Chapter 16 : Coronation.

In Bhaskara,

"Mother!" called Karna, his lips curled into a soft and adoring smile as he entered the room of his mother.

"Karna," replied Amba, as she opened her eyes to gaze at her only son, "I am glad to see you respond so quickly."

"Mother," whined Karna, a sheepish look on his face, "When has it happened that you have called and I haven't responded at the earliest possibility?"

"Till now, never," said Amba, as she got up from her meditative pose, swiftly rolling the weed mattress on the floor, handing it to Karna as her voice took a teasing tone, "But who knows what will happen when you bring me my daughter-in-law."

Devika said from behind them, her laughing voice bringing a scowl on Karna's face, "Mother, let him first woo a woman. Personally, I think, he is utterly incapable in this field!"

Amba stifled her smile, "Perhaps, though I hope it's not true."

"Both of you seem to be in a hurry to get me married," said Karna, as he came to stand in front of both the women, frowning at their amused looks, "Does the Vijayanagar Kingdom, have only this topic to worry about?"

"Who knows?" said Devika, giving a mischievous glance, "You should be informing us about the worries of the Kingdom, my King!"

Karna choked on the water he was drinking making Devika giggle.

Amba laughed at their antics, slowly patting Karna's back while the male himself looked dumbfounded as he asked, "King?"

"Indeed, son," replied Amba, while Hotravahana came inside the room with an annoyed look, saying, "You are here, good, good! Now, come on, time is running by."

"For what?" asked a very confused Karna, glancing at all the three people sending him knowing looks.

"Your coronation, your highness!" said Devika, looking very stern but her mischievous eyes spoke volumes of her amusement.

"Now!?" yelped Karna, looking wide-eyed, before giving a shrilly screech as Hotravahana twisted his ear , giving his great-grandson a tight and sweet smile, "Yes, now. We have thousands of rituals to complete before the muhΕ«rta (auspicious time) tomorrow, so, you better co-operate."

Amba chuckled while Karna sulked slightly, before glancing at an annoyed Hotravahana. Devika giggled at the over-acting of her best friend, before commenting, "Grandfather is correct, sakha. We have less time before the coronation."

"I-" before Karna could even complete the sentence, with a hesitant look in his eyes, Amba interrupted him, "Son, listen to me carefully."

Karna met his mother's eyes, feeling his worries wash away at her steady and powerful gaze, "I know, you believe that you aren't yet ready for the responsibilities of a King. Son, you aren't alone here. I am here, and, so is your best-friend and your great-grandfather. We will guide you and help you in any way we can."

"Don't worry brat," said Hotravahana, "You are a still a kid and have much to learn. The only reason I am agreeing with this coronation because I want to see you married with children and then happily go for my tapasya!"

Karna gaped at his grandfather's words, before replying cheekily, "I can see how eager you are for your tapasya, grandfather! So eager, that you're postponing it day by day. Are you sure, you even want to go for tapasya?"
