
Sans P.O.V

It has been a day since I had gotten into beacon. It was rather interesting, since Ozpin had decided to recruit us to his school. I have no idea why he wanted to do such things in the first place. Maybe to get us to stop Salem, I don't know. What I do know about Salem is that, according to Ozpin, she had been around since the beginning of Remnant, and was once human, but something happened that caused her to change. He isn't telling me everything. I know there is more to the story. I have no idea what it is, though.

Right now, we are at a cliff for the initiation. I have to put my hood over my head to avoid my face being seen by anyone, even my family. Only my friends are allowed to see it. I was there with my group, along with a blue-haired girl with blue hands and blue vain-like markings all over her body. I sensed she is a Faunus. Another nature of my powers is that I can sense the biological, emotional, and spiritual energy, mainly, aura. The difference between a human and Faunus aura is that they are pure color, while Faunus' are a tainted color, as well as shape of their most notable feature. In this case, the blue-haired Faunus' aura is a tainted blue color, along with web formations, signifying a spider web. Which means that the Faunus is an arachnid Faunus.

Ozpin: "For years, you have trained to become warriors, and today, your abilities will be evaluated in the Emerald Forest. These teammates will be with you for the rest of your time here at Beacon. So it is in your best interest to be paired with someone with whom you can work well. That being said, the first person you make eye contact with after landing will be your partner for the next four years. After you've partnered up, make your way to the northern end of the forest. You will meet opposition along the way. Do not hesitate to destroy everything in your path... or you will die. You will be monitored and graded through the duration of your initiation, but our instructors will not intervene. You will find an abandoned temple at the end of the path containing several relics. Each pair must choose one and return to the top of the cliff. We will regard that item, as well as your standing, and grade you appropriately. Are there any questions?

No hands were raised, obviously, none. Sans had been thinking of this in mind. 

'I hope that I can get to either Neo and Amber. I do like Emerald and Ilia, but I need to make sure to live up to my team name.'

'You may begin.'

3rd person view

Sans launched out first. Than Papyrus, than amber, than Neo, and than the others.

Sans had reached a certain distance to the point he spread his wings to glide and float down. Papyrus used his sword arm to stab into a tree, and lower himself down. Amber used her wind staff, and floated down. Neo...she just used her umbrella and glided down.

May swung on a tree. Emerald shoots down to slow her fall. Ilia used her whip to swing and land on her feet, and the arachnid Faunus used webs to make a parachute, and later stuck to the tree and crawled down.

Sans and Neo instantly looked eye to eye... awkward, considering that the initiation had just started. Sans picks up Neo bridal style goes deeper into the woods. Papyrus and Amber met while battling Grimm. May and Emerald we're able to find each other by using their voices at the source. Ilia...

Ilia P.O.V

I had been walking through the woods and been thinking of that girl. I know her. Her name is Trifa, a spider Faunus. She had worked for the White Fang. But...why in Remnant did she decide to come along here?

As I began to think about it, I had heard her voice from behind me.


I turned and saw her upside a web she had made like a rope.


She nodded and landed on the ground with her feet. She than looked at me and stared at me in the eyes. I have no idea what is in her mind. Obviously, she must have realized that I wanted to know why she was away from the White Fang. She than comes to me and whispers in my ear, so no one else could hear both me and her.

(Ignore the Japanese language. Just think of it as their way of conversations.)

"Ilia, you are probably why I am at Beacon, right?"

"Well, it seems you have read my mind, Trifa."

"Well...when I saw what your friend, Sans had done...I began to question myself if we are doing things right, if had become actual monsters, just as he humans had called us freaks. But when I saw how ruthless Adam Taurus became to our own kind, I realized that I would end up the I defected, like Blake has I could start a new life...a new beginning. And also...I would like to talk to Sans, on what he sees the Faunus as."


Trifa nodded, obviously wanting to do it. Ilia and Trifa than walked to a temple.

Blake P.O.V

Trifa? What is she doing here? I never thought she would go away from the White Fang as well. Did she defected to? I really hope that is the case. Because I don't want anyone hurt here at Beacon.

3rd person view...

Sans and Neo got there quick because Sans is using a portal to get through. Papyrus used his speed and coordination. He was at the south, so he coordinated to the north and made a few turns. May Zedong were already near by luck along with Emerald. Trifa climbed to the top of the tree and saw a temple herself. Ilia and Trifa went there to grab it.

When Sans went inside, he saw something rather strange. It was an whitish-purple had a x symbol, and a few others glitching next to it, and the orb itself seems to glitch. Neo saw it to and was just as confused.

"Huh? What is that? It feels so...dead."

Sans used telekinesis to pick up the item. It felt was as though it was from somewhere else. It was as wasn't supposed to belong here.

" we take it with us?"

Neo held out her scroll and typed it out with her thoughts.

