
Dustin had catched on that we were stuck in the Upside Down, and while we could hear him and not actually get to talk back, he said he was going to get something so he could talk with us.

The 5 of us are now waiting beside Nancy's bed, where Dustin told us to wait.

"Come on, come on" Steve said impatiently.

"You guys seeing this?" Dustin's voice echoed into our world.

Nancy placed her hand in front of her, the glowing particles lighting up underneath her touch. I guess it worked because we could all hear Dustin's laugh.

"We're not moving, it. But we're unplugging it, stand by" Dustin says.

"What are they using to talk to us?" I frown.

"I think it's Holly's Lite Brite. It's the only way we could trace something to them" Nancy explains.

"Okay, try it now" Dustin says.

Nancy put her hand back in the particles, tracing out the word 'Hi'. We now wait for a sign of the communication working.

"It worked!" I hear Dsutin yell.

"Yes!" I say excitedly, just like the others.

"Hi!" Eddie loudly says towards the little particles, even though Dustin couldn't hear him on the other side.

"Okay... um" Nancy mumbles before tracing out other letters. She draws all the letters of the word 'Stuck'. I hope they catch on to the fact that we're stuck in the Upside Down.

"Stuck, they're stuck"

"Yes, that's it" I whisper and Eddie puts his hands on my shoulders.

"You can't get back through watergate?" Dustin speaks.

"What the hell is watergate?" Steve questions.

"It's in water and it's a gate. Think Steve" Robin says to my brother.

"Oh" he realises.

"That's cute" Eddie tilts his head and I smile.

Nancy gets back to the particles, writing the word 'Guarded'. We can hear them guess the word we are sending them and they finally get it, "Watergate's guarded"

"Yes, yes!" Steve says and Eddie claps.

"We have a theory that could help with that!" Dustin yells.

"Genius child" Robin says quietly to herself and it makes me chuckle. She's right though, I've always admired how smart Dustin is. Everytime we run into a problem, he finds a solution in such a small amount of time, it's incredible.

"We think Watergate isn't the only gate! That there's a gate at every murder site!"

"Does anybody know what he's talking about?" Nancy turns to the rest of us and looks very confused. I'm surprised to see that everyone is too.

"No idea" Eddie shakes his head and everyone agrees with him.

"Well, what he says makes sense. When Vecna kill, there's a gate. Nancy you suggested it earlier at Lover's Lake, am I the only one listening when you guys talk?" I say to my friends, "Jesus" I mutter and use my hand to send a message to Dustin; "OK"

"Thank God for once you guys trust me on the first try!" Dustin yells.

"Jesus, this kid's gotta get his ego in check" Steve rolls his eyes.

"It's his tone, right?"

"I know" Steve agrees with Eddie.

"Well Dustin's right, you never listen to him" I hit my brother's arm.

"Okay so, how far is your trailer?" Nancy turns to Eddie.

"7 miles, me and Avery can get you there" he says and I nod.

"Nancy? Uh, I know your house is like, weirdly, creepily frozen in time ans shit, but didn't you always had bikes?" Robin states.

"You're right" Nancy beams, "But I only have four"

"It's fine, I'll share with Eddie" I tap his shoulder and we all get up to go get the bikes.


My arms around Eddie's waist, we make our way to the trailer park as fast as possible. We wouldn't want to risk to get swarmed by the bats again.

"It's right here" Eddie points to his trailer and our friends follow behind us, "Home sweet home, am I right?" he whispers to me.

"You don't say" I exhale and look at the trailer I know so well, covered in vines.

"That's gotta be a Guiness World Record!" Robin exclaims, "Most miles traveled in an alternate dimension"

"I just inhaled a bun of that crap" Steve coughs, "It's stuck in my throat" he says as we make our way into Eddie's trailer.

"Holy shit" I say as I see the portal on the roof of the trailer.

"This is where Chrissy died. Like exactly where she died" Eddie says and I look at him with sympathy. I know the view of her dying is gonna haunt him for the rest of his life.

"I think there's something in there" Robin remarks and we all take a closer look. There's something poking the portal from the other side.

"What the hell is that?" Eddie states.

Suddenly, the portal rips opens and it makes every single one of us jump back. I'm not surprised either to see Eddie hiding behind me, as if I'm some kind of human shield, "Seriously?"

"What? You're... stronger" he shrugs.

I roll my eyes and take a step forward, wanting to look for myself what was on the other side, "This is insane" I smile widely at the sight of Dustin, Max, Lucas and Erica standing just above us but upside down.

