Who am I, truly?

Obscruo point of view...

(Ignore Cinder...she is dead for real)

I am now in the meeting room with Salem. Apparently, she has no idea why Cinder had not return, and believed that I know what has happened to her. In all honesty...I do.

The person that has made me has white skin and hair, with red vein-like markings showing. She has black eyeballs and blood-red eyes. She is wearing a black dress, with a stern expression. This is my leader, Salem. Or at least, supposedly. I know that there is another leader stronger than her, but she is well at hiding this from us all. After a moment of silence, Salem than finally spoke out loud.


Her voice is deep, like a hole ready to suck the like out of any living being before her.

"Yes? What is it, my Mistress?"

I than spoke out to her. She than look at me with a rather emotionless expression that is present now.

"I need to know where Cinder is. She is supposed to come back from the destruction of Beacon. You know better than everyone else here."

I looked down a bit, unsure if I should tell her or not, but than I made my mind up and spoke out to her.

"She is dead."

Everyone, even Mercury looked in surprise. But Salem was not looking surprised.

"What?! Dead?! How is she dead?! She is supposed to be more powerful than us, except for Salem."

Mercury spoke and pointed out to us. I than spoke out.

"Sans was able to get the third Elemental Orb and absorbed it into his body. It was has enough power to summon a new weapon and allowed him to kill Cinder. But...what I felt towards Sans...it was a different aura."

Salem than looked interested.

"How is Sans' aura...different?"

I than looked at her with a rather serious look. Normally, I would grin. But there is something wrong here.

"His aura...it has changed. It felt as though that Sans was no present here. It felt so...old. Almost like it has been here for a million years. In fact...it felt that someone else was fighting Cinder. However, when the battle was beginning to end...he said his name to her."

Salem than has a unhappy look on his face.

"What is the name that he calls himself?"

I than looked at her, with a expression that give a her that it is not good news.


Salem looked surprised, but that clenched her fist very tightly, to the point of bleeding black liquid from her hands.

"So...he is finally returning. Fine than...I will need to kill Sans...in order for my plan to commence. He will be a interference to my plan. Alright than...we will need to capture and find the location of where Sans might find the last Elemental Orb. I will need it to kill him. Once we have the Orb...it will be his last."

After the meeting his finally ended, I than used the shadow to transport where I need to go to...the location of the Fallen Beacon.

The academy has become a mess. There are parts of Beacon down, pieces of it scattered across the large landscape, and there Grimm present here. Normally, I would feel happy...but I felt...something else...it was as thought...I was sad...I than shook my head. I should not be feeling this pathetic emotion! I am supposed to be Salem's Henchman...and not a person that can feel remorse. But there is the question that always came into my mind...who am I truly? I know that Salem has created me...but I realized that is not true...there is something else more to the story than she spoke. I need to find out what it is. I than spread my cloak and sleeves...and I quickly took flight.

I looked around in the rubble of the once grand academy that was still standing. As I looked around, I had a sharp sight and saw a strange ripped paper. I went down to it, and picked it out of the pile of chunk rocks. I than used my Gaster Obscruo Blaster (yes I named it after me, do not judge me) and used its loud scream and send the rocks flying, while also grabbing right onto the photo.

It was a photo of sans...and papyrus along with William Gaster. But...there is also the torn sheet. The face is gone, and the person has black hair, with pale skin. Why does the person look so...so familiar? I have no idea who that person is. But why does it....I than shook my head and spoke to myself.

"There must be an answer for this question. I cannot just say the questions to myself. It is not going to help solve the riddle to this one problem. I need a location...one that will help me solve this sort of thing here."

I than looked down at my feet, if I have any form of it. I wonder how I can find my answer to my past.

"Atlas may be the most advance, but...they are to prideful and only works robotically. Beacon and Shade are not good choices either...but...maybe the answer does not lie within the countries that is mainly seen...maybe...it lies in someplace else in Remnant...someplace where it keeps information so great...it has to be kept hidden at max...Ebott City...and the location...William Daedalus Gaster's laboratory...that is it. I have to go to the laboratory in Ebott City. But I cannot show myself. There will be a lot of people being present there. I need to stay hidden...and not reveal my appearance."

I than merged into a shadowy spot, and went through it. One of my abilities was to go through the shadows so that I could go to any destination. While I can made my own portal, it drains a bit of power, which would make me wait a few minutes. While in darkness, I gained an unlimited supply, making it easier to travel. The transformation that I used on Sans is called the Regression Cellular mode, or Reg Cell mode. Basically, it is a Berserker type Semblance that I can activate whenever I am hit in the most sensitive spots, such at the heart, and I summon mini scythes in the place of where my hands are present. The only problem is that I cannot stop moving, and that I am not on full control of what I am doing to myself and the other people around me. Of course, I have the opposite of Sans' semblance, which is called Volitive Reconciliation. Unlike Sans, who uses one's own sins to increase damage, I used one's own virtues to increase aura, which is strange, considering that I, to, am sinful. One last thing unique about me is that like Sans' scarves, my cloak and sleeves are a part of my physical being. So basically, we are both sort of even.

