She could even hear muffled laughter from where all the children were present. If she was to guess, it would be the girl and boy, both of whom had some facial similarity were standing with this boy in front of her, a while back.

She came forward to pat his cheek, ignoring the mortifying look on his face, "Should he be Ashwathama?" She turned towards Karna, who nodded, a small smile on his face.

"Bless you, son," She said with a genuine smile, "Karna speaks fondly of you."

Ashwathama nodded, way too embarrassed at having made a fool of himself. He did not expect Karna's mother to look so young! She looked to be younger than her son, for Mahadeva's sake! How would he have known?

"Why are you silent now, Maharaja?" asked Karna in a teasing, "Won't you take her blessings?"

He watched with a grin as his friend jumped to do just that. Before he could run away, he latched on to his arm, "Don't run away now! It's alright really. Everyone makes the same mistake."

His assuring words must have done some good for Ashwathama relaxed considerably.ย 

"I apologize, Queen Mother," Ashwathama said shyly, "I assumed wrongly."

"Nothing that hasn't happened before, child," said Amba with a small smile, as she looked towards a pale Satyavati who was watching them anxiously and clutching her plate tightly, "You need not worry about it. Shall we proceed?"