"Hi!" Dustin laughs.

"Hi" Steve smiles at his friend.

"Holy shit, this is trippy" Robin eyes the kids.


Dustin goes with Lucas get a matress for us when we get out of the Upside Down. Somehow. He comes back a few minutes later with what seems to be Eddie's matress.

"Those stains are um..." Eddie cringes at the sight of the matress and I try so hard to keep my laugh contained, "I don't know what those stains are"

"Not quite sure how these physics are gonna work" Dustin says with a rope made out of blankets, "But, uh... here goes nothing" he throws on end of the rope on our side of the portal. Strangely enough, it doesn't fall to one side or the other.

"There we go" the curly haired boy says, "And if my theory is correct..." he let's go of the rope, and it doesn't move one bit, "Abracadabra"

"Holy shit" Max exclaims.

"Alright pull on it! See if it holds!" Dustin instructs us.

On command, Robin pulls on the rope with all of her force, but it doesn't budge which makes Dustin laugh.

"This is the craziest shit I've ever sen in my life! And I've seen crazy shit" Erica says and Dustin high fives her.

"Guess I'm the guinea pig" Robin states and starts to climb the rope. When she reaches the middle of the portal, the gravity of the normal world pulls her back and she lands on the matress.

We all look at each other, not knowing who should go next. I nudge Eddie subtly.

"All, I guess I'll go" he says he begins to climb the rope as well, "That... was fun! Shit" he says as he lands on the matress and it makes me smile.

"Okay, Nancy, your turn" I say to her and she doesn't complain as she climbs as well. When she's on the other side, Steve turns to me, "Now you go"

"No, I'm going last" I stand my ground.

"Listen Aves, I know you're the one protecting us, but I'm your big brother and I'm telling you to go first. If anything happens to you, I won't forgive myself"

I sigh and nod, "As soon as I'm landing on that matress, you get your ass on the other side. We clear?" I say firmly and he nods, "Okay, here I go"

I grab onto the rope and climb closer and closer to the other side. When I'm finally about to fall, the whole world around me turns black and I panic. What the hell is going on?

I fall for what seems forever until I reach the ground. I grunt in pain at the fall I just took. When I look around me, I'm still in the upside down, but I'm in a hospital room.

I look around me, confused about the change of place, "Why am I here..." I whisper. As I'm looking around, I see a hospital bed, and there's someone lying on it. I take careful steps to the body, until I realise who it is.

Eddie's decaying body.

I scream and step back as fast as I can.

"You almost got him killed Four" a deep voice says my older name. I look around me but there's no one, "I'm glad to see you again, Four"

"Who are you!" I scream.

"You don't remember me?" the voice says.

I turn around again and there he is. Vecna.

"How should I know who you are?" I step back slowly as he keeps coming towards me. When he lifts his left arm in the air, that's when it hits me. His tattoo.


"One... how- why are you here?" I say confused.

"When you were escaping and then living your normal life, things got... heated back at the lab..." he trails off, "Do you like what you see, Four?" he slowly says.

"Why- why are you showing me this?" I gulp.

"This, is a glimpse of the future"

"No" I say firmly, "You're not gonna touch him!"

"I won't dare..." he trails off weirdly once again, "You'll be the one at fault"

At his words, I start running through the hospital hallways, trying to find my way out. I need to get out. I push open one door, only for it to bring me back to the same room.

"No!" I scream.

"Why don't we get you checked" his voice says and vines wrap themselves around my ankles, wirsts and throat so rapidly I can't even concentrate to use my powers.

I'm tied down on a bed, Vecna had reappeared once again.

"I want you, to show Eleven everything..." he stands in front of me, his big hand coming in front of my face. I once nudge of the head, I manage to break his arm backwards with my powers. Since I've hit him, the vines let go of me at once.

But it's not enough. His arm gets back into place, as if I never broke it in the first place. The vines find their way back to me, holding me down even tighter.

"You'll regret this, Four... Now don't forget what you see" his hand comes again in front of my face.

Somehow, I don't see the hospital room anymore. I see Hawkins, the real Hawkins. I see four gates, getting bigger and bigger, destroying the streets of Hawkins, killing people. I see creatures I've never seen before, way worse than the Demogorgon or the Demodogs. There is so many.

He's created an army.

I see my friends, dead. Dead at the hands of Vecna and there's nothing I can do about it.

Steve is dead.

Eddie is dead.



Long chapter, but I wanted to be done with Vol1
Here comes Vol2...
