Chapter 2

Batman followed him down the hall begrudgingly. The moment the door closed behind him Robin screamed loud enough that even without super hearing the team could hear him from the other room. "YOU'RE SENDING THEM TO MY SCHOOL?!?! I'LL HAVE TO TELL THEM MY IDENTITY!!!"

Batman sighed "Ok let's just all take a deep breath and calm down..."

"I AM CALM!!!" Batman raised an eyebrow and Robin sighed "Ok fine... But how could you send them to my school?! I'll have to tell them who I am." he whisper yelled.

Batman sighed once again "You won't have to tell them your identity..." he took out a small ring and handed it to Robin. "This will disguise your real appearance from the team but you'll look the same to all of your classmates. And if the team discovers your identity it won't be the end of the world. They're all trustworthy."

Robin nodded "Ok I guess that'll work... But I'm still mad at you!" he said glaring at him as he stomped out of the room. Batman gave a small chuckle as he followed after him.

(A/N - Poor Robin... Stay whelmed and feel the aster!)
