
For the next 3 days, El tries her best to learn how to share a complete memory with me. And after all those hours and days of trying, she finally did it. I can see any memory she shows me perfectly. Now the tricky part I've been trying to do is to put myself into those memories. I need to be able to travel inside her head, inside the memory and be able to interact with it.

The ones I've interacted with so far have worked. I don't change the income but I can touch anything, just like as if it was real. The plan should work if I put in use all we have practiced so far.

"We're ready" I tell El as we finish practicing for the day, "We're doing it tomorrow" I affirm.

"Are you sure?" she asks.

"Yeah, let's not wait too long, I want all of this to be over" I say and she nods. We both get up from the floor of the basement and go back upstairs where everyone is hanging out. Our house is basically a hang out place now, everybody's here all the time. Of course they all have to go home after the day because parents are concerned after everything that happened in town, but they come back in the earlyΒ  morning every day.

"So? Anything new?" Nancy says impatiently as she see's us come back from downstairs, her words catches everyone's attention and they all turn in our direction.

I look over to El who's standing by my side, she nods to me and I turn to the others, "We're ready. Tomorrow's the day"

"Tomorrow" Steve exhales a stressed breath, "You sure? You're a 100% sure this is going to work?"

"Yes, it'll work. By tomorrow night, Vecna will be dead and our lives will go back to normal" I answer.

"Normal" Erica chuckles.

"Well as normal as it can be" I say back, "Let's um, call it a day. Meet back here a 8 tomorrow, I want to do this as early as possible"

"Yeah, the sooner we do it the better" El agrees.

"Okay, yeah" Nancy nods, "See you tomorrow" she finishes and places her bag on her shoulder before heading for the door, Jonathan following her closely. We say our goodbyes to everyone as they walk out the door.Β 

"I'm going to sleep" Steve announces and walks back downstairs where his room is.

"Okay..." I say and now it's just me, and EddieΒ  who's still upstairs in my room. I know everyone spent the day in the living room or either outside in the backyard, so I know for a fact he was lonely for most of the day while I was down with El. But I'm pretty certain Dustin still goes to see him from time to time.

"Hey" I say as I enter my room. I see him laying in my bed, ready to go to sleep judging by his fairly wet hair and his lack of shirt.

"Hi" he smiles faintly, it's the first time he has smiles since he's come back from the Upside Down. My heart squeezes and I smile back at him.

"I'm gonna go shower and then we can sleep, 'kay?" I say and he hums in response. I try to make my shower quick because I want to spend time with him a little before he falls asleep.Β 

Just like last summer after everything that happened, I stay awake after him for quite some time before falling asleep myself. I reassure myself by staying up; I can know if it's going to be a bad or a good night. I can usually tell if he's going to have a nightmare or not, but now it's different.Β 

I've been using my new knowledge to enter his mind if he's having a nightmare. It sounds creepy, but when I find myself in his bad dreams, I try to stop them as much as I can, because he should be able to sleep well. He deserves it. He doesn't know I do this, he just tells me that sometimes I pop out of nowhere in his dreams and the nightmares stop; that's all I want.

I change into my night clothes and make my way back to bed. Eddie's eyes are closed so I ask quietly, "Are you sleeping?"

"No..." he says softly and I say nothing back. I lay underneath the covers and close the distance between us. I lay my head on his chest, an arm around his waist while on of his arm rests behind my back and his other is propped up under his head.

"You seem better today" I whisper and keep my eyes open, staring at the ceiling.

"Yeah... I feel better" he answers in a quiet voice, "How were things today?"

"Good, we're going with the plan tomorrow"


"Yeah" I answer, "Everything's gonna go back to normal"

"I hope so" he says and squeezes me closer to him.

"Eddie?" I say and sit up on the bed, staring down at him. My movements on the bed makes his eyes open.

"Yes?" he says in a concerned voice.

"I don't know what's going to happen tomorrow, but I just want you to know I love you" my voice sounds way more sad than I want it to, "If I succeed, our memories we made after Vecna succeeded will be gone. That includes me admitting I love you for the first time"

"I know, but I loved you before that. It won't change my feelings for you" he says.

"I know... I just want you to know either way, I want you to go to sleep knowing I love you, because this conversation won't exist anymore after tomorrow. And maybe... there's a possibility I won't ever say it again"

"Hey, don't. Don't say that, okay?" he frowns and sits up with me, "I know I've been telling you how scared this all makes me, how scared I am to lose you after this, but I now you can do this. You'll kill the son of a bitch, and you'll be able to say you love me as much as you want"

"I believe in myself too, but I'm just taking precautions. We're doing it early tomorrow, you'll probably still be asleep by then, knowing how much you sleep" I chuckle, "So I'm saying it now; I love you Eddie, so much"

He takes me in his arms and lays us back down on the bed, "I love you too Avery, more than youΒ  know" he says in a quiet voice again, "I'll see you tomorrow"

"Yeah" I answer back and keep staring at the ceiling for as long as I can. I don't want to fall asleep. I don't want the day to end, because to be honest, I'm scared as shit. I wasn't even strong enough to kill fucking bats by myself, and now I have to go against Vecna himself. Maybe Steve was right all this time; he was always concerned about me fighting, because I might be strong enough and now I'm starting to believe it.

But even if I'm not strong enough to kill Vecna, at least I'll be giving support to El. I know she can kill him, and that's all that matters.Β 

I just hope the plan works.

I just had to give them a cute scene before next chapter
