☾ | tooru oikawa pt.2

royal au.

"prince tooru, please put your clothes on."

tooru didn't move from his spot at the window and continued to stare at y/n, "why." tooru was getting a little cold so maybe he should've listened but he was stubborn. "do you not enjoy this?"

y/n couldn't lie, sure tooru looked good right then but y/n already told tooru they couldn't be anything more but prince and guard. "you're going to catch a cold if you continue like this, the window is open and it's chilly out."

tooru stared at y/n in disbelief, here he was, practically offering his body to y/n and the male was doing nothing! either tooru was extremely unattractive or y/n had very strong self control(he silently hoped it was the second reasons because tooru didn't think he was unattractive).

they continued their eye contact for a few more minutes before tooru let out a sigh, swiftly standing from his seat and making his way into his closet to pick out his nightwear.

y/n closed his eyes and let out a breath he didn't even realize he was holding, why is he trying to make things harder than they already are?

his eyes followed tooru's form as he dragged himself into his large bed, easily sliding under the covers while y/n flicked off the lights and remained still.

"i have a date with the princess from the north kingdom." tooru spoke aloud, flipping on his back as he stared at the ceiling.

"i'm happy for you, prince tooru. hopefully this one will be the right girl for you."

tooru clutched his comforter, "you're not supposed to be happy about this, you're supposed to feel upset."

y/n shook his head, "why are you doing this to me prince tooru....what do you want from me."

tooru quickly sat up from his bed when he heard y/n's tone, it was filled with so much pain. "what do you want from me?" tooru asked exasperated, "if not my body what do you want? i felt embarrassed to even put myself out here like that and you still rejected me."

"prince tooruβ€”"

"tooru. call me tooru."

y/n shook his head, "prince tooru, you can't do that. trying to offer me your body won't change the fact this isn't allowed."

when tooru continued to stare at him, he sighed, "have i told you why i applied for this position?"

he didn't even wait for answer, he knew he never told him. "my mother was working various jobs to keep us stable, she not only worked but took care of three kids...alone. the money i get from doing this goes straight to her so she won't have to work." he then pointed between the two of them, "if whatever this is will jeopardize my job here than i don't want to risk it."

"it doesn't have to be this way! you heard what my mother said, she said it's okay to want to be with a man!" tooru exclaimed, abruptly standing to meet y/n by the doors.

"as a last resort," y/n murmured, stepping backwards a bit when tooru got close, "i'm sorry but that's just how it is."

"i refuse to believe that." tooru said quietly, shaking his head as he reached for y/n's hands.

"did you not hear me? i just told you why i couldn't, why are you being so..so selfish?" y/n felt a little guilty when he saw tooru falter, but he wasn't wrong.

tooru kept on pursuing y/n despite knowing he needed this job, and going behind the kings back and seeing the prince will surely ruin everything.

what y/n wanted didn't matter, he wanted to repay his mother somehow and being in the castle working under the king brought a source of income to the l/n family. m/n didn't have to work so hard no more, being here means she had time to spend with the twins when they needed her.

it was selfish of tooru to disregard his words so easily for his own wants.

tooru silently walked back to his bed and crawled under the covers, "i'm sorry."


y/n straightened his outfit once more in the mirror, briskly walking out of his room and towards tooru's. he nodded towards the guard standing outside of it, opening the door and getting ready to wake up the prince.

he stopped dead in his tracks when he saw the unkept bed, nobody in it. he quickly scanned the room for any signs of the prince but came back with nothing.

y/n practically ripped the doors off his hinges, startling the guard getting ready to leave, "where is the prince?!"

"w-what?" he stuttered out, trying to peek in the room but failing as he was shoved against the wall.

"where. is. the. prince." he glared, enunciating each word threateningly.

"i-i don't know! he was in there thirty minutes ago, i heard him!" the male cried out, trying to wiggle his way out of y/n's tight grip.

"what is going on." a cold voice rang out, sending chills throughout everyones body. y/n let the guard go, the male scrambling away as soon as he was free.

y/n straightened his posture, turning to face the king, who stood by another guard. he didn't even hesitant to tell the king, "prince tooru is gone."

"what?!" the male yelled, pushing through y/n to look in the room. when he confirmed his son wasn't there he turned to y/n with a scowl, "it was your duty to protect him, so where has he gone! i'll have your head."

y/n's posture didn't waver even a bit, "when i came to switch guards prince tooru was already gone. please allow me to go and search for him."

"get out of my sight." the king said coldly, which roughly translated to 'hurry the fuck up and find my son'.

y/n nodded, sending one last glare to the guard supposed to be watching tooru before taking his leave. as soon as y/n stepped out of the castle his eyes went to the village. he wouldn't...right?

tooru spent an awful lot of time gazing at the village from the window, y/n knew very well tooru wanted nothing more than to live a normal life.

not only was going into the village forbidden but also extremely dangerousβ€”especially without a guard. if one person noticed the prince was there he could be mugged, or someone could even try and take advantage of the poor male.

y/n shook the horrible thoughts out of his head before running towards the village, he had to start somewhere. he searched every shady alley, all the small shops, and was currently going house to house hoping for anyone to mention they saw someone without having to reveal the prince was possibly lost in the village.

he didn't want anyone knowing and possibly try and find and hurt him.

he was about to give up and accept punishment when: "y/n!"

y/n turned to see his siblings running towards him excitedly, he couldn't help but smile at the sight of them. but he held his arm up in a stop motion, "i'm sorry guys, but i'm on duty right now."