I than went out of the shadow of a building, completely out of sight. No one noticed where I am right now. As I looked around, I see the laboratory. Apparently, this one is apparently abandoned once Dr.Gaster has died. Now...it is in a state of disrepair. I teleport inside of it...and it is way worse. Gas is leaking, bridges are down, pipes have become really rusted and even more ruined, and many of the equipment has been destroyed and scattered around here. I have no idea how long this has been abandoned. For all I know...it could have been abandoned mostly for more than a decade. But I have no time to look at the damage. I need time to see what is the answers here. The ones that will help me solve the mystery of who I am in truth. I need...to see it.

As I ventured deep into the laboratory, it is not getting more worse than before. Many of the halls are getting more damaged then before. There is so much cracks, mice, maggots, all scattered here. This is just plain disgusting. But I know that there is an answer somewhere here. I kept looking around, and saw that there is a screen. And saw that there is also many tapes here. The tapes are...I have no idea what they are. I picked tape number 1, and looked into its memories.

Memory number 1...October 20th...

I was looking around and saw that the room is the same room I am in, but is now clean. Than...I heard a door open, and I recognized who is coming out...Dr.Gaster.

He is seen walking up to 2 boys. One of them was Sans...whom I had recognized. The other had black hair...but I cannot see what his face looks like clearly. It is blocked by a type of machine beside him. And also...he is wearing a hood similar to mine, except that it is not a clock...but a jacket. The both of them look like they are 8 years of their past age.

Before the 2 boys, there are jars filled with orbs. The orbs themselves are glowing. Those spheres...they are aura. But why are they here? I did not need to wait, because Sans touched one of them, and the aura he is holding turned turquoise. 

Than...he puts it down, and the blue aura changes back to the original color. Now it was the black-hair boy's turn. What color would the aura appear if the black hair touches it? He touched the aura, and this happened.

The aura began to turn red, and suddenly break down to little particles. This is completely unexpected. But why does this look familiar? And more importantly...why does the black hair...feel familiar?

The memory than unfortunately ends. The room changes back to what it is right now, all abandoned and all damaged. I than looked at a different tape. But I wonder...will the memories that are in these tapes have the answers that I might have? There is only one way to find out about it.

I than went onto the next tape that is seen. This one says tape number 2. I immediately touched the tape...and entered it's memories. But for some reason...I cannot do it. I than looked at the back, and saw that of the location that had taken place. That means that I have to find the location, in order to start this thing. Thankfully, Salem got me to watch where Gaster goes to, and I no where to go from here and now. I went into the floor, and went out into another room. I than accessed it.

Memory number 2...March 13...

The room I am in is a type of different testing room. Sans and the other black-haired boy is here. There is still something familiar about him which I am suspicious about. As they are doing a test, Gaster is seen, doing tests of the previous test.

"Regression cells caused aura to break down and completely die, should not let him make contact. Evolution cells caused aura to become stronger and healthy."

Than...one of the bridges began to break down, due to something heavy. Gaster notices it, and so do the boys under it. Gaster than shouted to them.

"Sans, Kage, run away, NOW!!!"

So the boy's name is Kage. Why does that sound so familiar to my ears? I did not have time to think about it, as the bridge snaps, and fell. It has hit both boys, and Gaster went out to go check on those 2.

"SANS!!! KAGE!!!"

He looked and saw a rather amazing sight. Sans and Kage, both were holding it with their hands. That much weight is somewhat equivalent to, mostly, 1,000 pounds. And they are also shaking to hold on to it. Not because it is so heavy, they are both frightened. Frightened at what they see. Thankfully, Gaster used telekinesis to lift and send it away. The memory than ends again.

I am going to need all of the memories that are present here. And find out at who I am, truly.

About hour and a half later... 1:00 P.M....

I am now at the last one. This is the last memory that will be seen, right here and now. This is called memory 10. This is the last...memory...

Memory number 10...August 13...

Right now...I am an the strange type of bedroom. Gaster is present with the other 2 boys present here. I have a feeling that this is my answer. This is the moment I have been obtaining and waiting for.

"Sans...Kage...I have something very important to tell you."

I began to listen, and so did the other boys.

"I felt like...I had confine you both inside of my lab for far to long. I began to feel...like I have done a task on you both that is so cruel and heartless. I felt like...you both deserve better than right now."

