Chapter 4

The team was walking up the steps of Gotham Academy as Robin talked to them. "Ok so no matter what happens under any circumstance do anything that might blow your cover."

The team nodded "Chill Rob it's going to be fine!" Wally tried to lighten his mood.

"I just hope Biff isn't around..." Robin muttered under his breath.

"YO GYPSY!" the team looked around for the voice.

Robin just sighed "Here we go..."

All of a sudden a massive form grabbed him by the neck and pinned him against the wall. "What's up circus freak?!"

"Hey... Biff..." Robin choked out.

"Wanna know something funny?!" the large bully sneered "I turned in that math homework you gave me last week. Only the strangest thing happened when I got it back... I got a zero... now I wonder how that happened..."

"Sounds like... I gave you the wrong... answers..." he gasped out.

Biff's frown deepened when suddenly the school bell rang. He growled "Then it sounds like you and I are gonna have a little chat after school." Before the team knew what was happening he rammed a big meaty fist into Robin's nose then walked away.

The team started to run towards Robin when a red headed girl came up and helped him off the ground. She then reached down and picked up his books. She grabbed a handkerchief out of her pocket and quickly started wiping the blood off of his face. Once she was finished she quickly snapped it back into place. Robin let out a quick yelp and she just smirked.

"Come on Pixie Boots we're going to be late for math and you know how Mr. Claire is when you're late!" she quickly grabbed his wrist and started pulling him along.

He laughed "Babs we still have twenty minutes to get to class we'll be fine!"

She stopped and looked at her watch "We'll have time to get to class but I also need time for you to show me how to do last night's assignment!"

He laughed again "We'll have plenty of time to do that too! I want to introduce you to someone though. Babs this is the team..." he gestured to them.

She looked over at them "Hmm... I thought Kid Flash would be taller..." she then continued to drag him along.

"Wait how do you know who I am?!" Wally asked franticly.

She smirked "Well Pixie Boots here talks about you guys all the time. I can only assume since you're the red head then that makes you Kid Flash."

"You told her who we were?!" Artemis whisper yelled.

Robin smirked "No she hacked into the bat computer not too long ago and since then she's begged me to tell her about our missions." Another bell rang "Ok we'd better get going..." He then ran off with Barbara still pulling on his arm, leaving the team to follow nervously behind.

(A/N - Babs to the rescue! :) Stay whelmed and feel the aster!)
