july 7th 2021

gender reveal
England vs Denmark


Slowly walking into Wembley with milo and ben. She heard the boys cheer for her finally arriving.

"fuck off you lot, you do realise being 6 months pregnant and having a 1 year oldΒ  is a difficult task" she said in annoyance. "someone woke up with an attitude." Jack shouted and that just pissed Emily off even more so picking milo up, she walked out to the bench and sat down next to her dad.

"what's wrong sweetheart?" Gareth asked. "the boys just being annoying" she sighed. "they are all just hyped for the game love" he told her calmly. Milo started to get cranky which only made her more annoyed. "darling, do you want me take milo onto the pitch with the boys?" Gareth suggested. "yes please" she finally said with a smile.

Milo with the boys on the pitch, Emily could finally relax that was until the baby started kicking. "fucking hell." She mumbled to herself.

"You alright darling?" She heard a voice which made her ten times calmer. "not really ben but ill be ok." she softly spoke but quite loud due to Wembley filling up.

"so how is this Gender reveal gonna work?" Ben asked curiously. "i honestly don't know, my dad's organised it all but it will be after the match for sure" Emily said as she placed a hand on her bump before seeing Milo and her Dad walking over.

The match is underway, 30 minutes in, Denmark already scoring only making the boys work ten times harder. Without realising, Milo has fallen asleep on ben and that made Emily's heart swell with love.

Only 9 minutes later, Emily was stood up cheering since Denmark just scored an OG.

The rest of the match was pretty intense. Since, none of the teams scored but England being close but no-one actually scoring that meant extra 2 minutes being added.

the crowd getting restless in the extra 2 minutes and again nothing happened which mean another 30 minutes.

Wembley cheering, Harry kane just scored in the 104th minute. The final whistle blew. England were in the finals for the first time in 55 years.

Milo now awake and after Wembley was fairly empty, a few people still in the stands trying to stay for the Gender reveal.

"Everyone gather round, Emily and milo in the middle" Gareth shouted kinda startling the pregnant women.

everyone now gathered around. All the boys and staff had cannons with either blue for a boy or pink for a girl.

"okay ready everyone?" Gareth said, the boys cheered and emily just nodded.

"3...2...1" Gareth shouted, the cannons popping.

its a....

