Chapter 11 : Old Friend.

InΒ  Δ€sandΔ«vat -

Clad in the simple coarse cloth of the bright saffron dhoti with a similar saffron uttariya across his bare torso, the man waited with folded hands leaning against the tree.

The woods of Δ€sandΔ«vat was calm as the cowherds of one of the important cities of the Kingdom of Hastinapura took their cattle towards the grazing area. Sharp and intelligent dark brown eyes watched as the cows roamed and ate to their fill on all the cultivated grass nearby.

"Ashwathama!" called a soft yet easily recognizable voice.

The man straightened with a brilliant smile appearing on his lips, as he turned around to face a man, whose radiance rivaled the ever giving life force of earth.

"Karna," greeted Ashwathama with a hug as he said, "Meeting you after so many years bought me immense happiness."

Karna smiled softly, as he asked, "I hope you did not need to wait for long."

"Not at all," replied Ashwathama with a soft smile, "I was hardly here for a few minutes. Though, I must say, I am in a bit of hurry."

"Hurry?" asked Karna, raising an eyebrow, "Why?"

"There is a Kala pradarshana of the Royal Princes today," said Ashwathama, rolling his eyes nonchalantly, "Pitashree's brilliant idea to showcase the talents of his favourite disciple."

Karna's eyebrows rose with an amused smile appearing on his face as he muttered, "That's interesting." He turned to face Ashwathama, "I should take a look, what do you think?"

Ashwathama blinked before making an annoyed face, "Well, if you want to."

"Why are you in a hurry if it's is meant for the royal princes?" asked Karna, tilting his head in a curious manner.

"Because I will have to play the paricālaka (operator)!" said Ashwathama, a frown on his face with his brows crunching in between his temples as he turned to Karna with an annoyed look, "And do you know what the court of Hastinapura was about to decide?"

Karna raised a questioning eyebrow, while Ashwathama continued, noticing his best friend's interest, "They were about to decide the crown prince according to the one who wins the Kala pradarshana! Mahadeva's blessings was there and that's why His Excellency completely denied such a ridiculous prospect."

"But why do they even need to determine who is the crown prince?" asked Karna, frowning slightly, "The one who is the eldest usually is the heir, isn't it?"

"That is the correct procedure, unless there is something else at play," nodded Ashwathama, agreeing, "But Karna, here in Hastinapura, the previous King who has departed has five sons and the reigning King has hundred sons. Now, everyone is wondering who should be the next King."

"That's idiotic," said Karna, looking confused, "Whoever is the eldest in the current generation should be the King. What's there to decide in it? The eldest Prince is capable, isn't he?"

"The eldest prince's name is Yuddhisthira," replied Ashwathama, "and yes, he is capable, but who is going to tell this to King Dhritarashtra? He is dreaming of making his eldest son the next King."

"Ah!" nodded Karna, "Conflict of interest! Isn't the eldest son of the reigning King your friend?"

"You could say that," replied Ashwathama as he asked, "What about you? Why the sudden interest in coming here?"

"I was just out exploring the various cities," replied Karna, as they entered the main city complex of Δ€sandΔ«vat, "After finishing my studies, I wanted see the various kingdoms. That's what bought me here and of-course, I couldn't miss the chance of meeting you after so long, Drauni!"

Ashwathama's intelligent eyes traced Karna's coarse moss brown dhoti, a dark green uttariya across his torso and the silver tribal jewellery. Even after years, he had no idea where his friend belonged from. Ashwathama had met Karna in the middle of his tutelage at his father's ashram. From then on, he had never known much about him. Yes, he knew that Karna was witty, funny, serious yet a relaxed person, but other than that, nothing. He had only heard of his mother, as Karna would speak fondly of her, though again he never said her name. Ashwathama had never met Karna's family but Karna knew his father and mother, although he had never met them.

"Everything alright?" asked Karna, tapping Ashwathama's shoulder.

Ashwathama jerked awake, "Yeah, are you going to stay till this troublesome contest?"

"I was planning too," nodded Karna with a small smile, while Ashwathama gave a happy grin as he replied, "Then wait after the contest. I want you to meet my parents."

"Alright," said Karna, "I would be honoured to meet them."

Karna gave his friend a small genuine smile, before it transformed into a smirk as Ashwathama turned his back to get the horses, while his wine orbs traced the flying flag of the Kuru's, "Let's see what Hastinapura has to offer me before I leave for home."
