☾ | kenjiro shirabu

superhero au.

what did i do to deserve this?

y/n l/n thought as he was free falling. he made no move to grab ahold of anything nor use his powers in any way to save himself. even if he fell and hit the ground it wouldn't kill him, he couldn't die. people said he was blessed, that he could become a superhero without the fear of being killed but he felt as if it was curse.

fortunately, he could die of old age. no other way would kill himβ€”trust him, he's tried.

only a small percent of people are born with superpowers, only two percent of the population to be exact. if you're lucky, you're born with more than one.

'luckily' y/n was born with two, the other one was super strength. he hated that the most, his peaceful atmosphere was always interrupted by his roommateβ€”satori tendoβ€”bursting into his room to open various jars, boxes, or really anything he has trouble opening.

he had no right to complain though, tendo was the first person to ever really understand him. tendo was the first one to stand up for y/n when he was bullied. now, y/n could've easily stopped his bullying with a single punch or two but he didn't really care if he was beat up everyday after school. he just sat there and took it with a blank face.

tendo was weird, extremely weird but had a heart of gold. y/n only thought of him as weird because to stop his bullying tendo had barked at y/n' bullies, and once he caught them off guard he proceeded to kick the 'leader' in the balls.

other than that tendo was a cool guy.

tendo became his personal bodyguard throughout high school, and nobody dared messed with y/n after seeing the red head growl at some random guy for bumping into y/n.

ever since then tendo took care of him, and once high school ended the red head demanded y/n to move in an apartment with him. y/n didn't care and agreed, and once tendo found out about y/n's powers he used him to open things (tendo even made y/n bench him for fun one day after seeing it on tv).

y/n closed his eyes as he fell, how much fucking longer will i be falling? i'm getting bored. y/n internally cursed at the villain for throwing him so damn high in the air. there's not way y/n was going to go back and continue fighting, that wasn't his problem anymore. back up was called anyways.

y/n sighed in relief when he hit the ground with a thud, luckily he didn't fall on the road next to him. just because he couldn't die doesn't mean it didn't hurt.

he laid motionlessly on the ground, fingers twitching when he felt something smooth. he curled his fingers around it and ripped it from the ground, holding it above his faceβ€”a tulip.
he silently brought it down to his nose, it smelt pretty. his arm fell limp next to him, maybe i could just take a nap, hopefully get squished by a falling piano or some shit.

"what the fuck, are you deadβ€”wait, my fucking flowers you dipshit!!"

y/n assumed it was him being yelled at, but he didn't care, maybe the owner of the garden he crushed had some serious anger issues and shoved a gardening tool through his heart.

death by ho, interesting thought. y/n smiled at his own thoughts, sounds nice.

his eyes shot open when he felt his body picked up and thrown to the side. "are you okay?!"

y/n lifted a hand lazily, "unfortunately, yesβ€”"

"not you, asshole! my precious tulips..." the copper haired male screamed angrily, then turned to look at his crushed tulips with teary eyes. "my beautiful garden...you!"

for the first time in y/n l/n's life he felt frightened, he felt like he was going to die and he wasn't even excited like usual. so scary.

"get your ass over here and replant every single one of my flowers." he growled, y/n could practically see the intense fire igniting in his eyes. when y/n didn't move: "now!"

y/n snapped out of his thoughts and scurried to the ruined garden, trying his best to replant themβ€”but he's a superhero(barely) not a gardener!

"you're squishing it's delicate petals, be softer!"

y/n felt tears well up in his eyes as he held the flowers carefully this time, gently putting them back into the soil like before. he felt the unknown males glare on his back even after he finished. y/n refused to move from in front of the garden because, well, it looked like shit. the petals were falling off some of the tulips, they weren't perfectly aligned in rows, and some of them were just stems!

"honey look, shirabu's garden got ruined again!" bokuto yelled excitedly as he peeked through the living room blinds, "hurry he's making some poor soul replant them!"

akaashi sighed and stood up from the couch, the two watched in amusement as shirabu yelled at the random person. shirabu's garden had terrible luck, it's quite amusing though.

shirabu fell to his knees dramatically, gently picking up some of the fallen petals. he stared at them for a few seconds before whipping his head towards the frightened male, his eyes narrowing. he stopped when he saw the males earring, a familiar logo dangling from it.

his glare returned, ten times worse, "what kind of superhero falls into a civilians garden?!"