I think we should give it to that he could look at it.

"Yeah...I think so to."

Neo went next to me and kissed my cheek. We then went out of the temple and saw the others. They had...chess pieces?

Ilia: "Okay...what type of people use relics like that."

Trifa: " is very awkward."

Emerald: "Ozpin might have lost his mind."

May: "You think?"

Amber: "Well...someone's lucky."

Amber spoke out, regarding Sans' orb.

Papyrus: "Sans...where did you get that?"

"I foun-"

A screech was heard and everyone saw an army of Grimm coming to us.

Sans: "What the... This isn't part of the initiation!"

Sans spoke out, as he summon 5 Abyss Gaster Blasters to shoot out the Grimm, Abyss Shards to pierce the ones in the sky, and spread his wings for flight. Amber followed him to fight against the swarm of Grimm

Papyrus and Neo hacked and slashed through the swarm of Grimm, and Neopolitan acted as a shield with the umbrella. May and Emerald shot them down, with Emerald using her miniature scythes. Ilia wrapped them with her whip and shocked them. Trifa used her spider web to swing them off the cliff. The group has to fight immensely fiercely and precisely as much as they could. They will have to fight the entire horde with every single thing they have up their sleeve. They would even combing their usual techniques to double their efforts. For example, Ilia would shock and launch one in the air, and Either May or Emerald would be the one to shoot it. Neo would use her Umbrella as a Shield and Papyrus would do a group attack with her.

"Abyssal Calvary!"

Neo and Papyrus use their swords to cut and slash through any Grimm that dare get dangerously close to anyone of their friends in their group. Unfortunately, it would also tire them out. So they had to use little energy to keep on fighting.

This is possibly one of their toughest fights yet, and one that they will not forget for the time being.

Papyrus: "This is insane. Why are there this much?"

Neo: I don't know.

4 miniature Gaster Blasters than shot them in a number of places. One went down, the other went left. One went right. The last went down. An Abyss Chain came out of nowhere and went through a large number of them. The Grimm screeched as they became stone statues. The Abyss Chain has a purifying effect on those related to evil, such as the Grimm, as they are the embodiment of such.

Sans and Amber are fighting a giant Grimm Bat creature. Amber tries to use fire out of her palms. It didn't work, as the Grimm had dodged the attack. Sans tries to use Abyss Shards to put holes in its wings. It maneuvered out of the way. The Grimm was a quick one. Sans and Amber than decide to try and attack at the same time.

"Amber, should we use our team attack?"

"Yes, we should."

Amber lowers her arm and clenched it into a fist, which summoned leaves from the ground below them and the group fighting the Grimm. She raised her arm and the leaves froze. Sans raised his arm and his left eye became blue. Abyss Shards than began to form behind him.

Ruby P.O.V

That person...the one with the wings...why does he feel so...familiar? Is that who I think it is? Is brother...Sans?

3rd person view


Both Sans and Amber shouted out, as their frozen leaves and Abyss Shards shot at the Grimm. The plan worked. It had cut the wings of the Grimm to pieces. As a finisher, Sans used an Abyss Chain to petrify it into stone and shattered it to pieces.

The team under them had did just as good. There are many corpses of Grimm lying around by the assault of the team. They both were exhausted by the fight, but were otherwise okay. This was also that's to Tifra's semblance, Primal Fear. She can change the appearance of her face and send out a shockwave of 'Fear' energy to scare a large amount away, only for them to get baited to fall into a cliff.

After they went back, they took a long break for a total of a half an hour, before their team announcement. Obviously, they were not expecting for this much Grimm. Sans and Amber, however, had a better idea at hand. Salem had tried to get the group killed and try to take Sans and Amber for their powers. However, they had been immensely powerful to start with, and will not allow Salem to do this.

"Why would Salem launch an attack right in the Initiation? You don't think that it was much of a vulnerable place, do you?"

Sans thought for a bit...than spoke out the answer.

"No...Salem would have sent an endless amount to us and my group, expecting for us to come down and be taken. No, it was merely to bait us, should our friends be put into a disadvantage, and we'd go down their to help them. We were just lucky to defeat that amount of Grimm in due time."

Amber nodded in understanding what Salem was planning and what Sans had suspected it to actually be, more than the appearance had shown to the both of them. the announcement...

May, Emerald, Ilia, and Trifa are on stage, than Sans, Papyrus, Amber, And Neopolitan will come next. Ozpin than made his speech to the group and the audience.

"May Zedong, Ilia Amiltola, Emerald Sustrai, and Trifia Kokyangwuti. Both your groups had gotten a Knight and a Queen piece. For this, you will be known as Team MIET (Might) led by...May Zedong!

The Emblems for Team MEIT

Everyone in the audience clapped their hands, as May looked embarrassed, but happy at the same time. Than it was Sans's turn, along with his brother and his other friends. While all three had their hands behind their backs, Sans had his hands in his pockets.

