Author's Note2

Previously on *Dramatic pause* You're Not So bad, Bad Boy

Dylan Lee Taylor, moody and quite sarcastic. Its her final year at McKenzie High. She lives with her brother. Since her mother died a few years back. Because of all this mayhem and craziness, her father lost it. Committed a few crimes and went to prison because of it. Both siblings have never forgiven for 'leaving' and have vowed to stick together.

Jessie Lee Taylor, Dylan's older brother. Who everyone fears, because of his, past High school reputation. Jessie is getting married to Cecelia Samantha "Sam" At first Dylan didn't like Sam, now she does. Jessie proposed on New year. That's when Dylan found out, Bailey Miller her nemesis captain of the cheerleaders team girlfriend to star quarterback Jayson Davies, was Sam's sister

"What?!" You say, yeah I know.

Now Brandon Acetone. Most refer to him as Ace. Bad boy apparently..ooh bet you didn't see that coming. He lives with his mother a little sister. His Best friend is Trevor. He loves to visit Bae. (Bianca Angness Ethans) Who lives in the home for old people (hint, hint she's old) Brandon found out Bae has cancer, but she says it's all clear. Now, what type of bad boy story would this be, if the 2 main characters didn't date, and if the bad boy didn't have a secret.. which you are trying to find out.

Moving on swiftly, to Lacey Jackson. Dylan's best friend LAcey. She herself had a secret. Instead of state, she and Dylan planned to go she was accepted into Harvard, with Stephanie Clark "Stevie" a fellow student. Furious for being the last one to find out, Dylan retaliates by not talking to her. But Lacey wins her over by getting matching best friend tattoos.

"Yaaay!" you have to shout now.

But...Dylan gets scholarship into Auburn, which is like a 21st century school, with a great reputation. Yet says she needs to "Think about it" Will she decline their offer; if so why?

New girl Chelsea Skyes, looks like she's in to cause trouble.

But let's talk about the party man himself, Kendall park. Dylan more or less has a new found friendship, but senses tension between Kendall and Brandon. And what does Kendall know about Brandon that, Dylan doesn't? Will there be love, war, hate, hijinx? Stay tuned to find out!

Thanks for reading this, it was inspired by @ZatannaCarrile and her comment, just incase any of you lost the plot don't worry, when I've completed the book I'll go back and rewrite half of it. It's just you're all reading it as I go along. But hey, Rome wasn't built in a day.

And the ratio, votes per chapter or just in general make me cry (〒︿〒) please vote, up to 5k please it's a stretch but, 1.5kv:69kr looks ( ^ω^)

Xωolf out
