
We run to Skull Rock as fast as we can, trying to escape the bats that are chasing us.

Once we reach the spot, all of us crouch down and we wait for the bats to loose track of us. After a few minutes, their screeches can't be heard anymore, that must mean they left us alone for now.

"Oh, okay" Robin exhales as she stands up from under the rock, "That was close"

"Too close" Eddie's voice wavers.

"Remind me to start exercising when we get back" I put a hand on my stomach, hoping the cramp I got will go away soon.Β 

"Oh, sh- shit" I hear Steve's voice so I turn to him. He's holding on the rock for support.Β 

"Shit, Steve" I rush to my brother.

"Steve?" Nancy says concerned and takes place beside me.

"I'm fine, I'm fine" he states.

"No, no, no, no. You're losing blood" Nancy talks, "Come on, sit" and then she looks at me.

"You can fix this, right?" she asks.

"Yeah, of course" I shake my head and put my hand close to my brother's abdomen, "Okay, this is gonna sting a little" I look to him.

"Go for it" he exhales.

I begin my work of healing him, he hisses in pain as the skin of his stomach is getting merged back together. I wish my healing powers could be without pain. It doesn't take long before his wounds are closed back up.

"Okay, I'm done. Wasn't so bad right?" I smile to him.

"Yeah, right" he stands back up.

"He's gonna be fine right? I mean, he won't have rabies?" Robin questions me.

"No Rob, he won't have rabies" I chuckle at her words.Β 

"So, uh..." I hear Eddie's voice and look to where it's coming from, "This place is like, Hawkins but with monsters and nasty shit?" he says on top of a rock.

"Yeah, basically" I say to him and he starts climbing down the rock.

"Wait, watch out for the vines" Nancy warns him, "It's all a hive mind"

"It's all a what?" he asks while looking around his feet.

"All the creepie crawlies around here dude" Steve says, "They're like one or something"

"If you step on a vine, you're basically stepping on Vecna" I continue.

"Okay, so can't we just stomp on them until he's dead?" Eddie shrugs.

"I... don't think that's how it works love" I shake my head and he smiles at the new nickname and comes down slowly from the rock he's on.

"But everything from our wolrd is here, right? Except people?" Robin questions.

"As far as I understand it, yeah" Nancy answers.

"So, theoretically, we could go to the police station and steal guns and grenades and all the shit we need to blow up those bats that are guarding the gate, apart from Avery. Right?" she continues.

"I highly doubt the Hawkins PD have grenades, Robin" Steve says to her, "But guns, I mean yeah, sure"

"But we don't have to go all the way downtown for guns" Nancy states, "I have guns, in my bedroom"

"You, Nancy Wheeler, have guns, plural, in you bedroom?" Eddie looks in disbelief.

"Full of surprises isn't she?" Robin says with a smile.

"A Russian Makarov and a revolver" she names the two guns she had in her possession.

"Yeah, you almost shot me with that one" Steve says in a voice that sounds too flirty to me.

Nancy scoffs and smiles to him, "You almost deserved it"

I cringe while looking at them flirting and look to Eddie who's also confused. Everyone knows Nancy is with Jonathan. In one quickΒ  move, Eddie takes off his jean jacket and throws it to Steve.

"For your modesty dude"

Then out of nowhere, the floor starts to shake just like an earthquake. Nancy falls on Steve who catches her, but their sweetΒ  moment is ruined quickly when Robin falls on both of them. I stumble and Eddie pulls me into his arms before we both fall down. After just a few seconds, the floor stops moving.

"You okay?" Eddie breathes out.

"Yeah, I'm good. Are you?" I ask him in concern.

"All good-" he gets cut off by some creature screaming in the far distance, "Okay, yeah, guns sound like a good idea to me"

"I agree" Robin says from behind us.

"So what are we waiting for?" Steve puts on Eddie's jacket and begins to walk away. Nancy follows him closely and Eddie stands up, giving me a hand to stand up as well.

"Thank you" I say to him quietly and he smiles weakly.


I can't wait for volume 2 tomorrow but I'm also scared shitless bye
I already know I'm gonna cry like a maniac
