☾ | eita semi


"guys, guys! someone left a mixtape in y/n's locker!"

y/n stopped his stretching when tendō satori bursts through thy gym doors, holding up a jewel case. y/n stood up from the floor, confused as to why tendō was in his locker but shrugged it off and accepted the item nonetheless.

'for y/n'Β  was written on the cd.

"it's not a mixtape." y/n mumbled, subconsciously walking off the court and taking a seat as he took out the folded note from inside the plastic case.

dear l/n,

i'm sorry if this is weird but
i'm too embarrassed to tell
you face to face how i feel.
so instead, i wrote a song.
i'm not the best singer but
i hope you could accept my
feelings. please listen well!


if y/n was impressed with the note the team couldn't tell, his stoic face remained the same the entire time he was reading the note. he didn't even say anything to them as he slipped the cd and note in his gym bag before picking up a volleyball and dragging goshiki and kawanishi along with him to practice.


y/n furrowed his brows. "well what?"

"what did it say?!"

y/n shrugged. "nothing important."

goshiki set the ball for y/n, y/n easily spiking it over the net.

tendō pointed an accusing finger at him. "liar! it was a confession wasn't it?!"

"i guess, nothing new."

"you're so dull, y/n!"

y/n finally cracked a smiled. "thanks, that means a lot."

practice was boring, as per usual. y/n wasn't really interested in volleyball like he used to be, but because he was so attached to the team he couldn't find it in himself to leave, but you wouldn't catch him saying that aloud.

despite the numerous attempts to convince y/n to go with the team to get some food after practice it all went to waste. all y/n wanted to do was go home and sleep, no thinking about school nor the tiring practices he's put through. luckily, it was friday and the coach gave the team the weekend free but some of the members go anyways.

"y/n!" damn it.

"oh, you decided not to go?" y/n asked upon seeing semi.

semi shrugged, "wasn't feeling it today." he cleared his throat, shoving his hands in his pockets nervously. "were you going to...uh, you know, listen to that cd you got today?"

y/n shrugged. "probably not. i just don't see why i should waste my time when i could be sleeping instead." as if on cue, he yawned.

semi stopped walking, "but the person who made it for you worked really hard on it...it took them a lot of courage and time to put that together and give it to you but you think it's not even worth your time?"

before y/n could comprehend it all semi spoke again, a small smile on his face. "i guess i'm overreacting a bit, it's just...i feel bad for that person. um, my house is that way so...see you monday."

y/n watched as semi practically sprinted down the road, almost as if he was trying to run away from him. y/n shrugged and continued his walk home. it was the same boring routine, pet the dogs, say hello his elderly neighbors and bring them their newspaper, then finally arrive home and greet his parents before washing up and climbing into bed. he usually fell asleep without eating, he was simply too lazy to do anything after practices.

his parents were worried at first but in the end they always make him a plate and put in the fridge for him to eat whenever he woke up.

y/n was content with how he lived. he wasn't happy but he wasn't displeased either, he's just going day by day. so why was today different? why should he sacrifice his routine for something as dumb as a cd? it doesn't fit his schedule, if he makes an exception this one time who knows how many more times he'd do it. y/n can't risk messing anything up.

"fuck." y/n angrily kicked off his blankets, impatiently digging through his gym bag and pulling out the jewel case, the cd mocking him from the inside. was he really going to let this inanimate object have so much power over him?

this wasn't like him. y/n couldn't believe semi's words had affected him to the point where he was giving in to a stupid confession.

y/n pulled his door open and stomped into the kitchen, where his parents sat at the table eating. they looked at their son in shock, because why was he out of his room? so his mother immediately thought the worse. "are you okay honey?"

y/n gripped the jewel case. "do you have a cd player?"

his mother's eyes softened, relief flooding her mind. "in the hall closet. there should be a handheld one in the yellow box."

y/n thanked his mother with a kiss to the cheek before searching for the one thing that could solve his restlessness. okay, i'll just get this over with so i can continue with my life.

"here goes nothing..."

"semi...let's walk home together."

monday rolled around pretty quickly, but for y/n it felt like forever. embarrassingly enough, y/n probably listened to the cd he was originally planning on throwing out over a hundred times. why would someone like him of all people? he was rude, lazy, and only cared about himself. so why?

despite his flaws, people still confessed to him plenty of times...but a song? y/n wasn't special enough for a song, or at least he didn't think so.Β Β  and for some reason that was enough to do something weird to y/n, and y/n couldn't tell if he liked it or not.

"uh, y-yeah!"

"no fair! you never let any of us walk home with you!"

y/n ignored the jealous cries and walked outside, dragging semi behind him. y/n didn't exactly know how to start the dreaded conversation and semi was started to get anxious due to the silence.

"y/n–" "semi–"

the two looked at each other for a few seconds before semi motioned for y/n to go first.

"semi eita, 'e' 's', the initials on the paper." y/n mumbled, pulling a folded paper out of his jacket pocket and showing it to semi, who felt his face getting hot. "it's you...right? i remember you saying something about wanting to become a musician and i kinda put two and two together."

it actually took a lot of out of y/n to try and figure out who his admirer was. but soon enough he remembered a few things, like the way semi reacted to y/n saying he wasn't going to listen to the cd, how semi constantly told the team if he were to confess it be through a song since he loved music.

they were both boys. it was a bit unusual and new to y/n.

"yeah..." semi said softly, gripping the strap of his gym bag tightly. "now you see why i couldn't just tell you. i know it's weird but shirabu said it would be best to just get if off by chest."

y/n nodded, stopping when they met the intersection where they part ways. "i can't return your feelings."

semi shrugged, he expected this. y/n? have feelings for someone? never. he wasn't capable of that and semi knew that but still allowed himself to fall for him.

"at least not now."

semi's head snapped up in shock, "what?"

y/n looked away, kicking at the ground to keep himself occupied. "i've never experienced...this stuff, especially with a guy and it's weird." he said. "i had everything planned out, finish high school, go to college, get some boring office job and then die i guess."

y/n cleared his throat, feeling something weird in his stomach. "but i guess i can make an exception for you...but slowly! i don't understand this and i'll need time."

all semi could do was stare at y/n, and he swears he could see a faint blush on y/n's cheeks. even so, he didn't point it out. he couldn't ruin his already low chances with y/n even more. "i can accept that."

"thank you. and uh, the song was...really nice. i'd like to hear you sing more if that's okay."

semi smiled proudly before pointing down the street he lived on. "you said you're willing to make an exception for me. do you want to come over, i can show you some other songs i've been working on."

y/n looked between his street and semi. "okay."

y/n stared at semi's hand as they walked, before nudging it with his pinky. "i'm sorry i can't do more..."

semi looked down at the interlocked pinky's with a smile and shrugged. "this is enough."


this is kinda long. im currently running on 3 hours of sleep and want to die. also, the song at the top isn't the song semi gave mc. i was just listening to it as i was writing and liked it lmao. you can imagine any song you want. pls feel free to point out my mistakes and roast me

(ironically enough i'm in my creative writing class rn ahahahaha)
