Chapter 8 Brother With a Hint Of Disney villain

Chapter 8 ~ Brother With a Hint of Disney Villain

'What are you doing here?' I asked, as I lowered my voice; making sure Jessie wouldn't over hear me.

'What does it look like?' I rolled my eyes, and he flashed me a smug smile, showing off his pearly white teeth. Man, he has amazing teeth.

Amazing, stupid, jerky teeth.

'You know what I mean, you need to leave before Jessie-'

'Before Jessie what?' Jessie asked as he, makes his way out of the kitchen and towards the door. Panicking, I slammed the door in Brandon's face, which switched Jessie's 'what are you hiding' face. 'Why'd you do that for?'

Well Jessie there is a boy behind this door, remember the boy you said you never wanted me to talk to. I stayed over at his house, and Saturday morning he crawled into my bed... Shirtless. And he also kind of walked in on me taking a shower. And cue the applause!

But I don't think I should answer with that.

'No reason,' I said trying to act casually 'Mmmmh, that smells nice what you cooking?' I asked trying to change the subject.

'Chilli with cream, chive crushed potatoes. And for dessert-' I was finally getting Jessie to forget that Brandon was at the door, till the douche-bag said 'So you, still there?'

'Dylan,' He said, with a serious tone 'Why don't you open the door?'

'Why don't we not open the door. You see what I did there?' Taylor this is no time for joking around.

'Fine, if your not going to, I am.'

'No, wait!.'

'Move!' Jessie pushed me aside and opened the door.

'Hey why'd you shut the door in my.....Oh... well this is awkward....' Brandon said. Jessie stood staring at Brandon, as if he was something to eat. While Brandon stared at Jessie, with complete, and utter fear.

Well to be honest, it is Jessie Lee Taylor

'Brandon? Isn't it.' He said with a hint of, evil Disney villain.

'' Brandon responded with.

'You know my sister?'

'Yeah, we have technology together and we are supposed to do a project about one another.' This time, he didn't stutter. But you could still see the fear in his eyes.

Well this isn't awkward......................*This is Sarcasm, note it*

'Um Brandon was just leaving.' I finally spoke, breaking the silence.

'He is?'

'I am?' They both asked at the same time,

'Yeah, what about poor Charlie She'll be all alone.' I said looking directly towards Brandon. Dumb-ass should have just taken then hint, but instead he decided to say that, their nanny would was taking care off Charlie. Which triggered Jessie asking a question that I was trying to avoid from the start. 'So Brandon, why don't you join us for dinner? I would love to get to know who Dylan's technology partner is.' Jessie asked, ushering him into our home.

'Thank you.' Brandon responded with. I knew this was going to end up bad, some way, some how.

'You have a lovely home.' Brandon said he took a seat on our sofa.

'Really? Not too small?' Jessie asked 'I mean your family are really rich and you live in a mansion of a house.' I shot Jessie a 'Don't be rude' glare. But he just ignored it, and continued questioning him. I almost felt sorry for Brandon. Don't be he got himself in this mess, he could've went along, when you said Charlie was at home all alone.True, my conscious did have a point.

'So, Brandon,' Jessie further continued to torture, the poor soul 'Any plans for the future?' I was soon aware of their conversation, and decided to pay attention.

'No, not really. I mean I've always been interested in my mother's work, and I do love business and sale marketing and stuff like that. So I think I look more into that.' Good answer I mentally thought to myself.

Jessie was interrogating, Brandon for a while and it was interesting seeing Brandon, get all hot and bothered. I am cruel. It was hilarious watching as he stuttered to most of his questions. The way he took sips, of his glass of water (Jessie offered it to him) and nervously put it back down. The fear in his eyes when Jessie asked him questions with his 'Intentions with me'. It was all to much. But I loved every moment.

'Why don't we go eat?' Jessie suggested.

'Wow look at the time, I really must be getting back.' Brandon lied, as he tried to escape this house of horrors. I'm I wouldn't exactly blame him, Jessie can be really scary at times. But still he roped himself into this.

'Non- sense, please I insist. Come dine with us.'

'O..k.' Brandon stuttered nervously.

I help set the table as, Jessie got the food. It was sure as hell awkward. Me and Brandon were opposite each other, while Jessie was at the top. He eyed Brandon, with great curiosity. As if he was waiting for him to just slip up and laugh at him. With that evil grin, he hides for special occasions. Like this one.

'What are your intentions, with my sister?' Jessie asked, out of the blue. I nearly choked, on water.

Brandon raised an eyebrow. 'Meaning?'

'What do you, want with my sister?'

'I told you, that we have a pro-'

'The truth. I know, boys like you. I was a boy like you. Don't mess with my sister.' Jessie wore cold eyes, and narrowed his eyebrows. His hands clenching into a fist, hand his knuckles turning white.

I thought Brandon would be completely, petrified and gobsmacked (British term) but instead, he had acted as if Jessie said nothing.

It was silent.....

Then finally Brandon spoke up. 'With all due respect, I don't appreciate, you accusing me of doing anything with your sister.' They had a good stare down, before Brandon once again, injected the silence. 'I should be leaving, I've over stayed my welcome.'

And with that, I walked him to the door and we said our goodbyes.

As I turned back to head into the kitchen., Jessie was already giving me a lecture.

'I don't like him, and he's not good for you. I forbid you to date him.' he told me 'Do you understand?'

'Yes, I don't like, like him anyway he's too full of himself. But you did, cross the line.' Jessie dropped his head 'I'm not hungry, I'm going up to my room.' And with that we parted ways.

You don't have to like someone, to feel sorry for someone.....


xωolf out