The Emblems for Team SPAN

Sans, Papyrus, Amber, and Neopolitan. Both your group had gotten this mysterious orb and a King Piece. For that, your group will remain as Team SPAN, led by Sans Ro-"

" is Sans Gaster if you are dumb enough to remember."

"Right...right, sorry. Sans Gaster. Sans, do you mind if you take off your hood?"

Sans grunted, but knew that he won't move on until he gets his good off. So he took if off for everyone to see. Everyone clapped their hands, but 2 people gasped. Sans knew who it is, and is immensely enraged.

Sans went off stage. He got his keys to his dorm, with May and her group entering it. Before emerald could enter...


Sans and the others turned to see Ruby and Yang going after them. Yang was about to grab Sans' hood, but Amber used her staff and hit Yang in the stomach.


Yang got hit hard in the gut, and Sans use telekinesis to push Ruby away. Weiss and Blake saw what happened and got angry with Sans. Along with team JNPR, who followed them

"Ruby, Yang! Sans, why did you push away your sisters?! They looked everywhere for you!"

"These people are not my sisters, not after all the pain they put me through."

This confused them.

"Pain, What are you talking about?"

Weiss spoke. Sans answers by lifting his shirt and showing them the scars. It was many cuts, bruises, and bullet shot wounds. WB and JNPR, who are hidden, we're shocked at what they are seeing in front of them.

"Wh-What happened?"

"Ruby, Yang, and their Gods Damned family is what happened. They outright torture and abuse me every single day. I was their slave, their target shot, their punching bag, their stress reliever. It continued until they shot me in the eye, than I gave them a piece of my wrath. And every day, I would even have nightmares about it, everynight."

Everyone was shocked, but Ruby was still crying.

"P-Please, Sans. I swear. I didn't mean to do it. I want us to be family agai-"

Sans didn't want to hear her say that and tried kicked her in the gut. But Neo was the one who did it, and had sent her back a couple feet away, while it didn't knock her unconscious, it did make her cough and her to shake in fear of the team.

"Thanks, Neopolitan. I will not and never be family with you or your sister ever again. I will not forgive you for what you have done. All the scars and agony you had put me through, it made me realize my hatred to you. If I wasn't at beacon because of you, your family, and Ozpin interfering my life completely..."

He than uses his black eyed and spoke this in an emotionless tone.

"I'd rather see you burn in Hell."

He than turns and him and his team closes the door, letting Ruby wail in sadness for what she had heard his brother say.

Sans sighed, as he couldn't believe that Ruby has the nerve to come to him like that. Sans than felt hands on his own. He turned to see both Neopolitan and Amber holding them I comfort, and papyrus putting his hand over Sans' shoulder.

Amber: don't worry, sans. We will help you get through with this.

Neo: we are with you, every step next to you, every way.

Papyrus: "if those people ever try to hurt you again, you can count on us to make them stop for good."

Sans smiles. He realized...his friends, his new family, will always keep accompanying him. They don't care how difficult it is. They care immensely for his safety. A knock on his door, and Papyrus went to the door. Trifa was in front of them, with her arms crossed.

"Is there something I can help you with?"

"Do you mind if I talk to your brother, sans? I need to ask him something important."

Papyrus doesn't know for sure, but sans knew it had to do with the Faunus as a whole.

"Fine. In private, or publicly?"


Sans got up and went out the door, but not before looking at the hallway to see that they are gone. He and Trifa walked outside and onto the bench.

"So, What is it that you want to talk to me about, Trifa?"

"I want to know...why do you accept Faunus as a part of your friends."

Sans thought of it for a bit...before finally speaking his answer.

"I know...I know that Faunus' aren't human. But to me...they are still people. True, you may have characteristics of animals, but you are still beings with Dreams, Future, Will. I don't care what other people say about it...or that they think it is so stupid. To Faunus' deserved more than the treatment you had. In fact, the only types of Faunus that I hate...are the ones that kill people for their own sadistic pleasure, and the ones that like to spread chaos and anarchy for their amusement."

Trifa looked at him surprised...but than smiled as she was grateful he is way more accepting to Faunus. Plus, she had something to give to him.

"Than let me give you something to see."

"And What is-"

Webbing was hit on his chest, and he was pulled to Trifa in a mouth to mouth. This completely surprised sans, but he went along with it. After a couple of minutes, they separated and have their eyes locked with one another.

Trifa: "Let's go back...shall we?"

Sans: "Yeah...the others might be worried that something bad has happen to the both of us."

Both Sans and Trifa held hands as they went back to the academy. This will be a feather interesting year the both of them

I was rather a bit confused as to why nobody had attempt to have a male love Trifa. Also, it is somewhat awkward, as I have somewhat a slight fear of any arachnid.
