Chapter 4 Dude put your clothes on

Chapter 4 ~ Dude put your clothes on

Morning approached, later than I expected. I woke with a pounding head, in a bed and house: that wasn't mine. What happened? I'll tell, you that jerk-face, Brandon saved you, when you fell into his trunk drunk.Aah yes.

Curse Hangovers!

I didn't bother sit up for the first 5 minutes, but then I realized I wasn't alone. I suddenly sat up, and noticed someone was in the bed with me. With one swift move, I pulled the cover away from the imposter's face to find it was..... Charlie. She'd become quite fond of me.

I didn't dare disturb her, she looked to adorable. I took a picture of the little angel, sleeping: and put it as my background (Why does saying this out loud, make it sound weird?)

'HEY! HAVE YOU SEEN CHARLIE?' panting, Brandon barged into my room (well the room I was sleeping in) with only a pair of boxers on, I felt very uncomfortable with this situation. But I could so, get used to waking up every day to this.

'Morning too you too (!)' I said in a sarcastic tone. 'What the hell is wrong with you, you pervert. I could have been changing.'

'Pervert eh? You're the one who hasn't taken your eyes off my chest, since I came in.' OH, he was good. Even though, I have said this plenty amount of times before, Brandon is one hell of a SEXYjerk. But for obvious reasons, I'd never tell him that (just boost is, already enormous ego)

'What did you want?' I said bitterly, as I slumped back down into to covers. Brandon made his way over to me, (Yes, still only in boxers emphasize on the word only) and into my covers. My face turned a bright shade of crimson. What was wrong with him? He could see we were both practically naked, right?

'Charles? Charlie?' Charlie slowly, started to come back to the world of the living. She sleeps like a rock. She hadn't even flinched when we were arguing, from across the room. 'Morning Dylan. Brandy (Yawn) what are you doing here? You weren't invited to the sleep over.' I wasn't even aware we were having a sleep over.

'Charlie, what are you doing in Dylan's room?'

'I wan't to play some more, but when I came into the room she was asleep. So I decided to join her.' How sweet 'OK, my little munchkin, how about you go brush your teeth, and I'll make you chocolate chip pancakes.' Didn't have to tell her twice. She was out the bed before he had finished the sentence.

I wish she hadn't have left, because now it was just me and a bed....again practically naked.

'Soo, sleep well?' He asked me

'You couldn't have waited, till I was out the bed to ask me that?'

'Why?,' he asked in sarcastic tone 'Am I making you feel uncomfortable?'

'Nope.' I lied. I thought he would go away once I tips him that, but he didn't. In fact he made it a whole lot awkward then it already was.

He gracefully, places an arm on across my stomach and moved in closer to my face. Before I have time to react, he had once again made a swift move. This time, placing his shirtless chest onto my very, at the moment, vulnerable body.

'What about now? Does this make you uncountable?

'Not in the least.' I must say, I am an amazing liar.

'OK.' He said. The next thing he done really pushed me over the limit. He laid his head onto my neck, and kissed it. Over and over again. Gently without me realizing, he placed, his soft hands on my thighs, and swayed up to my torso.

'OK! Now, I'm uncomfortable.' he gave me a very smug smile.

'Finally got there in the end didn't we?' He said while, he sat up next to me.

'Hey, Brandon I got to go, for this meeting for a few days, but I'll be back. OH and Trevor is- Who is she?' We immediately looked at the door. Where a woman, in her early thi looked at us curiously.

'Morning mum, this is Dylan,' I waved. She smiled back 'She felt sick and I took her home.'

'O.....K. Any way, if you are going to do it, make sure you use protection.' She winked at us. Brandon turned scarlet. 'Mum! Not cool. We're just friends.'

'If your 'just friends' why are you shirtless in her bed?' She asked in a cocky tone. Now I now where, that charm comes from 'Like I was saying Trevor's down stairs, Dylan..? Is it?' I nodded 'I'll lay you out some clean clothes, help yourself to some breakfast. And Brandon,'

'Yes mum, who feels the need to embarrass me in font of people I know.'

'Get out her bed, let her sleep and go check on Trevor. Poor boy s' been there for nearly 10 minutes.'And with that she left. Leaving me and Brandon alone again.

'I'm sorry 'bout that. My mother is very... well you know.'

'Now, I know where you get all this 'charm' from.' He just smirked at me and hoped off my bed. And I couldn't help but notice his awesome butt.

Finally Just you and me.Tell me about it brain


After about another half hour of sleep, I decided to get up. I found my way to the bathroom within this, maze of a house, and brushed my teeth. (Call me a loser if you like I carry around with me, my tooth brush)

I made my way downstairs, still only in the pair of shorts and 'Me, you, bed, now' t-shirt that Brandon had gave me. As I came towards the kitchen I caught the attention of Brandon, Charlie and Trevor. They were like meerkats, as soon as I walked in head up.

'Whoa, Ace, my man you snagged a hottie and she's wearing your clothes. You give her the 'D'?

'Dude, no,' he chuckled 'And watch it, Charlie.' We all looked at her and she looked up from her chocolate chip pancakes. 'Ace come on, little Charles here is in her own world. Aren't you Charlie?' he cooed 'You see? Anyway back to my question. Why did a girl just come from your upstairs bedrooms? And are there any more?' he asked, as he observed me.

'This is, Dylan. She's in our class.'

'Is she new?'

'She's been here for four years.' He stared at me in confusion 'Dylan Lee Taylor & Jessie Lee Taylor.' he suddenly looked very scared. 'Dylan..Lee Taylor? Jessie Lee Taylor's Little sister? The legendary, Jessie Lee Taylor's sister? I've heard stories about the both of you.'


I sat down on an empty seat next to Charlie whilst Brandon got me some breakfast.


Xωolf out
