September 25th 2021

Chelsea vs Man city


Emily was sat in the car breastfeeding jazzy whilst milo told her about how excited he is to see Ben play.

Now walking into Stamford bridge and getting a pass for all access. "Mummy, can we see uncle masee yettt?" Milo whined expressing the "t" sound. "in a second baby ok?" Emily said as they were walking to the pitch. "ok" Milo simply said whist poking his little sisters head. Emily giggled at Milo's actions.

"UNCLE MASE!" Milo screamed at mason and Emily walked over. "hiya milo moo" Mason said ask he ticked milo. "hey mase, how comw you ain't playing today?" Emily questioned as she got jasmine out of her carseat that was attached to the pram. "got a back injury against villa, so i gotta rest." Mason said but getting excited as he saw his new unbiological neice. "jazzy bear meet uncle mase" Emily said giggling. "aww, she's adorable" Mason cooed at the 2 week old whilst they went to their seats.

"Want to hold her?" Emily said softly as she was looking at milo who was watching the boys train. "yeahh" Mason said as Emily passed jazzy over to mase. "omg she's wearing a mini chelsea onesie." Mason cooed and Emily just laughed at Mason. "right I'm gonna go and see ben can you watch the kids? Emily asked.

" of course" Mason said smiling. "thanks so much." Emily said walking away to the changing rooms. "knock knock." Emily said as she heard a chimes of "come in" and she opened the door and smiled.

"hey boys!" Emily said cheerfully. "hey my love." Ben said as he pecked Emily's lips getting "oohs" and "ahhs" from the boys. "fuck off" Emily said to the boys. "babe, where are the kids?" Ben questioned once he realises his kids aren't with Emily. "they're with mase, actually i should get going, GO SMASH IT BOYS!" Emily shouted the last few words before the door shut.

The match has now begun and Milo getting excited when he saw his "uncles" walk on the pitch.

With ben not playing, which made Emily feel bad,Milo had asked to go and sit next to him amd she can't say no so now at half time. Emily and Mason on the other hand were just chatting to timo who was on the bench.

7 minutes back into the match is when city scored and obviously, Emily wants to cheer but her boyfriend is on the bench so she just sends city a thumbs up which to her luck no-body sees.

The match now finished, Chelsea loosing 1-0, Emily, Milo and Jazzy make their way to the pitch and sees Jack, Phil, Mason and Ben stood with each other.

"hey besties" Emily said and Jack turned around "OMG YOUR LITTLE BUBBA" jack shouted rather loudly which made everyone laugh. "Yeah cause the last time you saw me, i was about to give birth" Emily said, "can i please hold her?" Jack begged Emily. "right stop because she's so tiny." Jack said as he handed Jasmine to phil. "nah stop it, i remember when ronnie was this small." Phil says as Milo runs off somewhere. "oh boys i think pep wants ya." Emily said as Phil hands. jaz back to her. "byee besti" JackΒ  says.

Now all that's left is jasmine grace to meet the england boys

