Chapter 6

Barbara and Robin peaked around the corner. "I think the coast is clear..." Barbara whispered.

"Let's go!" Robin motioned for the team to follow them.

"What are you two doing?" Wally asked.

"School just ended that means Biff could be lurking anywhere!" Barbara whisper yelled.

"And I'd prefer only getting my nose broken ounce per day!" Robin finished.

Barbara laughed quietly "Just be glad it was only your nose this time! Three weeks ago he broke your arm!"

"You said that happened on patrol!" Megan whisper yelled.

Robin glared at Barbara "Thanks a lot!" she just shrugged.

They all quickly ran out the front doors into the open air "We made it!" Barbara cheered.

Robin smiled and was about to say something before something hit him over the head. "What's up freak?!" Robin was picked up by his shirt collar and saw two large men standing there. "Hey Grayson..." Biff said getting in his face "Meet my cousin Griff. Unlike me he's not that interested in homework assignments. But when I told him you and I were real buddy buddies I decided to introduce the two of you!"

Griff got up in Dick's face "Nice to meet ya... So you're the famous ward of Bruce Wayne?"

"What's it to you?!" Dick growled trying to break from his grasp. All that this got him was a quick punch to the eye.

"Did I say you could talk?" Griff growled "Now as I was saying... that means you must be pretty rich huh?" Griff looked at Dick's hand "Nice ring ya got there..." he looked over to Biff who then took the ring off of his small hand. Griff looked at it and nodded "Pleasure doing business with ya!"

Before the team could do anything he punched Dick in the gut and threw him to the ground with a crack. They each kicked him in the ribs a couple times for good measure no matter how loudly the team cried.

After they ran away Barbara quickly ran over to Dick and turned him over being careful of his wounds. His uniform was soaked in blood and by the looks of it he had several broken bones. Barbara gently picked him up bridal style and turned to the team. "You can go now. You need to tell the League about what you found out. Don't worry I'll take care of Dick!"Before the team could protest she ran off down the street and out of sight.

(A/N - Ya! Second to last chapter! :) Stay whelmed and feel the aster!)