"b-but y/n..."

"i have a very important job right now, go ahead and get home okay?" he said softly despite wanting nothing more than to hug his siblings. but he had a job.

"but y/n's pretty friend is hurt!" b/n said loudly, grabbing y/n's arm dragging him towards his home. s/n took the initiative to grab his other arm and help b/n pull him.

"guys, i love and miss you so much but i have something very important toβ€”prince tooru?!" y/n cut himself off, slamming the door shut and rushing towards the brunette. "w-why did you leave the castle! are you an idiot?!"

y/n said, scanning tooru from head to toe, eyes stopping at his ankle. it was wrapped up, "prince tooru...what happened?" he asked softly, inspecting his ankle gently.

"some guys noticed me and kinda shoved me into some weird alley but it's okay! b/n was a very brave boy and saved me!" tooru praised the almost seven year old.

b/n blushed and hid behind his brother, "i didn't..."

"yes you did!" tooru exclaimed with a smile, "he ran under them and even kicked one in his...private area..but he called someone beforehand and they were chased off. b/n is my hero."

"i want to be just like y/n! if i help him protect the prince then he won't leave again!" b/n said with a sudden burst of energy.

y/n sighed, leaning his head on tooru's thigh. "dont...don't do things like that b/n. i'm proud of you but please don't put yourself in danger."

y/n felt a hand run through his hair, looking up to meet his mother's eyes, "it's okay y/n, don't be angry at b/n. he's had an amazing role model."

"prince tooru...why would you come to my home. why would you leave knowing i could get punished by the king." y/n asked with tired eyes, this whole situation was overwhelming him greatly and he was three seconds away from passing out from this.

"i wanted to show i wasn't selfish. so i ran away to your home knowing you'd be the one to look for meβ€”but now you get to see your family!"

y/n shook his head, "and for what reason, prince tooru. what's the reason behind all of this."

"to show you we can be....together." he trailed off, i am selfish...

"b/n, s/n, let's go to living room. prince tooru said they wouldn't be leaving for a while so let's give them some space okay?" m/n spoke softly after noticing the mood drop.

m/n sent her son a look, nodding to the direction of his old room since the living room and kitchen were quite close. if they stayed there then they'd have little privacy to speak.

y/n scooped tooru in his arms and walked to his old room, gently setting him down on the bed. the room was much smaller than his own but it was cozy, tooru couldn't help but look around.

"tooru," y/n spoke softly, sitting next the prince closely, "i'm sorry, i know you had good intentions."

tooru shook his head, "you were right...i'm selfish."

y/n gently took tooru's face in his hands, "it's okay to be selfish right now."


y/n leaned forward and connected their lips, tooru reacting immediately and reciprocated the kiss. his hands went to rest on y/n's shoulders as he tried to crawl into the guards lap. he pulled away with a wince when he hit his ankle against the wood holding the bed.

y/n looked down at his ankle with worried eyes, "are you okay? don't move it."

tooru nodded, carefully moving to sit in y/n's lap properly. he leaned forward to peck the guards lips once more, leaning his head in the crook of his neck afterwards. "don't let go." he said when y/n tried to pull away.

y/n froze for a second before nodding, wrapping his arms around the prince tightly.

"are you going to pretend again once we return to the castle?" tooru asked.


"if that's the case i won't return, we'll stay here." he decided, "can't you hold me all the time? just like is in front of everyone at the castle..."

y/n sighed, "i wish..." he mumbled.

"then we can! if we both want to then i just have to tell my parents! we can get married andβ€”" y/n slapped a hand over tooru's mouth.

"don't be ridiculous, it's not that easy...and don't talk about marriage so lightly! don't even think about it until we've progressed further into this relationship."

y/n buried his head in tooru's shoulder, "look what you've done to me, i wouldn't have even given a relationship with you a thought but now i claimed we were in one so freely..."

"y/n?" he asked softly, making y/n hum. "when we get back to the castle can we make love?"

"tooru!" y/n yelled, shoving the male off of him.

"is that a yes?"

"shut up!"

β€” extra :

"father, i wanted to let you know i'm going to start a relationship with y/n, my guard."

his father looked between tooru and y/n, "alright."

tooru sighed, "father please, i really like him! i refuse to be with anyone but him!"

"i'll allow it."

"but father! you can'tβ€”wait did you say you'll allow it?" he paused, settling down.

his father nodded, "i did. two demon children showed up in the middle of the night threatening to eat my toes if i didn't allow it." the king paled remembering the demons he saw at three in the morning.

tooru and y/n shared a look, b/n and s/n.


once again i can't sleep so here you go since some of you wanted a part 2. it's a little all over the place but i hope it's okay????? okay bye lol

this also might seem rushed so i'm sorry but i just wanted to show you guys the good part πŸ˜”πŸ–