The boys looked very confused. But Sans...frightened

"But...father...you know how the others will react to me appearing. You know much they do not like me. Father...I am so scared to appear."

Sans began to tear up, but Gaster came forward and hugged birth of his children.

"Sans...I understand your fear, but in the end...I will always be here to protect you. You both have looked out for each other, and the both of you have even comforted one another. Sans...I will always be here to protect you, and Kage...please protect your brother. He needs all the love that he can get now."

Kage than spoke out.

"I know...father. I will try my best in helping Sans. I will not let him down and see him hurt."

He than looked at Kage and smiled.

"I know that...my middle child...I know..."

He than began to take off the hood, rather slowly. This is it...the moment I have been waiting for. When his face finally revealed...I looked in utter shock.

His face...it resembles Sans, but...he has black hair...and yellow eyes.


I than took of my hood and looked in the mirror. I saw...my face...it resembles...Sans...but than...I flood back to me, completely. I looked down I pain.

"I remember now...my name was not Obscruo...my real name...is actually...Kage Gaster."

As I looked down, I heard my younger self speak.

"Are you angry?"

I was surprised and looked to see my younger self...looking at me. The seen around me change to the his area.

The entire area looks organic-like. It has blue tentacles, 2 crystal spheres, one that is small, and the other that looks like the eye, as it has a red sphere glowing, and blue ones that are gather towards it. It also looks underwater, as I can see bubbles rising.

"How do you...you know that I am with you?"

He than spoke out to me.

"I had seen you, looking at me and Sans. But tell me...why are you angry."

I than looked down, and spoke out.

"I had seen...who I really am...but I am ashamed, because I lost my memories and went to the wrong side of where I was supposed to be in now. I even betrayed my brother. I feel like I should be alone with no comfort. Because of me, she now has the chance to try and rule every being that is present here in Remnant. I have no idea what to do."

"But has she won yet?"

I than looked surprised and turned.

"Has the person actually won the fight?"

He spoke with a stern expression and tone now present.

"No...but she might have-"

Before I could even finish, my younger self spoke out.

"Not buts. If she has not won yet, than there is a chance to change and be good again. You need to get back up there and help the others so that you can finally have the life you deserve. You may not have been great and my have been bad, but you have been good the entire time. So tell me...is it truly to late...or is there still time to make changes that will actually help you and the people you betrayed?"

I was pretty surprised, but than, I looked down at myself, and saw a new change. I was back as a normal height. Gone it's the shadowy Grimm-like skin, and my feet have formed. I looked in the crystal Orb, and saw that I am now looking like who I was when I was still younger. Having yellow eyes, and resembling Sans right now, except I am more pale. But there is one question that I must know now.

"But...where am I?"

Than...a deep voice spoke out. 

"You are in the dark parts of the Abyss itself."

I than turned to see the Orb is now glowing. That is where the voice must be coming from.

"Who...who are you."

I spoke out to this strange entity.

"My name is Kairisei. I am a the resident of the Dark Abyss. I am a god and a hidden child of Gaia. In the Dark Abyss, you can monitor the ruler of the Abyss itself, see what his very move would be, and check on Salem herself. It is also here that you can see every person in the Orbs and see their most special of trait. The Dark Abyss lies beneath the waters of the Abyss."

This caught me by surprise.

"What...but than...why are you not with Gaia?"

He than spoke out...in a angry tone.

"My mother disregarded me as nothing more than a disappointment to Kaz, when he was believed to be on her side. So she locked me in this orb. But when Kaz betrayed her, I was glad that Gaia had been sealed away. But Salem has freed her."

I was shocked. I knew that Salem has a stronger leader, but I never thought it would be Gaia herself! I than spoke out to him.

"What do you need me for?"

He than spoke out to me, rather determinedly

"Now I need to escape this terrible place, so that I could enact my revenge towards Gaia herself! And you, Kage, are the only one that can do it for me. I need you to go getting the fire Orb, by having your brother find it. When it is unlocked, I will be free from this cage, and enact my vengeance on Gaia. But I cannot tell you where it is. Salem now knows that you have defected, and she wants you disposed. Do you will need Sans. He will give you enough time to get to the Orb. That is...when the final battle commenced."

I was than surprised at what he said.


H nods his head.

"The final battle is exactly what it will sound like. It is a fight between Sans, Kaz, and Kyo, against Salem and Gaia. They will fight...and one another must decide the fate of the entire world. Allow me...to show you."

He than touched me on the forehead...and the room glowed. What I am about to see...it is not pretty.

Kage is not a name for Obscruo in the canon Abysstale. This is how I made it by the way. I fingered that it might fit to have someone having a brother that had their memory wipes, only to find them and remember...years later.