"me, i guess?" y/n took notice of the look he was giving him and took it as a sign to escape try and escape.

"[superhero name]! hiding from me won't work!"

y/n groaned, turning to see the villain he was fightingβ€”the one who threw him in the air like a fucking doll. "so tiring..." he mumbled, stretching his limbs before whistling to get the guys attention, "over here!"

y/n wasn't the best superhero, but he didn't want anyone to get hurt because of his recklessness. y/n was about to take off down the street when the flower boy grabbed his arm, "where do you think you're going?! look what you did! fix it!"

y/n looked at the male in bewilderment, did he not see the fucking giant ass man running towards y/n with anger?! "do you want to get killed?! i need to lead him out of here!"

never had y/n met someone so....whatever the fuck you describe this male! the copper haired male on glared at y/n and turned to give a pointed look at the villain who accidentally stepped on this daisies, "you bitch!"

the villain stopped in his tracks, looking around him then hesitantly pointing to himself.

"yes you! look what you did to my daisies!" he yelled angrily, pointing to his feet accusingly.

the villain looked down, before scoffing and remembering why he was there in the first place. "[superhero name]β€”"

"are you ignoring me? shirabu asked threateningly, a scary smile on his face.

y/n and the villain shivered, stepping away. y/n believed this guy was crazyβ€”no doubt about it.

"fix it now." the villain immediately dropped down to his knees and starting replanting the daisies. y/n tilted his head in confusion when he did as told, turning to see the flower boy staring at the villain with his hands on his hips.
was this how he looked when he was forced to replant the tulips?

"honey, shirabu got another one!" bokuto laughed out, calling akaashi over once more, "this is hilarious!"

y/n stiffens when the male turned to look at him, "you guys caused a lot of trouble for me. name. now."

"i-i can't give you my name it's p-part of the whole secret identityβ€”"


y/n shuffled over to his ear, "y/n..l/n..."

"my name is kenjiro shirabu, remember it. i'll be your worst nightmare from now on."


y/n did remember it, and he was in fact his worst nightmareβ€”literally. he had nightmares about the flower incident for two weeks straight.

it was currently 2 am and he had awoken from another nightmare. this time, shirabu stood hundreds of feet taller than him, demanding him to plant tulips for what felt like years.

that's it. he's had enough. he threw the blankets off of his body and quickly got dressed and left the apartment. he grabbed tendos keys to his flower shop on the way out. luckily, the flower shop was only a block away and he made it there fairly quick.

once he did, he looked for tulips and threw a wad of cash in the jar along with a note for tendo.

y/n soon found himself planting tulips in shirabu's garden, cursing and grumbling on about how stupid the whole situation was.

"they look nice."

y/n jumped, looking up from the garden to see shirabu standing next to him in pajamas. "you're...y/n, right?"

y/n realized this was the first time shirabu saw his face without the mask, nodding once.

"if you told me you were handsome i might've went easy with the nightmares." shirabu laughed, rubbing the back of his head sheepishly.

wait what?!

"what do you mean?"

"oh..i have powers too, i can give people nightmares. a little villainous, you think?"

y/n pursed his lips, "do you use it on innocent people?"

shirabu shook his head, "only on people who fall into my gardens."

y/n found himself smiling, "well, then i think it's pretty cool. besides the part where i haven't had proper sleep in two weeks."


y/n shook his head, motioning to the flowerbed. the tulips swayed gently with breeze, "since i did this can you maybe...stop the nightmares?"

shirabu laughed, nodding, "yes, thank you."

"you know, you're cuter when you're not trying to kill me, not that i can die or anything but you know what i mean."

"are you flirting with me?"

"it's probably the lack of sleep making me bold." y/n said, standing up from the ground, "i'll see you around i guess. thanks for the scary nightmares, ten out of ten do not want to experience again."

"yeah, yeah. goodnight!"

"mhm." y/n said with a tired smile, lazily waving goodbye.

that was definitely not going to be the last time seeing shirabu.

trying something new πŸ™ˆ i kind fw this oneshot tho
